
My Life

I was 8 years old back then, it was my summer vacation I went to my Aunt's house to enjoy, you know what my enjoyment was? drawing and sleeping, I know but I was a little lazy, I can even say that my hobby was sleeping, my Aunt's cousin had a daughter she was very beautiful, my Aunt introduced me to her. I was hiding behind my Aunt as if that small one was going to beat me then my Aunt told me "look Lara came here to make friends with you so don't worry" she petted my head and I smiled and went near to her, she said "hello I am Lara by the way my uncle gave me two chocolates do you want one? " I said yes because chocolate was my favorite, looking at my happy face she gave me another chocolate and said "I don't like chocolates you can also have mine". I knew that Lara loved chocolates but for my happiness she she gave her share to me, from that moment I came to know good people still exist in this world and their is still love. I belonged to a rich family with all luxury, but the thing which was lacking in my life was love, my mother and my father were both involved in our family business but they were never involved with each other I feel they were always busy with their personal life and never concentrated on me. I was just 8 so I didn't knew what was exactly going on? every year all my summer vacations I spent in my room and I think I also developed social anxiety but one day my father came to me, he said "I have booked the tickets and this vacation you are going to your Aunt's house, so remember don't trouble them okay dear?", I was very happy I thought at last my father cared for me but the reason was something else

to be continued....

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