
Fem is Angry! (1)

While the Law family were bantering over what the father Law had in mind, Mark was beaming with joy and anticipation while having his lunch alone. He almost forgot to pay his lunch when he left the restaurant. As he was about to step out, his phone rang from his pocket. The tone being specifically his favorite.

"Sweetheart, what's up?" he asked cheerfully.

"What did the two of you talk about, Mark? Why is the old man suddenly acting strange?" Fem fired. Her voice was rough but Mark nevertheless took it lightly.

"I'll tell you when we're together sweetheart. Your father sure knows me well. That's why I love his daughter! I can't wait to be his son-in-law!" Mark was ecstatic. He was still brimming with joy while walking back to the headquarters.

"Mark, I don't like what I'm feeling right now. Why do I seem to be a commodity at everyone's disposal? Don't I have the right to decide for my life? Is that what you call love?" Fem was furious. She was actually shaking in anger.

"Fem...." Mark was taken aback. He didn't consider that his woman would be angry upon figuring things out. Of course, she didn't even have the chance to be courted properly due to their circumstances and now because of their eagerness, she was being set aside. Mark felt so guilty realizing this.

"Sweetheart, I thought it's okay for you to marry me as soon as possible. Don't you like the idea? I have waited long enough. You love me too, don't you?" Mark's ecstatic voice turned mellow.

"So? Does that mean that you'll exclude me in the planning? You think I'm an idiot? You think I'm just a commodity, right?" Fem was still fuming with rage.

"Fem, please listen up.... That's not it... Please understand ....Your father want us to marry as soon as possible... my grandparents also called last night, they have exactly the same thinking. And I don't see the reason why we should delay our wedding. Have we not waited long enough, Fem?" Mark said controlling his breath as he spoke. He was anticipating whatever reaction he might hear from her.

However, he waited for some minutes and heard nothing from the other line.

"Fem... are you there? Are you alright? Please say something?" Mark gently said.

" Why do people around me always find it so unnecessary to consult me first before deciding for my sake? I don't understand you people. I hate myself! You can all do ad you want!" Fem shouted as she cried on the phone.

"Fem please listen to me, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just because our elders want to do this. And honestly, I really do want this also. I told you this even before in my letters, didn't I?" Mark's gentle voice continued.

"Don't talk to me anymore! Talk to whoever your elders are! And plan however and whatever you want! I'm out out of your plans! Goodbye!" Fem's crying didn't subside despite listening to Mark's voice. She switched off her phone and sat down on the grass for a long while.

She returned to the kitchen with a frown on her face. She passed by in front of her parents who were now sitting on the bench outside enjoying their coffee. She didn't want to talk to anybody. 'How dare they manage my life like I'm non-existent!' Fem scowled inwardly.

Greg didn't notice the change of the atmosphere after his daughter came back from calling Mark. He continued to order his children to prepare Christmas dinner for the elders who will be coming tonight. This time, he roasted one of his priced turkey. The rest of the preparations were done by his children.

It was indeed a Thanksgiving Party!

Evening came and five of the village elders came over with their wives and atleast two grandchildren each. They started feasting at six o'clock. Greg called Fem with them and let her sit beside in between him and his wife. Fem, although feeling disdainful, obeyed and put up a respectful stance infront of everyone.

One of the elders mentioned about his single son who was working abroad as machine operator. Another one mentioned his grandson who is managing his own small restaurant in the city, and still another mentioned his youngest son who has just finished his degree in business administration. They were all insinuating the same thing. Fem gave a wry smile but kept her mouth shut. She let her parents do the talking knowing that they already set up her wedding. What they don't know was that while they were busy talking, her mind was forming a plan to escape.

Greg just kept on telling stories about his life when he was raising his children and how people treated him with scorn and indignation. Life was indeed hard for him yet he maintained his principle and raised his big family well with integrity. The elders only went home at nine o'clock when their grandchildren all fell asleep in their laps.


Douglas and his wife together with their son Stanley arrived a little past nine o'clock in the morning. Stanley stood tall and mascular in his shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. He was wiping his sweat with a face towel when Fem emerged from the main house. She was wearing blue square pants and a long sleeve loose brown shirt. Her shoulder length hair was bouncy and made her face more gentle and charming despite her outfit.

She was met by Stanley's gentle eyes and wide smile while wiping his sweat. He was so shocked that his cousin grew more beautiful and fairer. She's the picture of an alluring model despite wearing those loose clothings.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to arrive this early. So sorry, I need to change first. Please sit down and have some water." Fem gestured to the pitcher of water and glasses in the center table in front of the benches as she retraced her steps back to the house. When she reemerged, she was on a faded blue straight cut jeans and red sweater.

After having refreshed and rested a bit, the six of them went to the living room in the main house to talk.

Stanley already know his fate. When he called Fem last Sunday, he was just giving it a try if by chance his cousin has considered her feelings for him. Even though he didn't admit, Fem treated him as a platonic friend much more than a cousin. She never saw any malice in his actions and advances. To her, it was pure kindness and concern of a close friend. He has been hoping that one day, she will realize that she is missing him more than anybody else. But by her sound last Sunday, she was pushing him away to find another girl to love. It was hard for him but the thought of Fem being happy made him happy as well. Besides, she is his cousin, so it's not like he will lose her for life.

Therefore, this talk today is meant to formally dissolve the marriage arrangement that their parents made. Their plan to work together on a project still remains though. The combination of their chosen course is just perfect! They will talk about this some other day.

Towards the ending of their talk, Greg announced to them the news that aroused the anger of his daughter. Fem boiled hot inside but she didn't want to be disrespectful of her visitors. She also didn't want Stanley to think that she doesn't like to get married to Mark. It was just that her father was deciding everything for her without even telling her.

"Papa, I will talk to Mark about this first. We need some time!" Fem's face was as red as her sweater. She was raging inside in anger. Stanley saw her expression and patted her back.

"It's okay Fem, you just picked the man you love. The setting is still the same." He whispered near her ear trying to calm her down a bit.

Fem pursed her lips to control herself from bursting out. So they've set the date already! How could they do this to me! She felt her breathing was becoming irregular as she controlled her anger.

After the trio had gone back home at three o'clock, Fem confronted her father without reservation.

"Papa, you've set the date for my wedding but didn't even ask me? What am to you? A pawn? Do you think you are almighty to rule everyone's life? You're not going to manipulate me all my life, my dear father! Look for me if you need someone to care for you when you get old, but don't decide everything for me like I'm an idiot!" With that, Fem stormed away from her parents presence with bitter tears welling down from her eyes.

Greg looked at the retreating figure of his daughter and roared like a thunder after her.

"Fem, you don't see my point here! Why are you so mad? Get back here! Let's talk!" His voice was like a thunder but his daughter was too numb to hear and feel anything. She went to hide herself behind the bushes at the back of the house. She cried and cried until all her tears were dried and her eyes were bulging. When she felt sobber, she rose up and slowly made her way to the main house. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon and her siblings were either in the kitchen preparing for dinner or were on the mountain gathering fodders for the horses.

Fem secretly searched Niel's belongings to find something. Having found the thing in the inner pocket of his back pack, she stuffed some bills in exchange, packed her clothes into her back pack and sneaked out of the house detouring through the narrow pathway behind the house.

She hurriedly left. She must arrive at Niel's boarding house before it gets dark. Days on December were so short that at six o'clock, it is already dark.

While walking alone, she couldn't help but shed tears of anger. Why is her father doing this to her? Why is it difficult to just ask her when she was right under his nose? It's not the first time he did this to her! Her mind cannot understand her father's reasoning! All she know is that she has the right to decide for her life since she's already adult! Or atleast ask her since she is right there in his presence.

When she reached the viewpoint, she stopped to check if there were people inside the mansion house. She peered through the window but the curtains were thick. Seeing the frontage of the house with her name engraved on a special stone tablet, she switched on her phone to take a selfie with the stone tablet then proceeded. While she was running down the mountain, her phone buzzed several times with text messages. She knew those were from Mark. She had switched off her phone since yesterday afternoon after talking to him. She ignored her buzzing phone and continued to run down the mountain.

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