
Good Work-Vibe Kiss

"By the way sweetheart, how's your work doing?" He asked seriously.

"Are you asking about how my work is doing to me or how I am doing with my work? She raised her brows and smiled cheekily.

"Both." He said nodded.

"Hmmm...everything's going smooth so far except that I can't seem to figure out how the previous manager drove the company to near bankruptcy by mere miscellaneous expenses and salary advances. It doesn't seem to be probable. I did auditing these past few months before taking over. Until now, I couldn't understand. Maybe I haven't exhausted the files yet." She said nonchalantly.

"Did the former manager warn you of any anomalous collectors?" He asked.

"Hmmm? Who? What's that?" She stopped chewing.

" Anonymous collectors call that grease. Ever heard of the term?" he continued to probe.

"Oh! I haven't heard of it yet. But I received couple of anonymous callers a week ago. They were reminding me to prepare for the collection at the end of this month and early next year. I was thinking they might have been previous transactions made by boss Percy. " Fem said.

"Two callers, are they the same? " Mark was suspicious that the leftists were also targeting other companies.

"I think they're different. One said the deadline is before the end of the month while the other one said after new year. Their calling numbers were however unregistered in the caller ID so I can't call them back." Fem told Mark to which he nodded.

"How much are they asking" He probed.

"I don't know but according to the figures missing, it's more or less three million...I don't know how much for each of them." She said.

" Sweetheart, please be careful with whom you're transacting with. This city is infested with different kinds of under the table transactions. It's better to ask your predecessor if you feel uncertain about anything. Let me also know if you're doing some work related matters outside your office." He said softly.

"Hmmmm.... is it really that necessary? " Fem is simple and idealistic. For her, everything will be fine as long as she's honest and does the right thing.

"You'll find it necessary especially if they see your company doing well. Right now, I'm just confirming if this matter has reached your company's concern. It seems you've long been a target of them." He said still in a soft voice. He was cautious that others might hear him. It's good that their table is far from the counter and from everyone else. Although there were no much people since it was quite early in the morning.

"The funny thing I found out was that boss Percy might have distributed the amount into each expense making them ridiculous. Imagine almost every month spending a staggering five million in maintenance alone. Cash advances was uncontrolled but I found out that the sum of them all far exceed the actual figure of the signed advance slips. When I came, the figure of maintenance was cut into just more than two million and I got to save a net of few good millions which he said is a record breaking. He will save that for the company in 6-8 months. He was impressed but I wasn't. I didn't find it hard to do the job. In the end, he asked the Wang's to hire me as his substitute while he tends to his pregnant wife." Fem narrated.

"Haha! You did that? It must have been a slap on his face! Anyway, it must have been due to this anomalies that your company incurred almost bankruptcy. Maybe not solely because of it but somehow, they also suck a huge amount of money from the people." He said.

The two continued eating as they formed a plan to pin down the big man and his like. Mark just wanted a glaring evidence to pin down Mayor Buk of his extortion and bribery cases besides his alleged involvement in drug dealing. Mark needs people to testify against this city mayor. Thus, he wants to catch the accomplices.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I have men doing the surveillance all around the city. Just tell me if you're ready to give the money, we will just mark it as evidence. We will be behind, I personally will be there. We'll not disclose this operation to the media to protect public image of the companies involved." He saw she was fearful yet willing to cooperate with this law enforcer in front of her.

She nodded. Her expression was frightened.

"Good girl!" He said as he ruffled her bouncy shoulder length hair. " Shall we go now? " He looked at her with so much adoration unwilling to stand up from his seat.

"Yeah, I'll be visiting the port and the warehouse today but I need to pick up someone from the office to accompany me." She said wiping her mouth with the table napkin.

"Is it a he or a she?" He stood up and went to her side to assist her like a real gentleman. He picked up her shoulder bag.

"I need a he. They're more reliable you know." Fem smiled.


They strode towards the exit side by side like he was escorting a very emportant personality. Clearly, work was work; date is date. That is as far as the public sees him in this uniform but no one could spell what he might do once they're alone together. This moment and place, he is here with her to protect her as a law enforcer and not as a lovestruck puppy.

He drove to her office about ten minutes away. She alighted from the car after Mark reminded her to take care and give a call or text whenever possible. However, Mark changed his mind and quickly got down from the car upon seeing his woman's figure graciously head towards the glass door entrance. He followed her as she strode towards the entrance. The guard was surprised to see this fully uniformed police officer following his lady manager.

Fem turned back to see Mark hurriedly catching up with her. "Anything else sir?" She smiled widening her lazy eyes.

"I just want to see your office madame." He smiled. In his pocket, he was holding a pinhole camera that is connected to his cellphone. He wanted to do this for her woman's protection knowing that she is young and very attractive and easy going. Being a man, he knows what traits a woman have that turns on most men. And his woman almost have all those traits. She was just oblivious about it.

"Good morning Jonathan, this is Major Arevalo. You probably have heard about him." Fem greeted the guard as they entered the building. The guard greeted the two back as he bowed and smiled shyly.

When the two entered Fem's office at the second floor of the building. Mark approached her desk and saw a small flower vase that held a beautiful little bonsai plant. He stuck the pin on the trunk of the plant when Fem turned around to gulp some water.

"You're surveying my office as if I'm a suspect of whatever case." She turned her head and glared at him.

He coughed softly covering his mouth with his huge knuckle. He approached her from behind and bowed his head to the level of her ears. He said, "Darling, you're so beautiful. It's hard for me to leave such a beauty here alone." His voice was warm and seductive.

"Mark, stop this nonsense! We have loads of work waiting!." She turned around but her hair brushed on his cheeks which were still aligned with her ears. Their cheeks almost bumping opposite sides.

He held her waist from behind with both of his arms. "Fem" He whispered burying his face on the crook of her neck. His hand caught both her arms and locked them to her tummy as well.

"Mark!" Fem tilted her head to lean on his bent figure arching her self backwards. "Let go, this is not the end of the world." she whispered a bit loudly.

Mark chuckled hearing her words again. She never seem to run out of humorous things to say regardless of the mood.

He brushed his lips on her neck. His tall pointed nose tickled her there. "It better not be because we need a lot of time to make out, my darling. " He said then pulled her to face her desk. He called her attention to the bonsai plant on it. "I'm particularly jealous of this plant sweetheart. You face it everyday, water it everyday and admiring it even you're busy at work. I wish I were this plant!" He said touching its trunk to secure what he had stuck there earlier.

"This is a gift from boss Percy. He said if I can make it grow to bear fruit, he will consider selling the franchise of this branch to me at half the price. " Fem acted to sit on her table. Her butt half seated on its edge, he knee was slightly bent touching Mark's abdomen while his left hand was on her waist.

Mark stared to her withdrawing his attention from the plant. His face became soft and gentle as he felt her half sitted position while she leaned on the table. His body was reacting to whatever he was thinking. There on the table was the beautiful love of his life in his arm wrapping around her!

"Fem, can I kiss you just once? " he whispered to her ear, his face almost buried to her neck again.

"Mark, you're too much! Can you not just wait until we get married?" She whispered back.

"I am your man, you're my woman. It's not too much to ask for a kiss, is it?" He said tilting her chin with his right hand fingers.

"My man is such a seductive cop. How un-gentleman of him." She touched the collar of his uniform and looked at his Adam's apple moving up and down. Before she could make any comment about what she was seeing, her lips were covered with his warm and smooth lips. Fem didn't know what to do so she just closed her eyes and embraced him back feeling his warm lips that was obviously not wanting to depart from hers yet. She breathed through her nose when she thought she almost ran out of air.

He reluctantly let go of her and kissed her forehead. "My Fem, please take care. I'll go now. And oh, don't forget to look at that plant if you miss me. Hmmmm?" He said as he brushed her soft lips with his thumb. He strode towards the door but turned his head when he was at the door and gave her a wink and a wicked smile as his lips uttered "I Love You" inaudibly.

Fem waved at him with a satisfied smile as she squinted her lazy loving eyes.

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