
Chapter 54

"I know you hate the city but I want to get him something nice. A gift. To say thank you for all he's done for me. Paula, he came into my life and just… just loved me. No doubts. No ugly. No hurt. Just love and safety. I owe him much more than any stupid gift." Billie said, looking over at Paula.

"Yes. I understand. And it better be worth it for all this traffic I'm dealing with." Paula slammed on the brakes as she weaved in and out of traffic in downtown Phoenix.

"He has to have everything. The man is worth 80 billion dollars. What could you possibly get him anyway? Socks? Hanes underwear?" Paula joked as she flipped an elderly couple the bird for cutting her off.

"I guess I don't know. That's why I brought you. Such a thoughtful person." Billie joked.

"Yeah. Very funny." Paula said. She pulled over into a shopping plaza and parked. "We can start looking blindly here." She said, cutting the engine.

They got out and walked into a shopping center. Inside, Billie walked into a gift shop. She looked around and saw all sorts of things. Arizona tee shirts. Kokopelli statues. She wandered over to the coffee mugs. She smiled when she saw one that had a unicorn giving the finger that said "Give me coffee because I don't like to eat shit politely." She laughed. Hard. She picked it up and carried it to the counter where Paula was waiting. "This. You're getting him this?" She asked. Billie laughed and nodded. As she was being rung up, she noticed a shelf with ornate boxes, one caught her eye. She opened it and inside was the most beautiful hand embroidered pendant on a gold necklace. Purple and pink rose like flowers were sewn into the oval fabric on the pendant.

"This is beautiful. I've never seen anything like it." Billie said.

"It's middle eastern. Syria or Turkey. Something like that. It's a thing they wear." The cashier said. Billie smiled. His mother was Syrian, she thought. She placed the box on the counter as well.

On the ride home, Paula looked over at Billie.

"What?" She asked.

"A coffee mug and a flower necklace? These are the things you get your billionaire boyfriend for gifts and had me drive all the way to the city for? What the hell, Billie?" Paula asked, shaking her head.

"Yep." Billie said.

"You owe me, big time… weirdo." Paula laughed.

"Oh don't I know it." Billie said. They laughed and talked all the way back to town. Billie was happy to have the time with her friend, regardless of the reason.


"How was your day?" Ezra asked as he unbuttoned his dress shirt.

"Good! I went shopping. With Paula." Billie said.

"Oh my. How did that go?" Ezra laughed.

"Good." Billie said, looking down at the two boxes on the bed.

"What's this?" Ezra asked.

"Gifts. For you. To say thank you for being… you." She said.

He smiled. "I don't get gifts. Ever. I am so excited." He said, sitting down and shaking them like a little kid. "Christmas is in a week. I wanted to give you your gifts early since we will be out of town." Billie said.

"Yes. And are you sure? I can't wait. I don't want to but I can." Ezra said with a sheepish smile.

"No. Open them." She said.

He nodded and opened the first one. He let out a hearty laugh when he saw the mug.

"Could it be any more perfect?" He said with another deep laugh.

"Right?" She said, smiling. Paula thought I was crazy."

"If she only knew." Ezra said. Billie swatted at him.

He opened the second gift. His eyes lit up when he saw the box.

"A mosaic box. These are from my mother's country." He said. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Open it." She said.

He did as she said and picked up the necklace. She wasn't sure how he was reacting, he kept his head down.

"It's not for you to wear. I saw it and loved it. I thought it might be nice to have some things from there. I know it's silly…. Ezra?" She asked. He still had his head down and his eyes on the necklace.

He finally looked up and she could see the tears welling in his eyes.

"How did you know to buy this?" He asked.

"I just thought it was beautiful and unique. And when the cashier said it was from Syria or Turkey, I thought maybe you'd like it. I… I don't understand. Is it bad?"

"My mother had one exactly like it." He said. "She wore it all the time when I was a boy. I can't, I just can't believe you picked one just like hers. The same colors. Everything. It's unbelievable. And it's such a perfect gift." He wiped his eyes and threw himself toward her, pulling her into his arms.

"Thank you." He whispered. "Thank you so much."

She held him and told him he didn't need to thank her.

In his mind, thus only validated to him more and more that she was the one. It was a sign. A big sign.

The next day, they were preparing for their trip to Aspen when Ezra pulled Andrew aside.

"I need the sapphire." He said.

"Sir?" Andrew asked.

"Yes." Ezra said.

"Very well. I will have the safe deposit box opened later today. Just the ring then?" He asked.

"Yes." Ezra said. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, sir. Happy for you." Andrew said with a nod. Ezra smiled.

"Happy for all of us." He said.

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