
At South City

After talking for almost two hours, Ysabel agreed to take her biological father's name to give support to her younger sister. This would also allow her to be an heir of Mr. Lee. JP was so amused and looked at Ysabel with so much adoration and love. I could almost feel how he desired to possess her in his arms but he was really trying so hard to hold it in.

It was now half past six and I needed to go down to take my bus to South City. I left them inside. I saw baby JP lying in the coach already asleep by all herself. She was lying facedown as her face twisted side ways towards the door. My mind wondered what would these two fellows do after I leave, considering that their daughter is asleep. I smirked and opened the door but turned back my head to them.

"Bro, slow down. Remember grandpa's words. You should not fool around! I suggest you arrange a gunshot wedding first" I said holding the doorknob while my head was still turned to them.

"You think too much..get lost now!" JP stood up from the sofa and strode towards his sleeping daughter.

I closed the door with a smirk and only God knows what happened between those two long lost lovers.

While I was in the lift, I closed my eyes and leaned on the wall contemplating on things that had just transpired. Indeed, there are so many surprises in life! One may plan for the future but only God knows how things should be. I never expected that things would turn out this way. Thinking back about my plans two years ago, it never occurred in my mind that things will get complicated like this. Thanks to the parents who raised these lovely ladies. They're not only responsible but they also know how to consider other's welfare.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I got out of the lift and headed towards the bus which was already starting to load its passengers. In ten minutes, I was already on my way to the South City. I called grandpa about his plan with Mr. Wang. I remember him telling me that Mr. Wang has a shipping business branch at South City. Perhaps, he can do something for me now that election was over. I can now finally meet my love. I smiled at the thought then closed my eyes thinking things through until I finally dozed off.

The next thing I knew when I opened my eyes was that I was already in the bus terminal at South City. It was 11:00 at night. I called a taxi and headed straight to the headquarters where I was given an exclusive privilege of free accommodation. Tomorrow will be a working day for me so I needed to get rest and get up early.


The next day at office, I found a stack of files and folders in my office. I started to read them one by one taking note of the most urgent ones and mentally arranging them strategically for proper action. There are some politically motivated cases, some robbery, some women and child abuse, but mostly were drug-related cases which is not so surprising. During this election time when guns were banned, there was rather a rise of wide-spread selling and distribution of drugs in the streets. The police force could only watch and do detailed surveillance so that by the time enough evidences are gathered, we can easily pin those culprit.


After two days the election result was officially announced. Surprisingly, Mayor Buk still won but her daughter was replaced by an enthusiastic young political rival from the opposition party, Vice-Mayor Nelson Yan. This man was known to be an idealist who never regards one by his social status. To him, things are either black or white. There can never be gray.

I smiled behind the papers I was reading. It will only take some time before this Vice-Mayor will expose his superior's mal-administration. Meanwhile, I need to check the streets and clean them from harmful elements. Police's mandate was never to interfere with political issues anyway. Whatever comes to our attention will be dealt with accordingly without any regard of the person's social status.

After a week of standing by and freezing all police operations, we finally deviced Operation Knock-Knock which is aimed to visit every house and check every family and their family members who might be involved or using prohibited drugs. Surprise Raids was also planned to conduct sudden and un-announced raids to offices, warehouses, shops and establishments that are suspectedly storing some illegal drugs. These are all supposedly executed with the permission of the office of the Mayor, thus we needed to acquire his written consent. We also coordinated with the Drug Enforcement Agency for proper action and documentation. The local and national media may also be there to report anything live upon at their own risk.

Mayor Buk was reluctant to sign the request but he was over-ruled by the city council's favorable vote. The city council was now composed of majority from the opposition party including the vice-mayor himself, making them more than majority when it comes to dividing the body in decision-making.

Upon securing the needed permission, we started operations right away. This has been my focus besides the day to day incidents of different cases.

After a month, my grandpa called me one evening informing me that Fem has been employed by the Wang family as an audit employee in their Shipping Company here at South City. 'She is doing her review for her Board Exams while partly working' was my grandpa's words.

"What's the name name of the company again?" I asked grandpa in all enthusiasm.

"WangCargo Express. Their main branch is located at the Central City. They've 12 branches all over the country. South City branch is managed by Congressman Wang's nephew this time but I heard he has poor management skills that's why he needs help." Grandpa informed me over the phone.

"Okay grandpa, I know what to do now. You are indeed the best!" I said cheerfully.

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