
9 Summertime Blues (with him)

"Sir, would you go for another hour?" The horse man stopped us after the third round. We spent the whole hour chatting about our childhood, our family and friends. Although not much detailed but atleast we have some ideas about each other's backgrounds. Ofcourse, I learned that he finished Criminology and is now taking up Psychology as second course. That didn't come as a surprise to me as he always seemed to read and understand my mind. The thing is, he is pushing it too hard that it pisses me off most of the time. Well, maybe because his first course trained him to be a tough one, I guess. If I didn't come from a tough and disciplinarian family, I could have felt very wronged by his ways.

We got down almost at the same time from our horses then strolled around to check what else could catch our interest. When we finished going each booth of souvenirs, we ended up buying a pair of letter pendants with diamond glitters around. Mark took letter M while I took letter F. I wanted to suggest that we exchange but held it. 'It's not like we belong to each other' I sneered to myself.

Checking his watch, it was already a little past five o'clock. We agreed to go back to the central area to have early dinner before checking for a movie. We had a quick dinner at Kim's again as it was the first venue of our meeting then walked to the nearest theater which was at the mall few blocks from Kim's Restaurant.

I really dont know what to watch as I am not really fond of movies. I would rather read volumes of books rather than watching those nonsense dramas. The last time I watched a movie was when I was about 10 years old. My cousins treated their mother to a movie and being 'adopted' by them, I was naturally included. I didnt like the cold and dark place back then. Now, entering for the second time, I don't know if I'll get to like it.

"Your choice, I don't mind whatever you pick" I said when he gestured which movie to watch.

"Probably you like reading Romance Novels." he was trying to guess.

As much as I wanted to admit it, I shouldn't give him a chance to take advantage of the situation. I saw a certain movie with a title that intrigued me, and I suddenly got curious what could this be all about. Without hesitation, I pointed at it. "How about this one Mark, do you think this is good? It seems thrilling ! " I said pointing to the "APOCALYPTO"(A/N: This is a real thrilling movie) in a bit excited voice so as to change his focus from those Love Dramas.

"Hmmm... you sure my dear?" He said.

"Why not? "I asked back. I was not sure if I saw a disappointed face of him.

"This is also great, its a story of a peasant girl and a rich heir who fell in love with each other. I'm sure you'll like this." He said confidently.

I stared at him for a while as to let him understand that I was thinking whether I can trust him or no.

"Just give it a try ." He said putting his hand on his pocket and looking away to evade my eyes.

'If this man kisses me later, what would I do?' I continued to stare at him calculating the possibilities but I cant come out with solutions for those possibilities. .'Am I turning dumb?' I thought feeling helpless. It's not that I don't want such stories but I always find myself emotional whenever extreme situations arise. Im afraid I'd act immaturely inside while watching. But my reasoning seems over powered by my curious mind and heart.

"Oh, okay then, let's go to that." I said softly.

"Okay, its about the starting time, we should buy tickets now." Mark said delighted with my change of choice.

Once we entered, his hands draped over my shoulder and guided me to the upper rows where no one was seated yet there were just about several couples already seated randomly.

"This row is just good for the eyes," Mark said gesturing with his left hand for me to take seat first before taking the seat beside me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to buy something to munch on! Please wait a moment, I'll be quick."He said as he stood up quickly.

"No nee..."

"Just stay put here and I'll be quick. " He said then silently ran outside like a rat. About a few minutes, he was back with two sodas in can and a box of popcorn.

"I was saying no need. Did you forget we just had early dinner?" I reminded him but he can't see me smiling nervously.

"I know, but everyone loves to get distracted by food rather than make love." He said bending his neck to level his face with mine while smiling mischievously.

"Mark.! What are you talking about?" My eyes was flustered to his alluring face while I felt a churn in my stomach as if I was suddenly plugged into a high voltage electrical socket. It spread through my body I felt limp all of a sudden. I sank helplessly in my chair.

"Fem.... " He said while holding my cold hands. He cupped both of my hands with his then start rubbing it. His hands were soft and strong. He looked at me while rubbing his palms on my hands as if to feel if I'm warm enough.

"I'm ok. " I said nervously.

Then he leaned sideways to get close to my face. I didn't know what he was up to. Then suddenly, he whispered softly in my ears, "I never thought you could be this vulnerable. I'm liking what I see" His voice came like a tease but I can't muster any words to utter back. I was about to cry but thinking it will not help, I just stayed silent and focused as the movie just started.

Althoughout the movie, Mark kept my left hand with his left palm while his right arm encircled my back keeping me leaning to him most of the time. When I grew tired, he allowed me to sit up straight but asks me to feed him some popcorn. Like obedient child, I stuffed some to his mouth every time and he would complain. 'That's better than making love. " I would remind him.

It was almost 8:00 when we went out. I was feeling dizzy when we stepped outside. A bit bilnded by bright lights that suddenly meet my eyes. I also was thanking God that nothing sinfull happened inside. I tagged Mark's arm asking permission to use the washroom first.

"Me too." He said. Then turned to the men's room.

Seeing its getting late, I reminded Mark of my need to go back to my uncle's. He was silent for a moment then said, "Fem, can we have a short walk at the park before I send you home?" He said.

"Sure, is anything the matter?" I inquired.

His pulled me again with his right arm this time through my back reaching out to grip my right arm. "I just want to be close to you this way." He said. His chin resting lightly on my head.

"hmmmm... just like this right?" I said while stretching my left arm to hug his waist.

"Ahhhh... that feels so good sweetheart. Let's get going like this." He said.

We reached park and we looked for an empty bench around the lake. We finally found one just few meters away from the entrance.

"So what now? The day is over, can you be my woman?" He got down on one of his knee with the other one bent making a right angle. He held both of my hands on my lap as he looked up to my eyes as if searching to see anything in there. His eyes glittered.

I wasn't sure what to say. All I know was that I was attracted to his eyes, his pointed nose and his clean cut hair and the way he orders his words with authority yet understanding the minds of me.

I stared at his waiting face " I'm just too insufficient for you. " I said softly.

"How are you so insufficient? Did I let you feel like you are insufficient?" He furrowed his brows.

"No, its just that I know myself. Im just an ordinary country girl. I told you that." I said looking away.

"That???" He raised his brow. "But are you willing to give us a chance? I'd prove that you are worth every cell." He was tenderly saying while carressing the back of my hand.

"Okay." I nodded

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes! Thank you for making me sooo happy!" He said then he proceeded to kneel both of his knees on the ground infront of me to hug me by the waist and pulling me forward to meet his face. I froze not knowing how to react after this.

He rose up to join me on the bench. He cupped my face with his palm then looked at my eyes.

"Tell me what should I do with you? Im not dreaming am I?" He said while his face inched closer until his lips reached mine. I was dumbstruck with this sudden action. With eyes still open wide, I gently pushed him a little.

He looked at me with longing. "It will be my first kiss, I don't know how to." I said shyly. His eyes grew more tender as he nodded.

"Wowww!" He smiled like victoriously then kissed my forehead. His right arm now enveloped me while his left cupped the back of my head. His kiss was so hot and passionate that I felt like burning inside.

"Fem sweetheart....please respond ..." he begged. His right arm trying to slip through my thin jacket.

"Mark, I honestly don't know how. I haven't done this before." I said shyly after those shocking intense kisses. "Also we are in a public place." I reminded myself first rather than him.

He looked around and gave a deep sigh. "That's why I told you I'm afraid we might end up sleeping together when we meet at night. Fem, I've fallen for you the moment I saw you. Do you believe that? Please dont say you are insufficient. You are mine now" He said with shaky voice.

"I honestly quite like you too, Mark. Though I'm not sure if this is called love, but I miss you everytime I don't see you and Im happy everytime Im with you" I confessed shyly.

"Ahhhh...what will I do with you now?" He said again as he lifted my chin and bit my lower lip then prying my lips open so that his tongue can get inside. This was all new to me and I didn't know exactly how to respond. I let out some moans after failing to control it.

Sensing he will not let me go just yet, I patted his shoulder gently. "Mark, it's already late. I still need to go back to my uncle's place. Im afraid nobody will open the door for me. I dont have the key. " I said straightly.

"Yh yh, you are ever so quick to part ways from me. But let me send you home then, my love." he said as he pulled me up to my feet. He kissed me one more time on the forehead then we hugged for about a minute feeling each other's warmth.

"Let's go" he whispered picking up my sling bag.

We took a cab then arrived in less than twenty minutes. We just held each others arms while feeling the mutual warmth from each other. I got down after kissing him goodnight then he returned with same cab. "Take care of myself." I heard him saying loudly as the taxi started to speed away.

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