
Grandpa is Feeling Anxious

Dave Arevalo looked at his grandson then at his soon-to-be granddaughter-in-law. He nodded and looked at his wife who was scooping some fried rice into his plate.

Last night in his study, John Paul called his grandpa from Central City. Ever since John Paul knew about his daughter with Ysabel, he transfered his office at his VIP suite in their hotel at Central City. He made time to be close with his daughter and visit General Lee in his military compound. Unfortunately, the general was not so keen on his relationship with his daughter so he demanded that they can only be together after legal papers were done.

Using the connection of General Lee, the legal processess went smooth for Ysabel. The only thing she did not do was to consult her father Greg about it. This must be a total shock for her father Greg if she was to go home alone and inform him just like that.

Of course, being a father, Barton Lee understood how Greg would feel and that's why he needed to go with his daughter to talk about it and explain everything. The only hope he had was that the Greg Law he knew before still maintained his broad-mindedness and good rationality. He was sure a tough man, but his principles and rationality were never compromising.


Dave scrunched his eyebrows upon hearing John Paul's beaming excitement on the other line. He was informing his grandfather that the adoption process was complete and that Ysabel Law is now Ysabel Lee. Since Ysabel had been busy with her daughter and her job as a personal nurse to her father, she did not find time to go home and inform her father Greg yet. Having found this chance on Christmas break, they planned to go home on the December 31st. General Lee insisted on coming together to meet the "father" of his daughter. That would mean, they will spend the New Year in the Northern mountains! John Paul informed his grandfather that he also needed to go with them since he needed to explain his relationship with Ysabel specially that they already have a daughter.

Dave was anxious about this. How will Greg take all these things? His old friend's two daughters getting married to his grandsons? His adopted daughter whom he took as his very own now changed her identity as other man's daughter, without even consulting him? This is funny and exciting for him but it might be too much a shock for his old friend Greg.


Seeing this young lady infront of him now, he nodded and slowly picked up his fork and spoon.

"Dear child, how much do you love my grandson?" Dave slowly spoke after he swallowed his first scoop of food.

Fem was caught aback. She didn't expect such question from anyone. How much? How much do I love him indeed? That was just a how much question, why is it hard to answer?! She berated herself inwardly as she lowered her gaze to her plate.

Fem raised her head and paused her chewing...then swallowed hard before opening her mouth.

" Grandpa, I .. I mean... We're still getting to know each other but I'm loving him each day. And of course, even during our first meeting, I knew I could respect him. That was the first thing I saw in him." Fem said, not exactly knowing whether she was answering the old man's question or not.

Dave nodded with an "hmmmm" sound. He looked at his grandson who was now wiping his mouth with table napkin. His eyes shot a meaningful look at his grandson.

"Mark, your brother called last night. He's going with them to the north on the 31st." Dave said concealing his anxious expression.

Mark nodded. "I'll give him a call later on grandpa." He said then turned to look at his bride to be. He had a sudden worry surging from within his being.

Fem wondered what might that call be. She knew Mark has an elder brother but it didn't occur to her to ask about something she wasn't concerned to.

After breakfast, the two pair of couples went out in separate ways. Mark drove his Black Ferrari to the bridal shop while Dave and Ivee on their Porche to the headquarters.

Lady Mary recognized Fem even when the were far away from the entrance of her shop. Her wide circular eyes blinked several times as the couple approached. The tall stoic military postured man's hand was on Fem's slim shoulder as they walked past the isle of shops.

Fem saw her former lady boss stood in front of her shop seemingly in daze. A little boy. came out from inside and hugged her leg then circled around withdrawing the lady's attention from them to her son.

"I knew it Fem! You had an excellent catch!" Mary winked her big round eyes as she smiled to them from ear to ear.

"Haha, did I? Or was it him who caught me?" Fem laughed ignoring Mark who stood like a security guard in the middle of the shop.

"The purple set are in the box. They're clean. You can try it on Fem. I didn't display them yet because it's exclusively for you. I can display it after you return them." Mary's said admiring Fem's tall and slender curvy body. She on the other hand became chubby after she gave birth. She looked shorter now than when she was pregnant due to her chubbiness.

"How much did you say is my discount?" Fem reminded their deal. "Did you say it's 50% off for me?" She teased.

"Don't suck me, you're already rich! Why do you even bother to ask for a discount from a mere shopkeeper.!?" Mary snapped.

"You don't like me promoting your gowns? You can display me as your model for free right? So we can use your gowns for free. After all, we're not bad looking couple." Fem continued to joke with Mary at the same time, giving her an idea.

"Seriously? Are you willing to do me that favor? Really?" Mary's shook Fems arms like she was waking her up from a trance.

"Why not? Let's try, but you have to send your own official photographer as well. That must be included in the package." Fem tried to open the big box of gowns at the far corner.

The gowns were all ready but Mary had to get Mark's measurements for his suit and pants.

"This should be ready by New Year. When is your big day by the way?" Mary asked.

"7th. Everything has to be ready on the 5th. It will be on top of the mountain. Dont send a weak kneed photographer." Fem said as she took out the long silky white dress from the box. A strapless white silk dress with purple accents flowed down from the its slim waist down to the widespread of the hem.

"Hmmmmm... do you want me to try it on now my dear? haha! " Fem felt nervous and excited at the same time.

"It should just fit for you hun, but I want to surprise myself." Mark suppressed his desire to make flirtatious comments. If they were alone, he could have drooled like a lovestruck puppy over his own woman.

After checking everything about the package service, the two drove to a subdivision where Mark's godfather place is. On their way, Fem called Stanley to remind him of his part in the wedding.

Stanley received the call after three rings. His heart skipped a beat but immediately became a little sad. "Fem, I'm saving my golden voice for you!" He said knowing the purpose of the call.

"Beautiful In White? Does your voice sound good in that song?" Fem's voice sounded thoughful yet full of expectation

"What do you think? You want to hear me sing for you right now?" Stanley was actually in the middle of studying a blue print of a 52-storey building project.

"Tsk! Save it Stan! I have faith in you and I know you don't have a guitar with you!" Fem said cheerfully. Then she remembered Annie. " By the way, you can actually have a duet with Annie, right? She sings well too? Have you noticed it before?"

"What? My dear, are you even thinking? She will destroy the mood, promise! You dare not try pair us up!" Stanley said bluntly.

"Ha ha ha! Oh my! Stan! Why do you always seem to have an ear allergy when it come to her? Hahaha!" Fem was laughing her heart out as she held the phone on a speaker mode.

Mark saw his woman's countenance while on the phone. His eyes narrowed and his grip in the steering wheel tightened. His heart was a bit uneasy. He reached out his arm to hold hers intertwining their fingers as his other arms remained on the wheel. He raised their hand to his lips and kissed her ring finger gently before he rubbed it with his thumb.

"Babe, we're here." Mark stopped the car in front of a huge two storey house which was sorrounded by concrete blocks, flowering vines creeping harmoniously upwards. Fem bid goodbye to Stanley as she got out of the car.

Mark pressed the door bell on gate. A moment later, they were greeted by a cheerful middle aged lady wearing eyeglasses.

"Is that you Mark? Whoooaaawwww!!! " She said as she excitedly hugged Mark. Mark laughed as he patted the woman's back while saying, "Long time no see aunty. I missed you!" then broke the hug.

"Aunty, this is Fem, my bride. Fem, this is Aunty Maui, my godmother. They're one of our sponsors." Mark said gently tightening his fingers with hers.

"Hello Aunty. Nice to meet you!" Fem said bowing slightly to show respect.

"Hi Fem, you're so pretty! You really look good together! What a perfect sight! Come on in! Your uncle godfather is waiting for you." Maui pulled Fem inside excitedly while Mark followed close behind.


In the army headquarters, Dave made a reservation of seven army choppers and ten armored cars which will be transporting the guests to and from Northern Province. They will be all housed in the Brent's Hotel at the foot of Mt. Sleeping Beauty. Brent's Hotel, although owned by the Arevalos was named Brents so as to promote the construction company's name. The Arevalos were much more well known in the line of military and transportation services.

After making all those arrangements, Dave called one of his men to drive 10 kilometers north outside the city. While on the way, he dialled his old comrades phone number which he has not dialled for long.

"Bart, how is it going at your end? Its been a long time since" Dave began.

"Sir Dave, it's you! I can still hear you're alive." General Lee came right with his wit.

" Talking about life. Ha! What's your plan about your newly found daughter?" Dave went straight to the point.

"Well, I can keep the mother and her baby. Not much with the baby's father." Barton smirked at his end.

"How do you deal with Greg then. You've snatched away the daughter he raised with his sweat and blood. That doesn't sound so good, huh?" Dave said.

"I'll make a trip up there with Ysabel and her baby. Your grandson wanted to come. I suppose that will set things straight no matter how complicated things may seem." General Lee had a very strong determination. Even though he is on a wheel chair, he didn't limit his plan with physical condition.

"There's on more thing you need to consider when you go there Bart. Besides this rascal John Paul, his younger brother's bride is the 7th daughter of Greg. So that makes your problem more complicated. I'm worried Greg might not take this all in one go." Dave informed Barton.

"Whaaat! Why of all people? What's happening in this world? Could he not find someone else?" Barton was shocked.

"I don't want to back down on the plan, it will all be depending on how you'll convince that cowboy. You know how he treasures his family over anything. I hope you can settle things with him. He has already given his blessing to Mark. I don't know for Paul." Dave's tone was serious.

" Well then, that will give me enough reasons to fly to his place. It has been almost three decades then. Hope he has grown more wise and gentle." Barton said.

"He has, Bart. He has. I was surprised to see his beautiful daughter. She's sweet and smart. Thanks to him." Dave said then they ended their call.

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