
Farewell Party (2)

Agnes was a bit talkative. She was talking about what what she does at work and how her work affects my office. She was all praises to me that I thought she was deliberately doing it so that I would join in the conversation. I noticed her stealing glances at me everytime she mentioned my achievements. I didn't give her any reaction whatever.

I was hoping my brother would join the conversation so I don't need to reveal my annoyance infront of our grandparents. I was more disturbed when he excused himself to go to the car park to check if his car was properly parked and if he did lock it.

"Ahemmm! Excuse me grandpa, grammie, Ms. Agnes. I seem to have forgotten if I locked my car and the space I parked was somewhat reserved for somebody else. They might tow my car away. I'll go to check first. " My brother said. I knew it was just an excuse he made up so he could convince our grandparents. My grandpa would never take a "need to use restroom " excuse to escape an unpleasant conversation.

"You were not in a rush when you arrived, were you?" Grandma exclaimed.

"Nahhh grammie, I just didn't see any vacant carpark that's why I used the reserved space." My brother stood as he grabbed his suit which was draped at the back of his chair.

"You are not only useless, you can also be that troublesome!" Grandpa said as he looked at my brother wear his suit.

" I might heed back to the company right away grandpa. The purchase order for the project in the Northern Province needs checking and approval. I told Dan to wait for me in the office." My brother didn't take grandpa's words to heart.

"I might need to check it also myself, that's my project, remember?" I said trying to insinuate to our grandparents that we didn't like this woman with us.

"Mark! You seem to have forgotten that this is your farewell party! " Grandma reminded.

"Good evening General, we're honored to have you here tonight!" The chief of the department approached from my back.

"Hello Ishmael, look at you! Have I grown really useless?" Grandpa stood up leaving the three of us - Grandma, Agnes and me.

"I wanted to tell you something sir" Chief Ishmael pulled my grandpa and I saw them head to a balcony with wine glasses in their hands.

"Mark, you never spoke a word since you finished your food!" Grandma noticed my silence.

"What do you want to hear from me grammie?" I asked then shut my mouth again.

"Agnes,I hope you dont mind if I ask what school did you go and what year did you finish?" Grandma asked.

"Not at all ma'am. I finished BS Criminology at CC University at the age of 21. I first worked at the headquarters when I was 23. This is actually my first job since graduating." Agnes said spilling more information than what was asked. I nearly blurted out a laughter. She sounded like applying for another job.

I furrowed my brows and looked at her. " You don't sound like a criminologist graduate! My grandma is not interviewing you for another job!"

"I just wanted to introduce myself well to your grandma sir Mark." She said. I noticed her ears grew a bit red.

"Mark, no need to be that rude." Grandma said solemnly.

"Agnes, do you have a boyfriend?" Grandma asked her.

" I did have before during my college but not now. I'm still single and available." Agnes answered my grandma like she was her buddy.

"Why don't you find a man for yourself? I think your age is just the perfect time to settle!" Grandma advised.

Agnes glanced at me. That glance when one has betrayed her close friend just to find out that she was doomed. I sat up straight and unmoved, staring down at her. I was hoping she was intimidated and would find an excuse to walk away but she was determined to stay seated.

"My parents thinks the same way too ma'am. And I'm hoping to win someone's heart soon." She smiled wryly.

Grandma looked at me with a confused expression then turned to Agnes again.

"Dear, you are a beautiful lady, there are vast choices of good men out there. I wouldn't mind if my grandchildren will like you but Mark has already set his eyes on someone else. I don't want to interfere with their choices." Grandma caught what was on my mind. No wonder she is my grammie. She understands all my actions even my silence.

I smirked inside when I saw Agnes's ears grew red again. I diverted my gaze around the hall to avoid looking at this embarrassed woman infront of me. I saw my grandpa chatting lightly with the emcee near the opposite end of the platform.

"Grandma, can I check with the emcee first?" I asked permission to leave.

" Also tell your grandpa its time to leave." Grandma reminded.

"Sure grammie." I said then strode towards the opposite corner where my grandpa was.

After sending off my grandparents, I returned to the top floor. I grabbed more drinks and chattted with everyone who came close to say their farewell wishes to me. I tried to avoid Agnes and her two other bestfriends. Something in my instinct says they were plotting again another scheme to lure me. Too bad my brother didn't stay.

The band started to play loudly that the hall was subdued with loud music. The emcee invited everyone to the dance floor. I wasn't fond of this dancing thing especially that my heart is heavy so I just remained seated.

I was starting to feel tipsy and I excused myself to use the washroom. When I returned, I was greeted by Brenda who holding a glass of wine on one hand.

"Hi sir Mark, I haven't yet given you a toss yet, let me toss with you for greater achievement in your new assignment." She said as she waved a hand to a waiter. I knew she had already drunk enough.

The waiter approached and she grabbed one glass but instead of passing it directly to me, she handed me the one she was holding all this while.

"Toss for a greater achievement sir Mark Arevalo!" She said immediately upon handing me the goblet, not giving me anytime to say something back.

"What's in this wine?" I asked as I studied the bottom.

"What do you mean sir? Of course you should expect spirits?" Brenda laughed but even her laughter was something unusual.

"Where's Tracey and Agnes?" I asked as I turned around to check if they were around.

"They must have gone to the ladies' room. We were just together in the dance floor a while back." She said.

"Brenda, I'll warn you again this time. If I found out you plotted something against me, I'll make sure you'll lose your job the next day. Do you know who my grandparents are?" I said sternly looking at her eyes. "Here, drink this infront of me!" I handed back the goblet to her.

Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks grew red and the jubilant smile she was wearing earlier turned into downward curve as her lips quivered.

"Sir Mark,what are you talking about! I was just trying to toss a drink with you! But Im sorry, I didn't mean to anger you." She said.

"I'm not angry, im just asking you to drink that wine infront of me." I demanded with a stern voice. My eyes not shifting anywhere from her.

"Please don't do this to me sir Mark! " She said almost crying.

"What am I doing to you? Is there something wrong with that wine? Are you afraid to drink it?" I said now starting to raise my voice. By this time,some of our colleagues gathered around.

"What's going on sir?" One of my subordinates asked shifting his gaze from me and to Brenda then back to me.

"Ask her! Better yet, get that wine from her hand and send it to the laboratory." I told him.

Before the goblet was snatched from her hand, Brenda suddenly turned around that the wine in the goblet spilled on the floor. She hurriedly ran towards the washroom while everyone who noticed her was puzzled.

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