
4 Summertime Blues (4)

Its Monday morning, 2nd week of our summertime job. I felt resfreshed from the Sunday "me" time.

Marie and I were sitting together. She was informing me that that annoying man came yesterday with the business tycoon like companion of his before. I shrugged. 'It's like I care ' I thought.

"He was asking for you " She said with a raw expression like disappointed.

"What's in that face?" I looked at her. "As if I stole something from you?" Raising my brows with a questioning eyes at her.

"No, it's nothing. But he kept pestering Lady Shane for not allowing you to come out! He suspected that boss is keeping you away from him!" Marie declared with eyes looking blankly at the busy streets outside.

"Oh, maybe you got him drunk then." I said with a silent chuckle.

"Not really, he was sounding nice at first, but when he noticed you were really not coming out, he started to drink big gulps and sounded loud! Fem, I tell you he scared me out of my wits! He almost turned the table up side down!" Marie was narrating with wide eyes at me.

"Hahaha, really!??? So how did boss handle him?" I asked.

"Its good his companion was able to calm him down . I think he was more of a chaperone than his drinking buddy !" Marie's observations were sometimes true.

"Boss did not need do anything with him huh?" I said softy as a certain costumer came in.

"No, she just smiled and told him she will not let you off if she knows his schedule of drinking spree here." Marie answered softly then went to attend the man who just came in.

"Good morning sir, wanna get drunk this early? Feeling heart broken? " Marie's way of taking his order.

"How did you know of that? Just a regular beer for me pls." the man said. He looks neat and clean. I was guessing he was not really here for a spree. He appears to be just waiting for someone and he was here to just kill time.

After about 15 minutes, he looked at his watch and look outside with eyes like expecting someone to appear. However no one arrived.

I noticed that his facial features was more like that of that annoying man. Could he be his brother? But I didn't dwell on the thought much. Why make life complicated? As if there were not any people who look alike. After five minutes, he gulped his remaining beer then left.

"Did he pay for that drink? " I asked Marie. Lady Shane has not arrived yet to take charge of the cashier. She was getting more and more late now maybe due to her pregnancy or maybe because she can trust us... hopefully.

"Awwww!!!! Shall I run after him?"Asked Marie.

"Up to you, but that's on you! " I said laughing.

"How on earth is this! Im again 50 bucks poorer!" exclaimed Marie.


The week has been long yet fun. I was finding it more fun interacting with tipsy people. Atleast I can laugh and joke with them. Although some might have malicious touches and gestures that Im finding it first time to exist, these observations are just added to my list of knowledge as to why some women fall so easily on men. 'So it appears that both parties are responsible for their own misery! I was subconsciously concluding.


Time passed quickly and it was our 1 month working in that bar. I was congratulating my self for having not tasted any of those drinks yet. Friday night was a so far the busiest time of the week. Maybe because people can now unwind after the week's work.

That Friday night of the 4th week, Dan appeared with that bald man and to my surprise, the man who have spent twenty minutes drinking a single beer without paying was following them. They were busy chatting while entering so the moment I noticed them, I partially hid myself behind the door of the stockroom.

I nudged Marie with my elbow while looking at those three men enrering as if they own the bar.

"It's pay time with interest." I reminded Marie

"Ouch, shall we ask him to pay?"Asked Marie.

"Why don't you go and take their orders so you can remind him at the same time." I advised while turning to the stockroom to avoid them.

"Where's Dina? " I heard him say.

" Can I get your orders sir?" Marie ignored his question.

"Are you deliberately hiding there Dina? Come out here! I said Im not done with you!" I heard his voice like one with authority. It reminded me of my father's way of ordering around his children like he was an infallible emperor. I initially wanted to come out but I suddenly shrunk in fear hearing that voice. I found myself nervous and my heart beat became irregular ...

'Oh my,' I said with my back leaning against the door while looking up staring at the ceiling.

Marie came after serving their orders. "She's asking for you, you better get out from here. He's so scary.!!!"

"Why do you want to feed me to a scary animal! " I glared at Marie. If this was not my work place ,I could have ran in terror.

"No, I just worry he will do much worse than last time !" Marie reminded me of the last time that man almost kicked the table up side down.

Still trying to calm myself, I came out and gave a fake innocent smile to everyone. He was looking around every corner when he saw me right beside the counter. He smiled when he saw me. I felt strangely calm when I saw him smile. But why was his voice sooo terrifying just a moment ago. After seemingly finished his piece in their conversation, he waved a few seconds to get some attention as their were a lot of costumers. I happened to see his hand waving and approach their table.

"Yes sirs! Need more?" I asked with body slightly bent to hear them clearly.

"Pls give us one more round after this, but wait until we clear these up." He said making a circular gesture over the table with his long slender fingers.

"Sure sir! Anymore?" I further asked.

"When are you free?" was his reply.


"Last time I came, you were not here, were you on a date? " He seemed to be interrogating me.

"Ahhh, I went to have some good sleep somewhere." I told him and clear enough to be heard by the other two.

"Somewhere." He repeated and nodded.

"Yup,! The way you ask me, as if Im cheating on you, haha!" With an annoying smile I managed to spout nonsense again.

"Ha! So when will you be free?" He asked again.

I cant help but be terrified by this man. Who knows he might take me somewhere and murder me...and dump me into one of those rivers of no return...

"Oh, are you asking me out ?" I asked.

"Obviously, are you scared at me?" He seemed to have read my mind.

"Not really but we are not allowed to go out with anyone here. Its our agreement with the boss." I told him seeking to see any reaction at the mention of "agreement".

"Okay, how about a dinner tomorrow at Kims' " He sounded helplessly compromised. Kims' was a Korean Restaurant just few blocks away across the street. " 9:00o'clock, will you be free?"

" I'm not sure sir." I said with hesitation. Although I know our age gap isn't that wide, I have to sound polite at all times especially on serious talks.

"Oh, pls! Not again" He made a slight bang on the table with his right fist. His two companions were just calmly watching him.

"Bro, tell me I'm not drunk yet! Am I?" He patted the shoulder of the one on his right whose looks was almost like him.

This "bro" returned the gesture and patted at his back. "Take it easy bro. We're here." He said while sipping his glass of wine.

"So Miss Dina, 9:00 is it a deal?" he looked up

"I'll let you know later sir. I still have to arrange with my lady boss." I said. "Meanwhile, pls enjoy your drink. Your next round will be served in a short while." I said turning away towards the counter.

Lady Shane looked at me with an annoyed face when I came beside her. I had to relay his request come what may. "Madam, He is asking me out for dinner tomorrow at 9" I simply blurted out.

Lady Shane raised her brows with her lips seeming to whistle. "What drink did you give that man, Fem? Its not like he drunk your potion! " She said jokingly while shaking her head.

"Ouch, I guess he has mistakenly identified me as someone he knew before. Probably a lover or someone close to him." I said with a worried tone.

"Okay, but dont go far. Be careful , we never know. Which place?" She inquired.

"Just across the road. At Kims' I guess he just need some confirmation of who I really am." I said.

It was finally nearly time to close the bar and all the table were cleared up except for Dan's company. They were yet to finish their 5th round of drink. So we waited for a little bit before reminding. That "bro" stared at his look alike who was leaning on the table with hands crossed. "Mark, Mark, are you okay? We're going now." While shaking lightly Dan's shoulder.

"Hmmmm... why so soon?" Dan said lazily.

So, his name is Mark! Why would he introduce himself as Dan? I wondered. Suspicion grew more in my mind and decided never to trust this man... ever.

"Its curfew time. Police patrols are already making their rounds. We should leave now", that bro said. Police do their regular rounds before 10:00 at night. It's no wonder this city was listed as the safest city in P country. High profile business men and politicians can actually walk on the streets without body guards and elections are peaceful. No recorded political assassinations as far as I remember and heard of local history.

"So how's my date?" Dan suddenly jerked up then sleepily looked around but his eyes were like that of a hawk. "Ahhh, there you are. Come here Dina" He ordered again like I was his employee.

"Yes boss! Dina at your service!" Approaching their table then slightly bending as if bowing to a master.

"You are so smart! You managed to have me get this drunk. " He said accusingly. " But don't you worry, I still remember we will meet tomorrow at 9! right?" Grinning at me sheepishly.

I was left speechless again by this shamelessness. I felt my blood starting to boil. How dare he twist everything for his advantage.

"By the way you sound, I feel I will be in a great danger. Forget it, I never agreed anyway. " I said with a stern voice. I gestured his two companions to lead him out since Marie was already signing to pull down the heavy steel door.

They finally stood up and I walked them out "You are such a tough babe, but that's what I like in you! I promise we'll have a good talk tomorrow. See you then." He said with his right hand on his pocket and left hand trying to reach out my face while standing unsteadily.

I pushed his hand to his side and shoved him to his "bro". "Take him home now. Take care" I said then entered the bar and closed.

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