
Brother's Secret (1)

That night after dinner, the four of us went up to the study room to catch up with everything. JP reported the progress of the construction company and the additional franchise bus routes for the transportation company. The Arevalo Trans needs more drivers, conductors, mechanics and inspectors. On the other hand, the Brent's Construction Company needs two architects, three civil engineers and four foremen. We decided to change it's name after we acquire another 10% share that would make us own the 60% shares while the rest of the stockholders share the 40%

Apparently, the closed and abandoned former construction projects of the Brent's were settled and are now in progress. It was all thanks to Grandpa's wide connection and the ability of the lawyers to come up with a win-win solution.

Speaking of needing architects, I recalled my love who finished Architecture as a magna cum laude. Right! Why don't we recruit her?

"Did I tell you that Fem finished Architecture as a magna cum laude? Why don't we reserve that one slot for her? " I suggested.

"Really? Is she an Architect graduate?" JP asked in obvious surprise.

"Sunny, told me, yeah!" I answered proudly.

"And oh, didn't you contact Stanley Law also? Is he already filling up a seat?" I asked.

"I didn't know she's actually good at designing buildings! I thought she's into commerce or something related to business!

Well, yeah! Stanley started almost two months ago. He is getting himself acquainted first. It is more like an OJT for him until the result of his Civil Service Exam comes out." JP said.

"So the HR Department should be doing this right? Why do you need to concern yourself about stuff like this bro?" I raised my brow seeing his serious face and his eyes behind those glasses obviously tired.

"I'm just discussing the improvement of the company. We are expanding and we need more manpower. That's what I'm trying to say here. Useless! " JP said arrogantly.

" Okay. Im just worried you might forget about your own life. Remember you're already thirty years old and bachelor at that. Do you want to become the president of eligible bachelors in this whole wide city?" I tried to remind him.

"Who said so? I'm just waiting for that daughter of Mr. Law to appear. I'll be married in no time!" JP smiled wryly as he looked at me. His fingers tapping on the table while his other arm draped on the armrest.

"Are you talking about another Law daughter? Did we happen to meet sisters?" This time I want a clear catch of my brother's vague love story.

"Most probably! I don't know. Im not really sure I mean." JP said.

So it appears that my brother met another Law lady without my knowledge. As to who, when and where, I don't have any idea!.

"Can you clarify that bro? Grandpa, grammie do you know about this? Why didn't I know this before?" I asked all of them feeling confused and at a loss.

" It shouldn't be your concern Mark but since you hooked yourself with the Laws, you should know about it. This is the reason why your brother got old like this because you have the same situation." Grandma said solemnly.

"What? Also from the Law family? You must be kidding!!! I can't believe this! Dont tell me it's that Grace and her baby?"

"Nahh, no no no Most probably not!" Bro said immediately.

"What do you mean? Can you be more clear? Could you not talk vaguely and explain everything!" I demanded. " It's not like you just want to complicate my life by your uncertain circumstance!" I began to feel uneasy.

"I met her during one of my business trips to Central City more than four years ago now. I should say it was a love at first sight. We met in the bus terminal where I was inspecting the branch. I saw her panicking in front of the ticket booth. I asked the teller what happened and I learned that she was supposed to buy her bus ticket only to find out that her wallet was gone. I watched her while she rummaged her bag and put out all its content on the counter. She cried after having not found her wallet and there was a clean cut at the side of her bag. Apparently, she was victimized by pick-pockets. I got out from the booth, changed my business suit into ordinary shirt and jeans then approached her sitting on one of the benches crying. I offered to buy her a ticket and we rode same bus coming up here. I don't know if what she told about herself were all true. I asked to see her IDs to make sure she is telling me the truth but she cant show anything since her wallet was gone. Anyway, she introduced herself as Ysabel Law, 24 years old from the North Province. She was applying for a job abroad as a nurse." JP sighed as he related his story.

"So she must be around 28 years old this time?" I nodded.

"But what is your hold on her? Why do you keep on waiting for her after just a one time encounter?" I found it absurd.

"I courted her immediately right there in the whole bus journey. I invited her to come home with me but she refused. In the end, I just gave her my address and pleaded her to write to me wherever she is. We have been in contact the first two years, but these last two years, she has not been in contact. Her letter indicated that she was at Central City when she was writing so I went to find her there."

"Last time we saw each other was during her birthday. That was December two years ago. I went to her apartment in Central City. Something happened between us, I wasn't able to control myself that time so we did it. The next time I visited there, her apartment was occupied by another tenant. The owner said she transferred to a nearer apartment to the hospital she's working." JP sounded heart broken.

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