
My Happy time

I started spending my time with Uncle Jack and his wife, his wife always gave me tasty cookies and homemade tasty chocolates, Uncle Jack's son was 4 years younger than me and he always addressed me as sister, I spent most of my time in teaching him and doing my studies, I almost felt that they were my real parents, when my father gave me my pocket money I used to spend that money in bringing gifts for Uncle Jack's son, I feel that those 11 years of my life were the magical years, I was 18 years old now, my father's second wife never had her own child, I completed my school and now I was learning business management, my teachers always praised me, they said that I will be a successful business woman in my future, I really can't deny the fact that my parents are always involved in the business and they are excellent in their profession so being their child I have to possess their characteristics to some extent, I completed all my courses and I was thinking to join my father's company but I really never thought that something else was written in my fate, I am really a unlucky child, you know what? I experience happiness for a few time but then suddenly the clouds full of sorrow appears. And this time same thing happened.

to be continued...

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