
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 3: The Gacha.

'Congratulation, you have earned the Skill 'Flicker''

'Congratulation, you have earned the Skill 'Novice Martial Arts''

After killing all the wolves, I get quite a lot of reward. Two new skill. One Movement skill and one fighting skill. Not to mention, I'm now Level Six... Which is pretty cool! The game really is pretty generous. But that does mean that it would get harder in the late game... Just like every other game that is generous in the early game.

But, I don't hate it. There's no stamina point or anything. I got a lot of wolf pelt. Which I can turn into Lire. Which is the currency in the game. A Thousand Lire is One Dollar. Which is pretty good. Because one Pelt is Fifty Lire.

Anyway... Since I've gone back in the city... I decided to take a rest in a very quiet area... The Inn. I sit down on the bed and then go through my inventory...

"Hmm... I've gotten the wrong equipment..."

From the Wolf Pack Leader, I've gotten a new weapon... But not a Gauntlets. It's a Rare Sword. But it does increase your attack by fifty without any enhancement. Not to mention, it has a skill called 'Critical Strike'. It's a passive skill that can be used every Five Second. It's a guaranteed critical hit using that weapon.

The scaling is pretty good too. If this sword is upgraded, it increases the base damage and the critical damage at the same time. Which is super OP.

I'll give it to someone who is interested in becoming swordsman in the future though...

For now... I want to do the forbidden thing...


When I stated Gacha, the Gacha screen opened... And I see a lot of stuff can be gotten from the Gacha... Of course, the chance is very... Unfair...

It seems like all the skills that is not locked under 'Profession' is there... From Common to Legendary Skill. Not to mention, there's also Equipment. But that Rate is even Smaller...

Of course, there's a free gacha everyday. And it seems like the only way to get more Gacha Ticket is by doing 'Raid'. Which is exactly what it sounds like. A full blown squad fight against a very strong dungeon...

Without hesitation... I put my finger on the Pull 1x button... Nervous fills my mind... But, my body can't stop... I press the button and what I got, is not something I thought I would get.

Meanwhile, Jonas situation in the game...

"Cover The Rear! They're aiming for the healer!"

"Aye aye Leader!"

Jonas, the Leader of a particular party. Nickname: GeeLouis. A very strong player that played since the moment the game released... Like Matthias in the other Gacha Game, he is a day one player. A very dedicated one as well...

"Leader! The Skeleton Mage has been taken care off!"

"Alright! Leave the last hit to me!"

GeeLouis without hesitation, dashed toward the Skeleton King... He swing his sword up toward the Skeleton King bone neck and shatters the bone apart...

'Congratulation, you have finished the 'Skeleton King Raid''


Everyone in GeeLouis Party is extremely happy when they finished the raid... But then... A world wide announcement was made...


GeeLouis look at the sky. At the announcement... And the Announcement stated that...

'Congratulation to Player 'Exu' for pulling 'Black Hand of God and White Hand of Goddess' from the Gacha.'

GeeLouis face turns... Into a big shock... The reason is that the 'Black Hand of God and White Hand of Goddess' is written in Red Font.


The world has seen the first ever Natural Legendary Pull. And GeeLouis reaction after that first reaction is...

"Wait... Isn't Exu..."

Back to Matthias.


I am so ecstatically happy right now. I'm jumping around the room in happiness like a madman. I jump on the bed and hit my head on the ceiling a couple of time from the happiness... Until the excitement change down to curiosity...

"Fuuh... Black Hand of God and White Hand of Goddess... A Pair of Gauntlets... It's a Legendary Grade Equipment as well... I can't be more happier to get this fucking thing."

I feel like it's been a long time coming. After spending Two Years Playing shitty gacha game that have decent rate but didn't get what I wanted... In this good Gacha Game that have a shitty rate, I got what I didn't think I would get...

'BHG n WHG' That's what I will be calling. The effect of this thing is very good... Super good in fact... People can see the announcement that the system make. And I bet they're falling head over heels for this equipment.

"Ooops, the time is up... Log out!"

With that, I log out from NWO with happy feeling... I open the capsule and then look to the side...

"... Yo."

"What's up~"

"Congrats on getting Black Hand of God and White Hand of Goddess."

"Thanks~ Want me to treat you to dinner? I'm in a very good mood right now~"

"Haaah... Let's go... I feel so freaking bad about that... What did that equipment do?"

"Let's talk in the restaurant. I'm so hungry."


We go to the restaurant and started eating... And after we eat...

"So, you want to know about BHG n WHG?"

"Yup. Is that what you call it? That's pretty easy."

"Well, it's too long if I keep it calling it like that. Anyway... The effect of BHG is this. Give the wearer a Seventy Percent Attack Buff. And then, when There's No Debuff on me, All of my attack penetrates the enemy defense by Fifty Percent. If I'm not mistaken, Defense Break is Fifty Percent too. So, when there's no Debuff on me, I'm practically attacking with constant Defense Break. And if there's a Defense Break, I attack without worrying about the defense..."

"I see... So your BHG is very strong indeed... But a lot of monster and us, players have some sort of Debuff like decrease attack, decrease defense, poison, burn, and CC and many more debuffs... So, it's going to be hard for you to keep that up. Right?"

"Yeah... That's the weakness... But I guess even Legendary Equipment has a weakness."

Truthfully, it's not like that... But, I will let him asked the last thing.

"Then your WHG?"

"WHG has the ability to Fully Cleanse me and all of my allies from any debuffs. Not to mention, when my Fully Cleanse Ability is on cooldown, I can still use Cleanse on myself. And it will cleanse all debuffs on myself depending on the cooldown of my Full Cleanse. So, if I have A minute left before I can use Fully Cleanse, then I can Cleanse a minute off all debuffs on me. And let me say this, the Fully Cleanse Ability has the cooldown of Five Minutes... So, good luck trying to land any debuffs on me."

And Jonas jaw hit the table... I know it's disgusting, but Legendary Equipment is Legendary Equipment~ It's the best kind of Equipment and I am all for it.