
Chapter 1

The chill in the air had made Billie shiver down to her bones. It was a damp cold and the wind blew through her like nails. She walked into the gas station bathroom and closed the door. Heat. It felt good on her skin after walking in the cold, October drizzle. She pulled out her change purse and counted what was left of her money. Five hundred eighty two dollars and fifteen cents. She looked down at her acoustic guitar. The only thing she hadn't pawned or left behind before she walked away from Indiana. The only thing she had taken with her other than a few articles of clothing and a heart full of hope.

"No. We are a team. And you're all I have." She said, looking at the 1963 Gibson Hummingbird in it's tattered case. It was worth thousands and could give her a down payment on an apartment when she found somewhere to get settled, but she couldn't part with it.

She stood in front of the hand dryer for a few more minutes, trying to dry every piece of her clothing before she walked back out into the misty rain, on foot for another 3 miles to the nearest bus station. She had made it to her childhood friend's house in Illinois a few days earlier to stay for a bit before heading out again. They had connected on social media months before and because it was someone away from their inner circle, she saw it as the first real opportunity to get away. She needed to make some changes and get her plan together and Phoebe was nice enough to let her crash. "Sean had no idea she existed." She thought to herself, which bought her time, something she needed badly to make this all work. Looking into the mirror, she didn't recognize herself. She had dyed her blonde hair a soft black color and wore clothes she knew wouldn't draw attention. A Guns N Roses tee with a green army jacket and ripped jeans with her 20 year old Doc Martens combat boots. Long gone was the business casual frilly blouse, heels and pencil skirt. She had left her past behind and intended to keep it where she left it. She had made it this far and was praying she would find a place to settle, somewhere she felt safe, somewhere she could finally call home.

Walking back out into the black, autumn night, she took a deep breath and made her way down the road.


The bus station was empty at that time of night and she had time to look at the schedule as she shivered off the Illinois chill. There were several options leading her away from the northern Indiana life she was leaving behind but one place in particular caught her eye. Carefree, Arizona. It sounded so far away from the heaviness she was escaping. She glanced one more time at the various destinations and closed her eyes. This was the place. She laid down one hundred and sixty dollars on the counter and bought her one way ticket to a new life.

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