
chapter 5 - goodbye evil creature.

Just as she turned her head to face the ground she heard a car in the distance driving towards her. she pulled her head up to face the two bright lights that was shinning into her face just as the light shut if she could see the preest stepping out of his car with a sigh of relief she calls " thank God you are hear... I don't know what it is it's.." just before she could finish the preest said I know I can see it waiting for me" she stood their in fear not know what to say the preest continued " I need you to come in with me whilst I read the lords pray and use holly water and a clencing stick and each room we will repeat the pattern of saying the pray and sprinkling holly water around the room and lighting the clencing stick on fire allowing the smoke to get rid of this..

this ...this DEMOND" fear filled her stomach she felt her self slowly freeze many time she had watched these type of tv shows whilst her children was in bed a sleep not once did she think this could happen to her but with a brave and slightly scared voice she said " what will I be doing" with this the preest turned around to face cendal straight in the face and said you will be reclaiming your house" the preest then covered her in holly water and told her to say the lords pray before entering the house. when they entered the heaviness in the air sat on top of them and made a unwanted and called feeling flow through their bodies when they walked from room to room. the preest stood next to cendal whilst saying the lords pray and sprinkling holly water around then lighting the clencing stick on fire to release the smoke to get the deomnd out of that very room before they repeated this through out every single room and hallway however the demond wasnt leaving yet he made sure he gave cendal a fright by standing in the cor ers of each room fillong ot will fear and heavyness but after the prosejairs where finished in the rooms air felt less heavy but yet still heavy so the preest said " now it's your turned tell the evil spiret to get out" he said this with a strong and demanding voice so listening to her instruction cendal shouted out "I call on you demond to leave my house... give me my house back... I demand you to leave... RIGHT NOW" just as she shouted that she felt a rush of cold air run through out her and after that passed she felt the air inside the house become welcoming and happy again she felt like she was home she turned to the preest with the brightest smile she said " we have been friend for many years you have helped me out but this is over the top, how can I ever thank you, you have given me my home back and gave my children their home" he gave her a big bright smile back and said " you don't need to thank me I'm helping a friend out" before he could finish cendal pushed her lips against his and held their for 5 seconds then moved back and said " im sorry" the preest (Jake)looked at cendal straight in the eye with his red checks put is hand on to her hips and pulled her close to kiss her back" just then she had to go round and collect her kids she said "wait hear I'm just going to get the children" he turned and gave her a smile and she went to get the kids. when she reachted her neighbours house she seen their car was back, she walks into the house to see her daughter fine just brusies and cuts she k ew the demond got into her head and tried making her think that he broke her daughter bones. she collecting the children and asked for her neighbour (clair) if she would like a coffee one dag to tell her what happened. minutes later she returned back and the children molly and max seemed more happy then ever and went and sat on the sofa next to jake then cendal came into the living room with poppy lieing into her arms she placed her on the sofa and said " she's okay she just need plenty of sleep and her family love" with happiness filling the house she told the kids to go to bed and rest. she walked up the stairs with poppy in her arms to place her in bed then she kissed each child on the head and said "goodnight my little babies I love you" she left and went down stairs jake was about to go when she said " stay please ... I mean you don't have to" with that each of their hearts filled with love as they stared at each other and he said "i would love to" before she fell asleep she said "GOODBYE YOU EVIL CREATURE.