
11 Summertime Blues (His version)

It was one rare occasion that we get to hang out with my high school friends. We went to our hang out then but we didn't like the annoying girls from the other table trying to flirt with us. They talked loud and vulgar. We moved out to find a rather small bar called Shane's Place just few blocks away. Jeff, Mel, Dan and I spotted a table just enough for four of us. We started catching up on our conversation almost forgetting that we need to order something to keep us seated. A waitress approached our table to take our orders. At first, I just looked at her without much attention. She first noticed Jeff because of his shining bald head. I was surprised that Jeff sounded like he was a regular costumer there. I thought the waitress will get embarrassed by Jeff's cold and indifferent tone but she instead broke a smile and dealt with us gracefully. I was sneaking a glance of her while chatting with my "brothers". She was tall, about 5'4" high, she has long almost waist length thick black silky hair, she has eyes that seem to read one's mind and her lips are mostly kept shut that you'll never know when her next burst of laughter or crack of smile may come. Just to outsmart Jeff, I made my voice resound like a commander. I had to make my presence noticed by this lady whose attention was on Jeff. Jeff on the other hand was smirking having understood my intention. He knew I don't usually give attention to girls. He was giving way for me.

I ordered my words like a commander and acted as though I knew that girl before. I introduced myself as Dan which was the name of my other friend with me. I know I sounded like a fool that night at that bar. I was just blessed that my friends did not disown me when we got out. Well, that girl introduced herself as Dina. Quite a unique name! There was a large nude poster of a liquor ad hanged on the corner opposite our table. Mostly, popular artists do this nude posts for ads but this particular model never met my eyes before. I wasn't yet drunk to confuse my clear vision. Is that poster actually the waitress herself? They look so similar! And for some moments, I began to scrutinize her figure. They almost have the same angles and looks. I admit I was captivated by this Dina, whoever she is. She looks so smart and her eyes tells someone that she understands what she is seeing and her words just comes at the right time. My psychology lessons seem useless this time. I went home that night dreaming of how to get back to that place again without being mistakenly identified as a drunkard.

My second visit at that place was the Sunday of that week. I was expecting to see Dina but to my dismay, she never showed up. I felt so frustrated not seeing her and thought her boss was keeping her from me as I saw that lady boss of hers eyeing every move if her waitresses. I gulped several glasses in frustration. My Jeff and Dan were helpless when I vented my frustration on the table. Fortunately, Jeff was able to ask the phone number of that place from the other waitress who appeared to be Dina's friend. She introduced herself as Marie. I got the piece if paper and waved Marie to confirm if it was indeed their landline number. Getting a nod, I tried to calm down and put the piece of paper on my wallet. I went home drunk that night. It was rare for me to get home drunk. I woke up the next morning greeted by silent stare from my older brother as if guessing why I got drunk last night. Over breakfast, I told him I was starting to see someone at a bar. He looked surprised and displeased but didn't say much. He just inquired which bar and its location. I just shrugged and told him it was at Shane's Place at L Road. Little did I know that he would find some time to visit there to spy. He came home one evening with a smirk on his face saying he saw the girl I was eyeing. It was already good that he did not make any negative comments about who and what about that girl.

I invited my elder brother and Mel again for jamming but my real intention was to ask Dina out. They knew I was interested in this girl. They can even admit to themselves that this girl was quite humorous and witty and her aura was quite captivating. Though her eyes looks lazy, it balances her aura giving an impression of understanding and kindness. I must admit I was infatuated by her the first time I saw her.


I was actually nervous during our first meeting, I wasn't sure if she will appear or not as she wasn't sure of her boss's permission. I chose the table next to the window overlooking the busy street just so I can keep my nervous eyes away in case she will find it out. I didn't notice she was beside me when she came or how long has she been standing behind me before she spoke up like a polite waitress. Anyway, we talked and she was very straightforward as I expected. She tries to tell the truth wrapped in humour and she asks straightforward questions humorously. I can't help but admire the genes of whoever raised such an amazing lady. I was guessing maybe she is just a few years younger than me and maybe she was a very bright student if she did go to school. 'Such a waste if she didn't' I thought.

Having finished our food, I invited her for a walk. I haven't asked her real identity yet. It was during that time.I learned of her real name and age. I was quite shocked that she was still young and my admiration of her grew more intense realizing that she can actually level up to someone at my age. She thinks way ahead than the ladies I know at her age. Most ladies at the age if 16-20 are focused on the petty side of things. Fem Law, as she introduced herself is quite unique. I kept wondering why on earth was she at that bar when she could actually work at a better place!

Somehow and thanking the heavens for granting me opportunities to be with this girl I admire, we managed to meet again on a Sunday. I spent considerable amount of thoughts on how I could win her heart. I had so many ideas in mind how to propose to her but thinking of her straightforwardness and her humourous way of doing it, all my ideas were drained away. In the end, I just resolved to let things be as the situation arises. I decided to be as simple and staight as possible. 'Perhaps this will work for her best' I thought.

That Sunday night after having gone to horseback riding and gone to movie, I cant hold myself anymore. I had just been with her for these few past hours and I've felt she can also be so sweet and sensible. Far from what you see when you first see her at a glance. With all my will focused on winning her, I guided her to a bench beside the park's lake. I nervously knelt down to face her. She has actually allowed me to touch her which helped me gain my confidence to hug her openly and at ease while calming myself down. I wondered why she could so naturally allow herself to be touched by me without being yet an official boyfriend but the thought that she works as a waitress gave me a hint that probably she is just as accommodating to everyone. I hate the feeling I get everytime I touch and hug her yet she treated it as just a natural thing for her. I can't help but feel jealous and angry inside imagining 'my woman' being nice and accommodating to everyone in the bar.

So I asked her. I knew she wasn't certain of her answer yet I was so eager and grabbed her 'Okay' as a yes. It wasn't already an infatuation because by this time, I wanted to do everything for her. I just can't figure out yet how to start. Since I decided to date her, I was already planning things with her in mind. I want her in my future and I wanted to take things as sure as possible. Yet for this moment, I just needed to know if she is also feeling the same way I feel for her. I got her answer. ...'okay'. Normally, I could have jumped and shouted a big YES! But seeing her calm and gentle demeanor, I was so drawn to just kiss her with all my respect and love. Then claimed her first kiss. I was sure she never really did some before which comforted my jealour ego. 'Atleast I was her first kiss!' I beamed inside then kissed her with all my passion. However, she was quick to remind me of her time so I sent her to her uncle's place and went home feeling soooo satisfied with life and full of dreams.


We came back after a week of intelligence gathering from a far flung site. We arrived late at the headquarters so exhausted. The team just decided to disperse after a brief reporting. I entered a fast-food chain and ordered some food originally planning to get home quickly. I suddenly felt I needed to check on my woman. I realized I had been missing her. 'I wonder if she misses me too!' I muttered as I waited for my order to come out. I took out the number from my wallet and dialled the number given by Marie hoping they were still awake to let me in. I was delighted to hear the sweet voice from the other line, I quickly grabbed my takeout orders then strode big strides towards L Road. Fem greeted me with lazy eyes and mischievous smile. 'She looked a bit strange tonight' I thought' finding out that they were drinking a strong beer. Marie was somewhat tensed as Fem looked a bit dangerous with her aura. I can sense some tension between them. It was this time that I saw how my woman expresses her anger. She was quite calm outside but I knew she was boiling inside. She placed the beer in front of Marie with a loud bang! Then stared a murderous look at her and her words were surprisingly sharp that made Marie's face grew faint and lips quivered. I myself was surprised but tried to calm her down not knowing the real reason of her anger.

That night, she actually laid her card down. She wanted to go to school and was somewhat saying goodbye . I can't say something sensible other than agree that the future is more important. I respected her decision trusting that she will hold her commitment on our just budded relationship. I was comforted to hear her actually say it and that gave me assurance to let her go even though I wanted so much to keep her by my side already.

.....What I didn't know was that she has gone so soon. The next time I went to see her, Marie told me she has gone home. I felt devasted.

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