
7 Summertime Blues (The break up)

It was Friday and there were a lot of people in the bar. Lady Shane usually calls her sister-in- law to come over to help during such times. Such days, people seems so upset with life that the bar has been fully packed with different moods of men. That afternoon, I was surprised that my cousin from the province came with a letter. He sat down at a table just next to the door and waited for me to approach him.

"You came." I said but was actually asking why.

"Please don't do this to him, he has been drinking all week without eating..!" He looked me accusingly and handed me a white envelope.

"That's weird, he really took it too hard." I smirked.

"He's actually crying, why what has gotten into your head? I pity him much. I can't believe you can do this Fem! " He said with a solemn blank face.

He was talking about the foreman of a construction project being done near my boarding house back in school. Lester has been making obvious advances to me during the previous semesters. I never intended to accept him as I didn't even know how to say yes to confessing man. Perhaps because I grew tired and curious, I made my decision to say yes to him but little did I know he was too serious that I was dead worried how to break away . Last Sunday when I went day off, I used the idea of dating Mark as my reason of scape from him. I have sent a letter to him through my classmate whom I happened to bump at the bus station. I knew he will feel bad but I never expected that it was as my cousin says. I was giggling inside wanting to laugh aloud but at the same time, was fearful of the future when I get to meet him again. I dont know what he will do when I will be back to school... less than a month to go from now.

"Things do happen like this and people's feelings change bro." I said looking outside.

"Just repeat to him that I've found someone new and that I accepted him because of pity and pressure." Adding flatly.

"Don't you have any least of feelings for him?" He asked with bitter and pained swallow.

"Bro, you are asking me like you were the one I broke up with!" I furrowed my forehead.

"You are so tough Fem! I haven't known this side of you. I can't comfort my friend anymore. I'm afraid he will do something drastic. " Sounding helpless but it came as a threat.

"He's old, I don't think he wants to end his life just because of this student." I smiled with a chuckle. "We are busy today as you can see. Now please tell him that my decision is firm. I don't expect him to come and see me when I get back there. Otherwise, I have to stop my schooling first just to make him understand I have no intention of continuing with him. " I warned my cousin.

"Ha! " he stood up and pulled his pants up fixing it in its proper place. "I really hope you will think things over. So I have to go. Please watch out people's intentions with you here. Don't be fooled by them." He advised.

"I will bro. Thanks" Then sent him out.

The whole afternoon went busy but so far smoothly. I was looking at the time, it was 8:45. I found myself looking around for that certain military looking man. 'I wonder if he's coming this week' I was thinking while busy maneuvering my ways through the busy isles in between tables.

From the counter, I looked around to check each table then my eyes were carried to some three men standing infront as with necks a bit extended like geese as to check if they will have space to occupy. My heart skipped and my blood was like suddenly rushing towards my face. 'It was them!' I smiled faintly yet nervously. Hesitant, I managed to maneuver my way towards them.

"Hi sirs! are you coming in?" I said with a nervous smile.

"Hi Fem!" Mark said softy looking at me from head to foot as if assessing my soul then winked and smiled faintly.

"I think you are busy and we don't have space. I think we should come back next time." He said looking at the crowded inside.

"There's a table over there but its only good for two." pointing to a corner towards the washroom.

"Never mind." He said then turning to his two companions who nodded like ready to leave.

Mark held my wrist, pulling me a few steps aside then softy said. "Can I ask you out next Sunday if its your holiday?" looking at my eyes.

"Ummmmm... not Saturday night?" I said smiling a bit sarcastically.

"I'm afraid we might end up sleeping together if you prefer Saturday night. Plus, we dont have much choice of place to go at night. I want to see you on broad daylight!" He said poking my nose.

I turned my head away from him shyly. I don't know what to say...to say yes or yes... I would definitely say yes! since it's almost time to leave this place. I need to atleast know about this man who has become the reason of somebody's miserable estate back there.

"I need to go do some personal things in the morning and maybe until afternoon. So what time are you suppose to see me?" I inquired.

"Are you okay at three o'clock?" He asked.

"Ah, ok. Where?" I asked softly.

"Let's meet at the park in front of the monument. Then we'll figure out our direction from there. " He said bending his waist with his other hand in his pocket, while tilting his head to look at me closely.

I nodded. "Okay then. Got lost!" I pulled my hand away smiling while turning to enter the crowded inside.

Hi my dear readers! How is my writing? Im just so glad to see the views and ranks u gave. Thanks for all my silent readers. I'm working each chapter a day except on Sundays when I have to set aside everything for a higher calling.

I would be much happy to read about your thoughts on this writing. Thanks and God bless you all.



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