
5 Summertime Blues(Dinner with him)

Saturday night. I was feeling unsure whether or not to appear in that place called Kim's. Never mind what I wear but I should be alert physically, mentally, and socially. I picked the dress I happened to snatch from my sister's closet the last time I went to uncle's place. It was a blue simple full length sleeveless dress. I topped it with my gray knitted sweater just enough to keep me warm in case I'll feel cold inside.

I got at that place just few minutes before 9:00 and stopped few steps past the entrance. My eyes wandered around but I didn't see any face like him. I noticed stairs leading up and asked the front desk lady if there are still tables upstairs, she nooded and gestured politely with her hand to allow me explore upstairs. 'Maybe he's not here.' I was hoping while slowly climbing the stairs. My eyes stopped at a man seated right next to the window in the far end overlooking the busy street. I noticed the two bottles of beer in infront of him. He was wearing a faded dinem jacket with collared white tshirt matched with dark blue jeans. I slowly approached him. He seemed to have been destracted by the busy road outside not noticing I was already at his back.

"Can I take your order sir!" I silently moved at his right side since his left side was next to the window.

He jerked up like he was frightened by anything scary or dirty. Then looking up he noticed it was me. He quickly stood up and moved opposite him to pull the chair for me. 'So atleast he knows how to act as a gentleman ' I thought as I watched him do the gesture "Good girl Dina, you are finally here. Please sit down." He offered with a smile like a wish was granted.

"Thank you Mark " I said looking at how he would react of this name.

"That? How did you know?" His widened eyes looked surprised.

"Your brother sold you when you were drunk yesterday ." I said without meaning anything. They were just flowing words out from my mouth. 'This mouth sometimes puts my mind in trouble' I silently admonished myself.

"Ha! So what else do you know about me then?" He was starting his interrogative style of asking.

"Nothing more than being you as liar and shameless impostor." I said blandly.

"Ouch, that's too hurtful babe!" He said putting his left palm on his chest while making a sour face and swallowing hard.

"Oh, so you are also good at acting" I continued.


"And don't call me that name, I have a name. Mark. My name is Dina. Who is your babe that you keep on dreaming by the way?" before he could continue I interrupted.

He stared at me tenderly and long enough that I was beginning to feel my conscience stricken by guilt of my harshness. 'But its better this way than to be fooled 'my reasoning argued.

"Waiter please", he signaled the one standing at the corner breaking his gaze from me. The young thin man came near and ready to take food orders.

"Anything you want Dina?" He said, placing the menu in front of me. I didnt intend to be feasting at this time anyway. I only wanted to clear things up with this guy over a simple dinner maybe.

"I love that Kim's rice I ate before." I said. not reading anything from the menu. That was actually a set already so there was no need to add more.

"Please add one more of that and two of this!" Mark said pointing at a dessert in the menu." "That maybe all" He said as he closed the menu and gave it back to the waiter.

"So how come you call yourself Dan while your brother call you Mark?" I asked after the waiter left just announcing my conclusion that that "bro" is his brother.

"Yh about that, I cant tell you enough about me when I was there at your work place. That's why by all means I have to take you somewhere outside so we can chat better " He said like affectionately.

"Okay, so we are here now. Why would you take interest in me by the way? Im worried you might have mistook me as someone dear to you!" I was starting to be on point atleast.

"Pardon me, let me introduce myself first properly. I am John Mark Arevalo, 24 years old. I took interest in you the moment I saw you" He said in a normal tone.

"As for why I took interest in you, I don't know either! But something in you struck me when I saw you." He continued.


By this time the waiter came back with the food. Carefully set them on the table then left.

"Thank you." He nodded at the waiter who has politely withdrawn himself.

"So could you atleast tell me what's that you noticed in this simple waitress?" I looked down as if to study the food just served. But I was actually shy and feeling so small that such man would pick me up as a waitress in a bar. I have heard stories that when a waitress was asked out by a male costumer, there's bound to be some unfavorable miracles that will happen and that's why some waitresses go back home as single moms.

'Oh God, pls hold me that I will mot fall into this!' I prayed inside.

"I saw you smile first, maybe that was it." He reached out my chin to lift my face while saying those words like carefully and slowly.

"Ha! Its like you never saw any other girls smiling!" I withdrew my face from his reach. I don't care whatever he thinks of me this moment but I became so uncomfortable with that touch. It was like an electronic chord that was plugged with some low volts.

"I just need to understand why you order me like a hungry lion at my work? " I continued after seeing him shake his head while taking his fork and knife to start with his food. That was all my mouth could ever extract from my brain. I know I still have to learn a ladylike manners but who cares about that in this hostile world of men!

"He he, " he smiled a vicious smile while reaching his right hand to my head again this time ruffling my hair. "At least I got your attention that way! Didn't I?" Smiling ear to ear now.

"So why me then? You are scaring my wits off me" l said looking straight to his eyes while my hand maneuvered over my food.

"Maybe because I have good eyes?" He said with a slight upward curve on his medium wide lips. His nose was so prominent that when he lowers his head, the bridge of his nose is almost like a perfect triangle. Why are some people so blessed with such kind of tall perfect noses..... and clear eyes! It was the first time I noticed his clear brown eyes with long eye lashes that adds a tantalizing look. If he was a girl, her face would have been her best asset. I was beginning to admire his looks at this sight, but recalling how his voice terrified me yesterday, I cant help but wonder why he needed to use such voice to a mere waitress.

"Your eyes are indeed good!" I agreed with one brow raised. "But your voice scares like hell!" Starting with some kimchi now in my mouth.

"Hmmm, are you really scared ? I think you know in your mind that I mean better than scaring you" He flatly said.

'O gushhh, this guy is too much.! He is pushing me to my limits yet we barely even know each other.!'

"We dont really know each other, did you realize that?" I reminded him.

"Hmmm..yh yh. I know that. Its just that when I first saw you, I was so captivated by your mischievous smile and smart looking cute face. I knew you are not just an ordinary waitress. Now tell me why are you working in that bar? Are into something?." He said his mind.

"Ha! did your investigation team tell you that?" I said half jokingly.

"I told you these eyes are good! They might be lazy but they are sharp." He really emphasized his great captivating eyes.

"Maybe to find someone like you?" Now my wits started to awaken.

"Really!? Hmmmm..." He said like considering the possibility. "Then would you consider going out with me next time around?"He continued.

"Well, that depends if I'll reach home alive tonight. " I said reminding him my fear of him.

"Ha! I will not let you die yet. I haven't yet known you!"

"Okay, okay. You win. Let's enjoy our food then" Thanks for the food." I said.

He chuckled while his diverting his attention to his food. "Hmmm, cold already",he mumbled as he picked up his spoon and fork then ate gracefully glancing once in a while at me and around or outside. I just focused on my food being so conscious infront of this so confident man who seem to read and spell my mind.

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