
6 Summertime Blues(After Dinner?

"Mark, its already late, are you planning to sleep in this restaurant?" I joked.

"Actually the weather today is good and I'm a bit uncomfortable. Can we go for a walk before I send you back?" He said.

There's a park just some five minutes walk away from that restaurant and although it was summer time , the breeze at night were so calming that some people prefer to do some walking at night to avoid being bumped by so many people. We walked to the park and started to circle around the lake when we felt the call of nature.

"Are there any comfort rooms around?" I asked. I dont know if it's the food I have just eaten or I'm just nervous.

"There should be one ahead but its only for males." He said worried. "Let's just walk straight then maybe we can find the ladies' somewhere near." he said walking ahead to peek at some booth as if inspecting for any sign of a toilet.

We reached the Men's Toilet then he went to relieve himself. It took him about a bit more than five minutes there that I was worried maybe he escaped out of my sight when he went out. I was feeling so uncomfortable now. As if im going to pee any second from now but I needed to wait for this "gentleman" to relieve himself first.

'Gush! Maybe I should go back now. I think he was already flushed in the toilet if not he changed clothes to disguise himself'. My mind was playing like an investigator now. Just when I made up my mind and made a deep breath to turn, I saw him coming out from the Men's Toilet door. He quickly ran towards me and exclaimed,.

" Whoaaaa! That was really a comfort room!" while smiling like relieved from any discomforts.

We continued to walk past few more booths before we were able to spot the Ladies Toilet.

I ran towards it and entered into one of its cubicle to finally relieve myself. ' Why did that man took sooo long in the toilet yet I only get to have a minute or two here.' I muttered. Then I quickly stepped out to join him. He smiled and then suddenly took my hand and proceeded briskly walking. I couldn't process why he suddenly hold my hand like it was natural for him to do it yet I kept my pace behind him staring at his broad back then up to his broad shoulders then to his clean high cut hair. Is he a military man? I wondered and suddenly had the idea to ask more about him.

"You haven't told me yet what you do, Mark." I skipped some steps to keep up with his long strides.

"Oh sorry, am I moving too fast,?" He looked down at me beside him. I was not sure if he was referring to my question or the steps I just skipped. I just looked up at him in return then lowered my gaze at the path ahead. He was tall at about 5'9" while I am just an average 5'3". At 18, I thought this would be the maximum height I could reach. Some of my classmates are much shorter than me so I still consider myself somewhat blessed with good genes. However beside men like this, I appear to be small and I feel like hiding especially when these hawk like eyes look down on me inquisitively.

"Are you an army, a police, a marine, a awol soldier, a security guard or a prison guard?"I said grinning.

"Haha, where did you pick-up those multiple choices? Are you a teacher administering an exam?" He chuckled. "I didn't know you got strong wits too! You are funny and smart!" His hand that was loosely holding my wrist was sliding down my palm trying to intertwine our fingers.

"Answer my question, don't try to take advantage of me!" I said trying to shake his fingers away but he tightened his hold all the more.

"Before I answer your question, can you tell me about yourself first?" He asked looking down at me again like I was a child. His nose almost touching my forehead.

"I'm just a simple waitress, trying to catch a tall, rich, and handsome admirer like you!" I answered thinking it was the most sensible answer for this time...unfortunately he was not buying all of it. All along, he had made up in his mind that I wasn't just a simple waitress so I can't persuade that easily.

"Im glad to know that and Im glad I got your attention, however, I see there's more." He said matter -of-factly.

"What else could there be? As if I'm a sales agent of prohibited drugs? No, no, I cant even taste a sip of those beers in the bar, how much more of drugs? I think you are just over thinking Mr. Mark" I protested.

"Hmmmm..." He muttered nodding his head like a high ranking army who has just received a report from a subordinate.

"Dina, is that your real name? And do you have family name?" He seemed to have recalled he doesn't really know me yet because he was busy over thinking possibilities of things.

'Ha! after all was said, he didn't even remember to get to the basics'. I was smirking.

"I just want to know your real name before we call it a day." He untangled his fingers from mine and draped his arms on my shoulder. " Is that too much for me to know?" He stopped and looking down again. It was only this time.that I realized we had been strolling very slowly and we have already circled the whole park without even noticing we are almost at the entrance again. He looked at his watch.

"Time flies so quick when Im having a good time! It's quarter to 11." He said. "But I won't let you go unless you atleast tell me your complete name!" He quickly added.

"My godfather named me Fem after his heart was broken apparently by a woman of that name. My father gave me Law as my surname...so you can do the maths now." zipping my mouths in a straight line.

"Fem Law, I like you....I like your name. You are quite amusing! Haaaa.....I realized I didn't know what to do with you! " He said pulling me tighter with his left arm that was still on my shoulder.

"Then let me go now, its too late already. I can just walk my way back to the bar. I have asked Marie to open the gate for me so you can go home from here... or did you drive?" I asked

"Yup! My car is at the Kim's carpark so I can walk you back and fetch my ride as well." He said, his voice now sounding melancholic ..maybe he's already sleepy.

"Okay then lets be quick, we might be caught by police and you will be charged with corruption of minors! And by the way, I have just turned 18 last March...am not yet fully an adult yet! " I said for his more information.

"Oh really? But why are you so smart at your age? You are way ahead of some girls I know like your age. You are so intriguing and full of surprises. I thought you are like my age or at least few years younger. But 6years gap! Wow!!! That's great. !!!!" His voice became very alive now.

"Well some psychology books say smart women look older than their age. I dont know if you found that true this time." I said smiling not certain if I was pleased that I was considered smart by this man or displeased that I look more mature than my age.

"Goodnight, please take care of yourself while you are here." He said releasing my shoulders from his arms. I nodded then walk to knock the door of the bar. Hearing Marie's voice coming near, I turned to say goodnight to him then watched him turn away.

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