
Staying with my father

Judge gave his judgement and told me to stay with my father, I was happy but when I looked at my father I saw he was frowning and when I looked at my mother she had a victory smile, experiencing that situation I felt that they really never wanted me, but I was just 8 years old so I ignored all this, thinking that I am a little girl but I should have known that I am no longer a little girl, I went to stay with my father but I felt that it was my biggest mistake. I completed my 8 years and my summer vacation was very close and my results were revealed and as usual I was a top student in my class I was very happy not with my results but to go to my Aunt's house, I went to my father and told him "look dad I am highest, so can I go to my Aunt this time, please dad!" but I never expected such reply from him his reply was an attack to my heart "I wish you were never born, I told that women to abort the child but that stupid women blackmailed me and she as soon as you were born she gave all your responsibilities to me and now she completely left this child on me and you! you are sucking my blood, just go away don't come to me again! go!" I was really speechless I was stunned was he really my dad? my dad was never like this I thought I can never see my Aunt now as soon I could recover a women came to my house and that women was my father's second wife. I thought finally my father found a mother for me but I was wrong he actually found a wife for him, she never noticed me, she never took care of me, but I said "it's okay, don't be sad you will be happy soon". I always consoled myself but I never knew I was born with a cursed fate. I was rich but I felt that money can give you status, power, food, shelter but you can never buy love, a love that a child wants from his parents, a love which gives you happiness, this time I wasn't looked in my room but I was just hiding myself and looked myself in the room, I didn't got my parents love, what was my fault??

to be continued...

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