
Get it started ASAP

We headed to the study room with our grandparents after dinner. We reported everything that transpired during our meeting that day. Grandpa was clearly amused and pleased with our report. He laughed like he was being tickled.

"But that sounded like you schemed those folks with your looks. Don't you think so?" Grandpa cleared his throat after laughing. His face turned red from laughing.

"I had do it as the last resort. JM was already hopeless with their two conditions. Even the lawyers can't do anything. " My brother JP beamed in pride.

"Ha! As if you had no ulterior motive by that. " I smirked as I remembered our bantering on the road.

"Grandpa, what do you think? We have same taste with JM. Only he has lot of time gallivanting that's why he spotted her first. But I could have married that girl by this time if I was the first one to see her." My brother half smilingly said with all his attention to grandpa.

He started to annoy me again. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat as I turned to grandma who was at my right.

"Grandma, can you believe what Mr. Law actually whispered to me while everyone was not paying attention?" I grinned.

"Did you bribe him?" She raised her brows.

"He said I can continue to keep in touch with his daughter. Although he didn't want this somebody to hear it. Also, he didn't want his cousin to think that he is favoring me over his son." I happily informed grandma.

This time grandpa and my brother paused to listen. My brother smirked while grandpa chuckled.

"You seem to have gotten to his good side, Mark. Are you sure you did not promise anything ?" Grandpa interrupted.

"What could I possibly promise grandpa?. Probably he could see the good side in me as well. He is a man of principles after all. " I told back like a winner while side glancing my brother.

"Mark, don't be over confident. His daughter has a classmate too, you remember?" My brother came annoying again.

"That maybe the reason why Mr. Law is giving me the permission to keep in touch with her. He is just giving me the fair chance. Can't you tell?" I told him back, counter-acting his sarcasm.

"Hmmm... I heard you will be assigned to the Central City. How's that?" He asked.

"That's only 20% possibility. Five of us are being considered for that. In case, I can still come home atleast twice a month." I said as I recalled the latest notice in the office regarding that possible transfer of assignment. Though I admit I didn't give much thought about it.

"So, how soon is the development going to start?"Asked grandpa.

"It should be as soon as possible. In fact, the foreman and his men are already there. The architectural plan will be drafted this week but the main materials will be howled already. " My brother answered like a real CEO.

"It should be the campsite facilities first. The hotel can come later when the campsite is halfway done. " I suggested.

"No problem, we have enough time for both. We also have to wait for those men from other projects to finish theirs before we can pull them to this." My brother said.

"So my task of investigation is already done here bro. Just let me know if you have any problems with your prospect locations, I will find time." I said.

"So in case you will be transferred to the Central City, how will you do it?" My brother asked me again. Honestly, I did not want to be transferred but at any rate, I was preparing myself mentally.

"As if we don't have enough men to do that What are those bunch of lawyers doing? Let them do their work." I replied.

"There are some of my men who can do that as well but I don't want to lift a finger on your things. I'd rather see you solve your own problems. That's just a petty thing." Grandpa said.

"Grandpa, no worries. Its not a big problem. We can hire more if we see the need. Some.of our loyal employees can in fact do it." My brother said.


The next Monday in the headquarters, as I was going over the reports on various investigations, Tracy approached with a piece of paper in her hand. It was a notice of transfer to Central City. Apparently, two of us were recommended to be transferred and we were given two weeks to clear our post, prepare and turn over things that needed to be turned over. I didn't expect it to be this soon. Although as a military man, I know I needed to be prepared all the time. But this came heavy on my part, knowing I have to leave my love and the project I wanted to personally supervise.

Central City is 500 kilometers South of B City and is the busiest city as it is the capital city of P Country. It's very big city that can actually be divided into ten cities.

Feeling sad, I had no choice but to sign "Receiver" on the notice and hand it back to Tracy.

"Sir Mark, we will surey miss you!" Tracy said softly while I was signing the notice.

"I don't have a choice. I didn't ask for this." I said shaking my head.

"Agnes doesn't yet know about this. Surely she will be the saddest. She will miss you more. " She said again.

"Miss me more? What do you mean? Tracy, please stop your scheming together with them. There are a lot of our colleagues here, why don't you all check with them instead!" I said straight feeling annoyed.

"Honestly sir Mark, Agnes thinks you like her. She always talks about your night together during our camping. We also saw you kiss her during that night and we thought you liked her as well." Tracy said behind me but her voice sounded nervous.

"I already explained that to her. Don't she ever dare go and spread nonsense. I was drunk and she was not. I knew you had been trying to scheme your way to help her get my attention. Now, go to your work! This is not the proper place to entertain your nonsense!" I said as I turned my swivel chair to hand her the paper waving it to her as a gesture to leave. Her face turned dark, shook her head, said an apology then turned away.

I can't be bothered anymore that day as I was mentally in panic. Why do I need to be transferred ? For how long will I stay far away? I felt helpless. Nevertheless, I need to fulfill my oath as an officer.

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