1 What everyone should know

"No Justice, no peace!! No Justice, no peace!! No Justice, no peace!!" people yelling for freedom worldwide…

"Liberate!! Liberate!! Liberate!!" are the voices of others crying for the same freedom

"Come down!! Come down!! Come down!!" are the voices of those hosting for authorities in power to break free and give way for others to occupy empowerment and so on.

What could we say about these things that never, have, and will never stop taking place??

So many people questioning God, nature, science, and other things they believe in for an answer yet, they get non because they do not notice the response posted right in front of their eyes.

They seek something far away when what they need is right there but they pay no attention to it.

Let's move to the other worlds (Light and darkness), where we notice that, our lives have many phases and everything that goes on here on earth, had taken place out of the physical before manifesting naturally.

IN THE HOLIES OF HOLIES… a place of peace, love, and abundance of joy.

The king our Lord Jesus is sited at the right hand of God the Father and pleading our course to our Father that he may give us some time to amend our misbehaviors (Could we do that for any evil-doer or enemy?).

Before we move on to why Jesus is pleading, let's look into what our Father accuses us of and what he decided to do.

Firstly, we should put it in the backs of our minds that not all humans we see are created by God. Some are camouflaged and sponsored by the devil to perform evil and destroy the image of God.

Let's take an example within ourselves. We have photocopies of almost everything. There is always a photocopy somewhere and the same goes in the spiritual. When God does something, the work of the devil is trying to spoil and paint a bad name about that thing. He is there to steal, kill, and destroy.

Hence, if we try to fight something we don't know the source/origin, how then are we going to find a solution to that thing?

This is the common sense God gave us but we declined it and are instead of striving for the one below.

We do things as though we owned our lives or that of others forgetting what we live for and thinking we created ourselves. Tell me, if you were in God's shoes, what will you have done?

I'm certain some of us, could have killed every creation who boost themselves and go astray of what we created them for.

But no! God who owns all things and could make everything disappear preferred being patient with us. Which is something he would never have done if he didn't love us?

Now, when he decides to wash away all those who introduce devilish acts, implementing them through every nation, build up all sort of technology which destroys the same ecosystem they leave within, protest and force others to perform abominable works, all the things that are evil and destructive, you all will curse and give all sort of names to God saying "what type of God leaves his own people to suffer or destroys what he "claims" he loves."

But guess what!? That which is wiping everyone off this earth without he/she achieving what they were created for is right with use, still, no one sees. We hid to it every single time instead of driving it away. We kill ourselves indirectly and say God did.

But our Father sits on his throne peacefully hoping one day we come to our senses as he tries not to fold his arms seeing us live the world he sent/created us to safe untimely.

"You said you don't need me right? Ok. Let's see how you'll survive without me"

When he decides to let us go, that's when the real trauma begins. That's when our life will be as empty as a vacuum. The enemy, the devil, takes advantage and ruins our lives completely. At the end of the day, instead of us coming to ask for mercy, we curse God the more. Telling him he is the reason for our pain. While the beast who drew us out of our faith laughs and mocks at us.

It doesn't end there! Our pride spreads wings and when we happen to live this world untimely, after the enemy had used another person who hid to him, to kill/destroy us, people start protesting how good we are and bad the other person is.

Not knowing, we were both wrong and we all comprehend, two wrongs can never make a right (Still, not the physical wrong/right).

Do we now see how our lives can influence others negatively? One man's death created several deaths. Not because the people who did that to you were evil, but because of what you personally did to yourselves or someone in the past and didn't repent of it.

Normal people, those who live as though there is no God or as if this world is the end will protest and fight a wrong battle when the real battle is the one people ignore. The one beyond the world. The one that is just at the tip of our nostrils.

It's sad to know some of us don't learn and do not want to try. If not, it could have been clear that after a mistake has given birth to an incident (not a good one) happens, the probability of another happening is very high.

Nothing you do is too small. Everything you do has either a negative or bad influence with is spread. We may think, we are in a cabin where no one knows or has ever heard of us. But what we do or may do in the future or now could greatly affect the world at large.

It takes a second for you to go out there and murder someone without any reason and takes that same second for another man and many more to kill others for still no reason.

Someone out there is waiting for you to take a step before they make several strides.

My question is, what are your thoughts, and what is that step you want to make? And how do you visualize it helping someone out there?

That step could be about you wanting to leave the house but a feeling keeps telling you not to and you stubbornly decide to ignore knowing clearly you weren't supposed to do that. Etc.

Some of us say God doesn't exist but we believe in other things. We do our own sluggish research and come up with silly excuses.

In everything, there are rules, steps to get to discover them. We found science many years ago and kept researching until now. And we still do over and over again as new ideas, and things are unveiled. Even though we fail a million times, we keep searching for a solution which we always end up getting.

Why don't we implement it with God?? Did we search for him? If so, did we use the right methods in knowing him?

It is so funny and foolish of us that, we have in the back of our minds or have heard about God, and his name alone describes part of how he is but we do not want to use the method he gave us to find him.

If he created the world which he did, made every one of us, and every other thing we see or feel, how then do you think you could easily see such a supernatural being when you haven't even seen everything on the earth and out?

Some of us know a black hole is dangerous and no one can get in yet, we take the risk, send satellites, robots to get to study the place hence experimenting. Which till now, most of us haven't gotten what the black hole is all about and the mystery of the light within. Still, we aren't giving up!

Why don't we take the same "risk", use the same patience in knowing God?

It is very clear and noted that there is no way we can know God without being in his nature (Spirit). He must dwell in you to teach you about him. It is a rule that has been existing for ages. Instead, we choose our method and implement it. When it doesn't work, we say he is fake.

He also said, there is no way you can know him without accepting his son. Have you done that and it hasn't worked?

Some say, his word is not true and that it contradicts what it states. In that same word, it is pasted that you could never understand what is written in the bible without having the spirit of God (Which you can only obtain through baptism. That notwithstanding, not the water baptism). Did you try this and it didn't work??

If it didn't work, then you must surely be a creation from the beast or your heart wasn't willing to. Because there is no way a Father won't want his children to know him.

You need to be transformed to the supernatural being he is to know him and which till now no Christian understands God. His mind cannot be hacked. He doesn't think. There is never something running in his mind because it is always free.

So, how do you think you could know him without being like him?? Ask yourself those questions.

Taking us back to why Jesus keeps pleading for our lives to be speared. We could be thinking it's the life we presently have but there is another which so many of us ignore. That same life, many people battle for when it's given for free.

To conclude, the spiritual has a lot to do with our lives. And there's nothing that happens in the natural without being manifested in the supernatural.

That's why it's important we know that we cannot fix things in the physical without fixing out of the physical. And until everyone realizes that, the will be so many things we thought could have changed with our human knowledge that our acknowledgment of the spiritual will bring us to consciousness concerning when to act and when not to so that we do not waste our time and keep being depressed about the things which are meant to take place.

Everything happening in this world had happened and will keep happening until the world ends. Not because there is no solution to these things but because we do not want to use the right solution hence, are bound to suffer it.

And it begins with every individual. Not the government, not the president, not the head of state, and whatever name you call it. You are the one to bring in a beautiful, peaceful, and just world starting from yourself, your family, friends, and every other person you know or do not.

An individual was the one who cursed humans hence the reason for some of our suffering in vain. A supernatural individual came and saved the world canceling the suffering in vain giving us to choose either to leave with the cursed world or the new world.

Others have chosen to leave in the cursed world and that is why they suffer in vain. But those who decided to choose the new world, suffer, yet not in vain but in victory.

Hope these answers the questions so many people have been asking themselves. And if there's anyone who doesn't believe, let the eyes of your understanding be open to the reality in Jesus' name! Amen.

Thank you.
