
Disoriented (3)

In my daze, I downed two more shots of liquor then kissed the one beside me, called her Fem again then shut myself in silence until I couldn't remember anything more.

I woke up in the morning to my disgust! There was Agnes beside me all curled up like a kitten. I looked underneath my sleeping bag to check myself then checked her as well. Thankfully, we were both wearing our same clothes from last night. What could have happened? I can only vaguely remember those passionate kisses but it tasted different. It was not the kiss I longed for. The smell was also so strong and different. And the breath was a bit off. Maybe it was because I was in daze that I didn't mind.

The woman beside me was sleeping like a kitten. I wonder what she did when I passed out. I knew that she cannot drink so she couldn't say she was drunk as well. Every time we attend a gathering where wine was served, she would always decline saying she has allergy with alcoholic beverages. So seeing her beside me must be her liking.

I crawled out from my tent to stretch out and checked if anyone was already awake. I didn't see anyone yet. They must be all drunk last night.

I crawled back inside and nudged the woman who seem not to care. "Hey! Get out from here! Did you try to take advantage of me last night?" I said knowing that she was already conscious.

She stretched out then blinked her eyes before opening it wide.

"Don't look at me like that! Why are you here and what did you do to me?" I asked again.

"Mark, I led you her last night and you pulled me inside. Can't you remember?" She said like she was trying to remind me of something.

"I know I was drunk but I also know you cannot drink.So tell me, who in her sound mind would sleep with a drunken man?" I reminded her.

"I'm sorry Mark, I thought you liked it also, but we kissed last night." She said.

"Was that all? How would you know if I liked it? " I said in an annoyed tone.

"You didn't let me go, but you kept calling me with other name." She said obviously not wanting to say the name which I always remember mumbling.

"Ha! then that should have given you the reason to slap me and get away, right? You already knew and felt in the first place that it was not you after all." I said in her face.

Her face turned red and shook her head.

"I know, but I swallowed it because I really like you Mark! I always dreamed of being your woman... I didn't mind if you have someone in mind as long as you are with me." She said trying to touch my face.

"Stop it! That's stupidity." I caught her hand and dropped it. " I remember I showed you my girlfriend's picture. Did you know how much we love each other and how much commitment we are honoring? If you want to destroy yourself, please spare me. I'm saving myself for my future wife. Last night was all but a fun and challenge and you were not drunk. You could have just avoided me. But look at you here!" I ridiculed her bearing in mind those obvious gazes and giggles I see when they see me.

She blushed once more but this time, I saw anger in her face. She looked at me straight and said, " As if it's a deadly sin to like someone like Mark Arevalo. If it is, I'd be willing to die to steal your heart. You didn't kiss me for nothing! We'll definitely be doing more than kissing in the future." She sounded like she was warning.

"What are you planning to do? Don't be stupid and get out from here. It was you who took advantage of me after all." I said then crawled outside not wanting to say anymore.

The rest of the camping days turned dull and tensed due to this. My colleagues sensed my indifference and cold attitude towards Agnes. Although we were civil with each other, it was evident that we avoided each other.

It was finally up for us to leave. We packed up and howled our things to the bus which came back to pick us up. Brenda came to sit with me and tried to apologize for what happened. I then deduced that the drowning was part of their scheming and that they pushed Agnes to sleep with me that night. I remained silent as I thought of many things in the future.

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