
Disoriented (1)

We reached B City at 7o'clock pm. We went to have a quick dinner at a restaurant near the Brent's Company. While eating, I reminded Dan to wait for a letter from the North anytime these coming weeks.

I drove straight home after we got out from the restaurant. I found both of my grandparents watching some evening news. When they saw me enter, their eyes were fixed on me that I almost thought I was looking like an intruder.

"Grandpa, Grammie, what's wrong?" as I removed my shoes to change into home slippers.

"What's in that face? Or are you just hungry? There's still food in the table for you. Your brother attended a Christmas party tonight. " Grandma said.

"We've already eaten outside Grammie, I'll go up first. I'll come down later," I said as I hurried to my room for a bath.

After having bathed, I tried to recall all the things that I learned today from the meetings and conversation with Mr. Law. I tried to organize my thoughts and compose myself before going down to join them.

"So how was it?" Grandpa asked with his eyes still fixed in the TV.

I got the remote and lowered the volume of the TV. " It was as you told me before grandpa. The Laws are actually the owner of the mountain. They need to settle it among themselves first before we could lay our hand on it" I said.

"Oh, so the same old problem perhaps? Did you meet one of them?" He asked.

"That seems to be the case, Grandpa. But do you believe I even got to meet my future father-in-law?" I said with a tone of little pride. Just little because the knowledge of keeping away from her daughter restrained me to celebrate this time.

"Ha! So? That's the most common probability that I was expecting. So how is he?" Grandpa asked again.

"Well, he is still a cowboy. I thought he was real tough and indifferent when he spoke in the meeting. But I approached him after that and I was impressed with his warmth and care for his children." I answered grandpa.

"It's no wonder he has many children. Was he the Greg Law that I know?" Grandpa asked.

"So you know him, Grandpa?" I perked my ears and jolted from my seat to look at Grandpa.

"He was called the bad boy of the north before. I heard that he was indeed tough but I soon learned that he is actually a man of principles." Grandpa said.

"That seems to be the case. He was one among those village elders there." I said.

"And your proposal, how did the people react?" Grandpa inquired.

"The people unanimously approved it, but the problem is with the Laws. You never knew I went sweating all throughout the meeting starting when Mr. Law spoke. In the end, I had no choice but to approach him after the meeting. We talked over lunch. Thats where I learned that .....I .... I don't know how I should say it." I heaved a sigh, I didn't know if I needed to say it or keep it instead.

"Are there some complications?" Grandpa asked again.

"He wants me to keep away from his daughter until the matter about the land is resolved. Apparently, she was pledged to her distant cousin for marriage....to keep the land intact and secure." I said.

Grandpa pondered for a moment, looked at grandma who was busy with her knitting again. "Were they told that they were pledged to be married? Does your girlfriend know?" Grandpa looked at me affectionately.

"No, Mr. Law says he didn't want to pressure her. He planned to tell her after her graduation. Neither was the boy told but he has already developed a liking on her, and they are now classmates." I told Grandpa.

"Hmmmm.... So it sounds like he is removing you out of the equation, is that how you feel?" Grandpa tried to sympathize.

"Kind of, but I asked for a fair chance to play. He allowed me to help legal problems regarding the land, if there be. I offered legal assistance through the Brent's lawyers. I still to need wait for their decision though. Until then, the project can begin which means I can contact her daughter also." I comforted myself.

"Good! I'm glad you're assertive. You know, maters of the heart should be fair for all." Grandpa said.

"I was just glad he didn't shut me out. I'll definitely play my part grandpa." I said determined.

Grandma looked at me tenderly as he always looked at me when I got hurt as a kid. She put down her knitting needles and patted my back.

"I didn't raise a cry baby Mark, you are strong. You can handle that well. Just trust your girl and do what you think is best to save your relationship. Don't let this distract you. " Grandma said as she looked at me like a little boy.

"Grammie, Im not a kid anymore. Im just sad I cant give you grandchildren the soonest as planned." I answered grandma.

"Ha! Silly! Make sure you'll act fast and sure then!" She chuckled as she tapped my shoulder.

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