
2 Summertime Blues (2)

I went to collect my things at Fely's work place as I have left my back pack there. Marie stayed with her sister for the night. I borrowed 59 bucks from Fely then I took a cab going to my uncle's home which was at the outskirts of the city. It has been long time since I last gone there. Uncle Benjie wasn't home yet and his wife had overtime at work. My elder sister was looking after their third child who was three years old girl. The second one was just a year older than me. He was 16 when Aunt Cathy became pregnant with this third one. Many thought it was impossible for her to give birth again because she had hard time giving birth with the first two. This third one almost cost her life, I heard them they say before.

I told my sister about the job I applied for and she was against it. But she couldn't do anything when she saw me getting things ready.

"I have to borrow some towels and some of your clothes because I will be staying in there." I pleaded with my sister.

After packing my things, I quickly grabbed some left over food to stuff my hungry tummy, brushed my teeth, went to take a bath then slept after half drying my long thick hair. If I waited for it to completely dry, it may take me ages.


I woke up feeling well rested, was anxious about what the day might bring. I wasn't really excited to start that work but my curious nature always nagged me to go and try atleast. "Do I need to do this job?" I thought. My mind recalled some of my classmates in the primary grades who served as waitresses and most of them came back home single mothers. It shames me doing the same having seen enough but nevertheless, I thought, I will make a gamble to prove that not all who work in such area are that cheap!

Then most of all, I'll do a vengeance for my elder sister! Make some men cry! That would be fun, I thought.

I was lying wide awake thinking though those thoughts when my sister nudged me. "What time is your work? Why are you not up yet?" Trell, my elder sister asked.

"Hmmm...what time is it?" I asked

"It's 7:45 and you have a long long way to go. The traffic gets heavy later so u must give yourself two hours allowance for this traffic thing." Trell advised.

"Okay" I shook my thoughts off then went to freshen up. At 8:00 I was already stepping out.

"You sure are a trained cadet erh?" My sister smiled when she saw me quickly leaving.

"See you next weekend sis. I'll come every weekend as we are allowed a day off weekly." I shouted while closing the small iron gate of the house.

Arriving at the bar, I reported straight to Lady Shane. She ushered me to a small room just right behind the cashier's counter. It was a bunk bed. Marie chose the upper bed while me at the lower one. It was just enough for one to sleep comfortably and simply. No make up tables...alright. This is not bad, I thought.

Work began. There wasn't much people coming in until it turned dark outside and gradually some men of different moods and expressions came in.

"Sirs, may I take your orders pls?" I asked a group of four young men after mastering my courage to get close to them.

"Same as before" bald one said like he was saying it to an old waitress without looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I don't know your orders before sir." I apologetically said not knowing that my lady boss Shane was listening from the side.

"What? You already forgot me? How many bald headed men are you serving each day.? He said with half annoyed voice before turning to look at me.

I was quite nervous what to do and what to say. Oh pls, these people are mean! I thought while putting a fake cute smile.

"Oh, are you new here? I haven't seen you when I last came here..but I come here quite often. Ask your boss for my orders! " He said pouting his lips to point at my lady boss who was watching us from the side of the counter.

Approaching her, I said " He told me to ask you. He said you know his orders!"

"No, I dont really remember what his orders were. Just give him.the most expensive one!"Lady Shane instructed me.

I dont even know which wine is the most expensive here...Im going nuts already. I went to the stock and reviewed the list of wines and their prices.."Hmmmm.." I mumbled picking up wine glasses and setting them up on a tray, poured to each one then went out to serve it to them. "Your wine sirs!" I politely laid each drink infront if each one using my right while holding up the tray with my left.

Did I actually learn this job in school? I wondered. Why dont they teach us these practical skills instead if those boring endless scientific and mathematical formula! Oh, what a life! I was telling myself as I headed back to the side to look around any arising need from costumers.

"Miss Pretty, come. over here!" One of the four men said after some while. It was the one at the right side of the bald man. That time I was chatting lightly with Marie trying to hide my nervousness.

"Yes sir, anything you might need?" I asked as I approached them with a smile.

"Why do you seem familiar? Have we met before?" he winked as he tapped at his side as if gesturing me to sit beside him.

"Im afraid no sir! I actually just started here today. I'm new here." I just said informatively.

Looking at the big poster at the corner opposite them, he suddenly exclaimed, "Is that you?"

"What???" I jerked when I saw the nude poster. It was an advertisement of a famous brand of liquor with a nude woman exposing everything except that her left hand was reaching to her long hair across her right shoulder thus covering her nipples. Her hips was slightlyside view and her right leg slightly bent to cover her naked soul.

"Have you checked yourself in the mirror lately?" This man asked again. His companions where wide smiling while nodding, bowing their heads as if ashamed of the shamelessness of their shameless companion.

I couldn't help but furrow my brows as I looked at him. "Are you sure you are not yet drunk sir ? I only served you once, I can see you haven't even finished yet."

The young men giggled and laughed now.

"Miss Pretty, may I know your name?" he asked instead.

"Oh sorry, are you regular costumers here?"I asked him back.

"Yes and yes, and that poster was there a long long time but I havent really seen a real one in person until now!" He said straight as if he was seriously meaning it.

"What does that have to do with my name then?" I reminded him.

His companions were now laughing at him finding him helpless as he shakes his head chuckling.

"I come here often, is it wrong to ask whose name im going to call when I need a service? Are you a waitress or do you prefer to work somewhere else? " His teasing melancholic voice had changed its tone into a serious one now.

Still wanting to get through him I said, "So you are actually a drunkard as you said you come here often? Well anyway, just call me Dina and nice having you here. Pls enjoy your drink sirs," I said then turned to go back to my previous spot. I saw lady Shane gesturing for me to come near her.

"Yes ma'am, anything?" I said.

"Those are top university students from B University. They are called elites here. Some of them come here once a month to hang out. Be careful when you serve them." she warned.

'Oh! I thought. What could be their fields of studies?' That bald headed one was more like criminologist, the other one is more like a medical student, next him was like a business tycoon, and that annoying one is more like commanding an army. Their haircuts were neat and the way they sit exude elegance and dignity. If this was not a second rate bar, I would have thought that they should be high and mighty that one has to shiver when approaching them. However, their choice to appear and gather in such a "not so classy" bar tells that they don't mind mingling with ordinary common people.

It was nine o'clock night, the city police are already going around for the checking as it was a city ordinance that by 10:00 o'clock all bars should be closed. I was tidying up one of the tables that was left by a pair of costumers.

"Dina, is it? Dina, come here! " That annoying man called out stirring shivers down my spine.

"Yes sir, but sorry we cant serve anymore, we are closing in a short while." I said holding a table cloth on my right hand.

"I know about that. " he said. Looking again at the poster opposite him. "When you take a bath later, can you try to check yourself in the mirror. I suggest a full length mirror. Are you sure you dont have an amnesia? That one looks very much like you!" He teased again. I felt my blood gushing to my face making it hot. I wonder if they they saw my blushed face that time of night.

Feeling helpless, I racked my brain to pick anything I could throw at this annoying man.

Out of nowhere, I heard myself saying, "Hello, are you fantasizing me? Seems you are soooo interested in me. Eh?" Grinning at him mischievously.

But his reply came in an instant, "So if I say that's true would you fill my interest? "

I was left speechless. I have to learn more on brain twisting to survive in this forbidden place. I thought.

"What can you say? " He followed up as I was about to go back to the table I was cleaning up earlier.

"Nonsense! Whoever you think you are! Please finish your drink and go home and report to your mom or she will cut your precious allowance!" I said with a smirk. The bald headed nodded nonstop and chuckling while the other two smiled ear-to ear indicating that they are a bit tipsy.

"Ah so you also know my mom's rules, eh? Since when did I take you home?" He said again now laughing.

By this time lady Shane was already soo entertained that she hid behind the counter covering her mouth so that her laughter will not be heard. Marie cant complain while continuing the tidying up of tables.

"Geeeezzzz, you are soooo annoying, go home now Mr. ...." I realized I didnt even know his name.

"Hahaha, are you sure you dont know me, Miss Dina?" he came very alive now with his teasing.

"Stop it! as if you knew me before. Whoever that woman is to you. I assure you that Im just a poor urban girl..for your information. sir!"

He stared at me for a bit longer then nodded.. "Okay, okay. I'll stop now. But if you can recall, I told you earlier my name is Dan. As in D A N. and obviously im not yet DONE with you." he said emphasizing the latter word.

What is this man thinking or associating me with? Seems he has some story to tell,I wondered. Looking at him, I cant help but memorize his facial expression. He seems to joke a lot but deep inside there was a meaning in what he was saying...atleast I thought.

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