
Breakfast Date

It was now Monday. Fem woke up at the successive roster's crow from her phone which she set as her alarm tone at 6:45 AM. She slowly opened her eyes to scan her room. Her working clothes are already hanging outside her closet. She remembered she agreed to have breakfast with Mark at 7:30. She stretched her body then rolled out from her bed. Today, she will go to the port then to the hardware to check the condition of the workforce and utilities, although she needed to drop by at her office first to fetch a someone for company.

She grabbed her towel and pair of underwear then quickly went to the common bathroom. The two police interns were already done showering and are probably having breakfast at the kitchen downstairs.

At 7:20 Fem was already putting on her light pink lipstick which was barely noticeable. It looked as natural on her this medium heart shaped lips. She wore biege blazer over a white sleeveless top paired with loosely cut black slacks. She will be on the move today.

She was reminded to hurry up when her phone rang. She forgot that she told Mark to ring her first before coming.

"Hi Mark! Goodmorning! Are you here yet?" She asked immediately.

"Good morning sweetie, yes. I'll be there in five minutes. Just wait for me behind the gate." He said cheerfully.

"Okay. See you. Bye!" She said then hang up. She grabbed her shoulder bag checked herself once more in the full length mirror beside her door then walked out. She went to the kitchen to bid goodbye to her friends at the same time fill her water bottle. She wore her one and a half inch pointed black shoes as it was comfortable for today's work agenda. She closed the door then proceeded to wait outside the gate instead.

Fem was just closing the gate when a special red plated range rover pulled in front. Red plated vehicles are registered as government vehicles for official use.

The window rolled and revealed a fully police uniformed tall and handsome man stoically sitting up and erect behind the steering wheel. One hand on the steering wheel while the other hand waved at her.

Fem thought she was seeing someone else. Is she hallucinating? Is this the man who pleaded to have breakfast with her? Her heart pounded and her cheeks blushed. She wanted to go back inside the house and hide herself. She gripped the gate's handle trying to push it open but it was already locked from the inside.

Mark on the other hand saw the tall slender woman closing the gate as he slowed down his armored service. He was mesmerized to see that his woman was dressed so elegantly like this. At far distance, one would think that she is a matured executive officer of a prestigious company but upon closer look, her vibrant and youthful aura will tell you that she just as adventurous and easy going as a teen ager. He waved at her when he saw that she stood there without moving an inch. He saw her hesitation to move forward. He chuckled and decided to go out and guide her inside the car.

"Hey beauty! You're even more beautiful today! I thought I was seeing an angel! " He teased as he extended his arm for her to hold.

"Oh, I thought someone sent you to arrest me! I was thinking what wrong could I have done!" She evaded his eyes while her cheeks were still burning. He must have noticed her shocked state.

"None of that, my woman. Im here to protect a law abiding beautiful citizen." He said then gestured his hand ushering her to the front passenger seat.

Mark hurriedly got into the driver's seat upon. closing the passenger's seat door. He helped her with her seatbelt then looked at her still blushing face. She evaded his eyes by looking outside the window.

"Lovely!" He said as he pulled himself straight from fixing her seatbelt and started buckling his.

"My work starts at nine so I don't have much time to come back after breakfast." She just blurted out feeling a bit intimidated by his stoic posture. Was this the man who was pleading and crying in front if her yesterday? Was he the who wore a faded blue jeans paired with red polo? She didn't imagine him looking like this in his work uniform! He transformed into totally different creature! His aura and his posture makes her feel wanting to hide knowing that she has spoken harshly and acted tough in front of him yesterday.

"Same here madame. I'll go visit each precinct today to check the morale of the force. I choose to meet you at breakfast because I might be in the middle of a meeting during lunch time. Did I wake you up too early today?" He asked glancing at her while focusing on the road.

" Just a bit. Doesn't matter though since its just for this once." She said.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows. " Hmmm, you better get used to it because I'm planning to do it everyday. What do you say?" His smile got wider.

"No. I don't want the same breakfast every morning. Ha ha!" She said giving him a cheeky smile.

"Sweetheart! Why are you like that? We haven't even been married yet and you're saying you're getting bored seeing my handsome fave already! How dare you!" He said feigning anger and hurt.

"It's my adventurous nature, what can you do about it, Mr. Major?" She couldn't help but level with his caliber of banter.

"That cannot be! I'll watch your gate every morning and make sure I'll be the only one you'll see when you step out from that gate!" He pursed his lips.

"Hahaha! Funny! I can't believe you're wearing that uniform while saying those stuff. It's quite unbecoming of you, sir!" She taunted him.

"I can also go lower than this only for you sweetheart. Do you want to try? I'm starving since last night after our phone call, you know?" He said turning his head to her as he slowed down to park the car beside a fast food chain. His right hand maneuvered the steering wheel while his left reaching out to her.

"Get your filthy hands off me! " Fem slapped his hand down.

"Who said I'm going to touch you, madame. I was about to unbuckle you." He laughed under his breath as he pressed the release button of her seatbelt and gently guided it to its place.

She caught his masculine scent and it made her gasp more air as she looked at his neatly combed hair in proper places as if they were held there by glue.

"Okay, we're here my dear lady. Please remember, you only have one Major who loves you " He whispered as he squeezed her tiny han and looked at her eyes.

She blushed again unable to reciprocate his ways.

She opened the car door by herself and waited for him to get to her side. They entered the fast-food restaurant side by side with bright smiles on their faces.

The security guard seemed to be familiar with Mark. He gave a salute and gestured with his hand for their entry.

"Good morning madame, good morning Major. Nice to see you this early morning. Welcome!" He said.

The couple ordered two sets of breakfast deluxe then sat at the table by the window far from the entrance.

"I've always dreamed of this time with you Fem. A hearty breakfast with my lovely woman. I will never be tired eating the same breakfast as long as I'm with you." He said.

"Mr. Major, can you set aside those things first. Can we talk about something else." She hid her smile behind her cup of hot chocolate drink.

"You're too professional. Can you not reciprocate my endearments once in a while?" He twitched his smile.

"I just love seeing you annoyed by me. What do you say Major?" She teased.

"I'm not annoyed. I find it cute that you're too logical and incapable of any romantic emotions!" He said.

What?! That was somewhat a slap on her face. Was that the truth? Is she really lacking of such emotions? Well, must she learn to soften a bit?

"Oh! " She shook her head as she took her fork and knife to cut her pancakes.

"You didn't know right?" He asked.

"Hmmmmm... you could tell Mark, you said you met my parents. I'm not different from my father in most traits." She said softly.

"I understand sweetheart. I know." He nodded.

He was reminded to ask about work. Recently, there were some complaints from business entities about extortion and bribery. Most of them were big companies in the city. He wanted to know tge severity of the situation. He has been working on this for quite sometime since his transfer in this city. He needed to compile solid proofs before forwarding it to the concerned government agency.

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