
13 His Letter.

A week after that incident with Lester, the landlady handed me a stationary envelope with my name on it. It wasn't stamped so I assumed it was hand carried by someone. I knew it was from Mark but I didn't know how this letter got here. I rushed to my room and excitedly opened it.

It said:

Hi Fem Sweetheart!

This letter shouldn't come as a surprise to you. Infact, I expect that you are expecting it earlier than now. I went to your workplace before and found out you weren't there anymore. I didn't know you had to go too soon. I say, I wasn't prepared to miss you yet. These past few weeks, I felt I was already a widower. Why had I become so hopeless thinking I won't see you anymore?

Sweetheart, you never stop surprising me! How could you be so secretive towards this Intelligence agent? Just when I thought I knew you, you went leveling up! Darling, you captivated me with your wits and charm and now I'm all the more captivated by your brilliance and strength! How could you be so amazing?

Marie told me that you are actually starting your third year in college and you're one of the top students in your school! I am not surprised though. As you know, I always thought you are someone way ahead from others of your age. To be honest with you, when you mentioned about going to school, I hesitated thinking that its quite a long journey for me and you. Now it seems I got a 50%off from that long wait. Im so glad thinking that we can share our lives together soon. I hope you are thinking of me too no matter how busy your school days are.

As for me, I am now ranking for promotion and hoping to be promoted by next month.This career will be taking me everywhere in and outside of the city as the work demands. This may affect the frequency of our communication but I will make sure to send you an update everytime I get a break. Meanwhile, do focus on your studies and don't forget to miss me. We will be fine soon sweetie, pls don't worry.

However, I do just have one worry about us dear. You probably don't know that I am a very possessive lover. I always feel uncomfortable everytime I think that you are letting someone touch you the way I do. I saw this when you were at work in the bar. Did you know I wanted to strangle everyone of those men who look at you with bulging eyes? I'm quite sure you got more of those way back there. I hope you can assure me peace regarding this. I also heard you had a boyfriend before me. That scares me! Im honest! But I trust your heart. You can trust mine as well.

And just one reminder Fem Law, remember our last night together. I hope you were not drunk that time. I suppose not, because I believed every word you said.

I miss your smiles, your fingers with mine, you humour, your kisses and most especially you. I can't wait to be surprised by you again. Send me a reply ASAP. I'm desperately missing you Fem Law. Till next time...

Only yours,


I read and reread and read it again, I cant stop myself from smiling wide and feeling loved and all the more inspired. 'How corny!' I mumbled as I put the letter in my treasure box then shoved it in the innermost part of my bed drawer.

'Ahhhh... I miss you so much too!' was all I could silently say in my heart. Words could not express my longing to see him. If I only had the wings to fly to him, I could have done it countless time already. How could he say he admire my strength? I am too weak and vulnerable as far as I know myself.

I stared absent mindedly at the window opposite my study table. My brother Niel sat down at the left side to do his homework. I sat down opposite him.

"Had that Lester been talking to you?" I asked distracting my thoughts from that letter.

"Yep! he would greet me every time he sees me. He addresses me as his brother-in-law in fact." He said while pouring down over his physics book. He was in his senior high school.

"Tsk! He's not my boyfriend. Stay away from him." I said flatly.

"Hmmmm... he even asked if he can come with me to visit our parents and ask your hand from them." My brother was smiling while staring at his book.

"No! What made him think of such! You must be kidding!" I stomped my feet with my eyes widened.

"Why not? Seriously, I think he is a good man for you sis!" my brother was speaking like an adviser. Perhaps he got a share also of our father's genes. He must have forgotten I was his elder sister.

I sat back on my chair and started to write my book review on child psychology but I cannot get my mind focused so I drafted a response letter to Mark's.

I wrote:

Dearest Dan Mark,

Hope this letter comes distracting you in a most destructive way! Your letter sounds corny! I don't know how to reply a letter like that, tsk!

Ha! I can't seem to imagine how you were feeling when Marie told you about me. Pls don't believe in everything she says. You might get disappointed! But Im glad you are jealous? And I don't want to say you have all the reason to be jealous. My ex boyfriend came begging and left crying. You can be rest assured I only have you in my heart and mind. Your letter fuels me up to do better and better. Have I told you that you are my inspiration?

I'm striving to keep on despite hardship.

Mark, I really thank God I met you. Its not by accident that He led me to work in that bar. You know, I felt so ashamed working in that place but who knew that I would meet such an amazing and loving man as you!

I chose not to tell you anything about my studies because I was a mere waitress and wanted to experience what others have been through except that they met a wrong person who impregnated them. That made me grateful to you because somehow, you respected me despite my vulnerability. Realizing it now, I can't thank you enough. I could have gone home pregnant as well.

I am now on my third year and in two years time, I hope I can finish this study. Studying isn't easy here, I'm a self supporting student but so far, all is going well. Thank God.

I always remember my words I have spoken to you during our last night together. It was just good I got a high alcoholic tolerance. Thanks to my dad's genes (he he).

John Mark Arevallo, I can't say how much I miss you. But as you said, I have to be strong, so strong I should be. Have I got any choice?

Im writing this just after reading your corny letter. My brother is staring at me like a hawk now. I have to park my pen till next time.

Love you always,


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