
Chapter 58

Gabe pulled walked into his home and immediately took his clothes off and showered. Thoughts of what happened repeating over and over in his head. He toweled off and put on some sweats and a tee, taking the blood covered clothes to the fire put outside. After he watched them burn to ashes, he buried them in the dirt. He lit a cigarette and wept.

After composing himself awhile later, he called Pete.

"Hey man, that dude Billie is dating said he has has friend in LA. Could be potential there for some studio time. You dig?"

"Hell ya, man. Let's go!" Pete said. It was 3 am but the enthusiasm was clear.


Ezra paced the living room floor. Paul had called and said everything was in the clear but his nerves were still on high alert. The sun was coming up and Ezra watched as the brilliant pinks and golds lit up the sky. It was new day, he thought. And a new beginning. But could they ever truly escape what had been done and who they were?


Gabe walked into the diner and asked for a cup of coffee. "You ok, sweetheart?" Paula poured a cup and handed him the sugar.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just couldn't get to sleep last night. Tossed and turned," Gabe said.

"Well, I hope you can get some rest darlin. Look, I know you're upset about Billie and this guy. I know you care about her. But I think he's got good intentions and he can take care of her, ya know?" Paula put her hand on his.

"What? Really? Because he's loaded, right? You of all people should be able to tell how controlling he is. Just because a man has money doesn't mean he's good." He sat his cup down.

"I didn't mean it like that," Paula tried to explain.

"It's a moot point anyway. She is with him. And I need to move on with my life." Plus, he has something over me now, what's the point of trying to fight it?, He thought but didn't say.

"I'm sorry you're hurting hun." Paula said. Gabe nodded and smiled.

"I'm not hurting, I'm going to LA." He put down a five dollar bill and walked out.


"Billie," Ezra whispered. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"Ready to learn to ski?" He asked.

"Nope. Not at all, but I'm ready to get out of town. I'm all packed," she said sleepily. "Did you even come to bed?"

"Yes silly. You even talked to me when I did. You said, 'Come here and warm up my feet." He lied.

She giggled. "Oh, sorry about that." But she didn't remember it. And his side of the bed looked as though it hadn't been touched.