
Even I can't be that unlucky

I bite my lip in frustration, squirming in my seat, the pencil clenched tightly in my hand as I glared at the test sheet in front of me without actually processing any of the information. I try to put all my weight on my legs, my butt hovering inches above the chair.

The pale wooden chair

Who on earth had I offended, that my bloody period had decided to put in a surprise visit in middle of a fucking physics test? I surreptitiously take a glance at the teacher. Mr. Forbes is standing in front of his desk, his beady eyes glinting as he scanned the class for any miscreants.

His eyes flash over in my direction and I quickly look down, cursing. The last thing I want is to draw his attention to myself. If he asks me to stand....I look down and let out a groan. Why oh why did I wear white jeans today?

It's fine Sierra I try to convince my mind, which sounds completely wrong Just answer the last question and then you can leave for the washroom. You probably do have an extra pad somewhere in your bag.

I nod seriously, overcome with my newfound determination and look down at the last question.

Calculate the energy released during the alpha decay of U(A=238) and show that it cannot spontaneously emit a proton.You are given the following data:

U(A=238)= 238.05079 He(A=4)=4.00260 Th-

Ah, screw it.

I stand up, pulling my top as far as it can go over my back, chocking myself a bit in the process. I hand my paper over to Mr. Forbes, who accepts it suspiciously. I mumble if I may use the washroom and he snaps his head in my direction, looking as horrified as though I'd asked his first born as sacrifice.

"There is a test going on at this moment, Miss. Parker" he hisses menacingly "I suggest you learn to respect its sanctity."

What-? What sanctity? I just saw Kevin in front of me use his test sheet to make spit balls.

By now most of the class is staring at us. I spot my best friend, Sam, rolling her eyes. She seemed to have sussed out my predicament almost immediately, just like most of the other girls in class, who were shooting Mr. Forbes evil looks.

"Um, actually I'm not feeling very well Mr. Forbes." I look at him meaningfully "It's lady-"

"The kids these days!" Mr. Forbes isn't even listening to me and has proceeded to throw his hands in the air as thought we've all done him some great personal harm. "If you're not well you should have asked to go to the clinic, Miss. Parker. And it's no wonder you're unwell! All the teens these days,no healthy diet at all! You all need some vitamins. And iron! Plenty of iron is-"

"You're going to get plenty of iron when she bleeds out on the floor any minute now!" Sam hollers and snickers pass through the class.

I am going to kill her.

Some of the guys shift uncomfortably. They seem uncertain if Sam's serious or not.

Mr. Forbes still hasn't caught on and continues his little speech on broccoli. I consider just making a run for it when I feel an alarming dampness below.

Suddenly a male voice calls out the back "She's on her period, you dickhead!"

"Detention, Mr. Hale!" Mr. Forbes sputters indignantly as the class laughs. " And Miss. Parker-"

I can see the newfound terror on his face as he looks at me and I flash him the creepiest smile I can muster "Uh-here's the bathroom pass. Be quick."

I take the pass from him and say politely "I'll be back as soon as I can Mr. Forbes"

He clears his throat " Actually Miss. Parker, why don't you take the rest of the hour off? You've already handed in your answer sheet."

I chuckle quietly once I'm out in the hall, but that action causes something to flow out all of a sudden and I run to the nearest washroom.


Lunch time, cafeteria

I chew my pizza slowly, straining my ears to hear Sam as she read off her list.

"-the drinks are fine. Andrews going to stop by the shops and get them. Now the music." Sam looks at me meaningfully " Some upbeat ones for the evening. Then there's a collection of slow ones for some couple dancing, which there are bound to be. But the real problem is the snacks. I've told-"

Andrew, my other best friend, plops down next to me.

"What's up with the snacks?" he asks through a mouthful of burger. To Sam's credit, she barely flinched.

I sigh "Mr. Carlson is in charge of them." Mr. Carlson is Sam's father, the pack healer, and he can be a bit...absent minded.

"So no snacks, then" Andrew quips as he takes another bite of his burger.

"Unless..." Sam trails off then looks at Andrew hopefully "Maybe you could pick them up?"

"No can do baby doll " he shakes his head "Even if I wanted to. I've got that detention with Mr. Forbes, remember?"

"You sort of deserved that" I mumble sulkily " Now everyone knows I'm on my period."

"It did the trick though, didn't it?" Andrew pointed out then let out a groan "Ah, he's going to work me to the ground and I'm totally going to miss the bus. He hates me as it is. The old prejudiced ass!"

Andrew was the only human in our pack, and some of the members like Mr. Forbes, did not find his presence very pleasing.

"I've got my reading club today in the evening." I turn to him "Do you want a ride?"

He looks at me, and I can see he's trying his hardest not to sneer "In that bucket of rust? No thanks."

I roll my eyes and look at Sam, who's busy scribbling something down.

"All right!" she announces proudly after a second "I think we've got everything down except the snacks. I'll have mom call dad up for that. Now I've only got the invites to send... Don't worry Sierra, I'm going to make sure you're going to have the best birthday ever!"

" We are " Andrew mumble, shooting her an annoyed look "It's a team effort."

"You're only bringing the beer" Sam reminded him haughtily.

Andrew looked indignant "That's cause you wont let me do anything else!"

"Because you'll mess up everything else!"

"I-" Andrew start but one look from Sam and he settles down sulkily.

"I'll pick you up at three" Sam addressees me "We need time to figure out which top you're going to wear. And we've got to start setting-"

"Sam?" I ask hesitantly and she stops her excited blabber when she notices the embarrassment on my face "Are you sure this is fine? I mean, won't your parents mind having a party at their house?"

I live at the Far East hostel, the one for orphans,and it's the last place anyone would show up for a party. It was Sam's idea to host it at her place.

"Relax, Si!" she waves her hand impatiently "Mom and dad have been waiting forever to go on that weekend trip and all the kids are down at camp. We'll have the place completely to ourselves all night."

"With plenty of free bedrooms" Andrew wiggles his eyebrows and my two idiotic friends crack up and nudge each other meaningfully as they snicker at me.

I smile at them sweetly "The way you both are almost on top of each other right now, I'd say it's you two who will end up using them."

They spring apart quickly, both red in the face.

"I only meant-" Sam squeaks, trying her level best to avoid Andrew's gaze, who has suddenly found his banana widely fascinating. "You will be turning eighteen...and if you find you're mate tomorrow, you know you won't be able to control yourself!"

"Yes, yes. I know" I roll my eyes, smiling knowingly at them, which makes them squirm even harder "It's all in the eye contact, isn't it?"

"Eye contact? " Andrew looks mildly amused as he usually does when he hears any strange werewolf facts. He snorts "Wow, that's a huge step. Better use protection, Si."

"I will, honey." I take a small swig of my coke as I eye him surreptitiously "You needn't worry though. Sam always carries a stash of condoms in her purse."

Sam , who has only been vaguely following this conversation, chokes as the water she's been drinking spew out of her nose.

"I-uh I've got to turn in my homework" Andrew says, flustered as he stands up and I bite my tongue so as not to blurt out that we hadn't got any homework assignment for today "I'll see you two later."

"Don't forget the drinks " Sam warns him, meeting his eyes with some difficulty.

He looks at her a bit coldly "Seeing as it's the only thing you've trusted me with, I'll try my best."

Sam watches him walk out the door before turning to me "Okay, confession time. I don't really trust him that much. I've already got a stash of drinks stored in the garage."

I roll my eyes "Why didn't you just tell him then?"

"Because he wouldn't stop pestering me! I had to give him something to do."

"Sure sure" I chuckle, getting up and turning towards the door "I've got to return a book. See you later, okay?"

I take two steps from the table, when suddenly I feel Sam standing right behind me. She quickly shrugs her jacket off and wraps it around my waist. I turn to face her inquisitively.

"Honestly, Si" she looks at me reproachfully "You may be eighteen, but you still haven't figured out how to use a fucking tampon. If you hurry, that stain might still come out."

I groan and make my way to the door. If this shitty luck continues I'd end up having the worst birthday ever tomorrow. I'd surely end up humiliating myself in front of my mate.

But even I can't be that unlucky, right?

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