
What the heart wants:Reincarnator meets transmigrator

"If anything he doesn't love me as much as he loved you, I have seen Asher in love. He becomes the softest and gentlest person to the one he loves, but he isn't like that with me. he thinks he loves me but he doesn't-" "That is because he wants to be loved in return" Sabine stated. Isabelle looked at the other woman, "what do you mean? "That look in his eyes when he stares at you? He loves you so much that he is scared of getting hurt, he is afraid that you would not love him back the way he loves you. If there is something I have noticed with Asher is that he sacrifices himself for me, he did the same thing for Giselle too, but with you, he just wants to be loved back." "And that is supposed to be better? He worshipped you two and for me?" "He didn't worship us, Isabelle, on the contrary, you are the one being worshipped. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than to love and be loved. He did not need us to love him back, he did not require our love but he pines for yours. You can see vividly how he searches and does everything he can to receive even a sliver of your affection. You have more power over his sanity, peace of mind, and happiness than Giselle and I combined wished to have. Isabelle, you have it all, every single part of Asher's heart and soul, and as hard as this is to say, you have to stop breaking it." ****************************** This is a love story, a story of fate and fiction, where lifetimes come to play. Do you believe in soulmates? What if you have to endure three lifetimes to end up with your soulmate? Isabelle has suffered heartbreak her past two lifetimes, even though she only remembers one lifetime. Her fate was so twisted she ended up the victim of an ambitious author. When her world is turned into a novel she does not end up as the main lead, hence she does not end up with the male lead, what is worse is that she becomes a cannon fodder that ends up dying tragically.  She reincarnates when a transmigrator possesses the body of the novel's second female Lead, Sabine. With another chance she falls in love with the male lead, her fiance once again. But just like in her first life he doesn't even notice her as more than a nuisance, in fact, in this life she dies by his hand. Now she has reincarnated for the third time, and she remembers her past life, she knows her life is fiction and made for mere entertainment but she cannot accept such a tragic fate again. In the first life, the male lead ended up with her cousin the female lead, Giselle. In her second life, he was in love with the second lead, Sabine. All this when she had the most claim to him as his fiancee' but he manages to break her each time. In this life, she is not going to make the same mistake. Each time she loves him she dies, but not this time. But what happens when he finally wants her? What happens when he remembers his past lives and confesses that she is the one he has wanted all along? ************************** Make no mistake, this is not your normal storyline. The first volume is written in the first person and the main villain is not introduced till volume two. It is a SLOWBURN romance and the story picks up in volume two. But this author promises it is not a read you will regret. It is different but worth it, a deep storyline with flawed characters who make real mistakes and have real stakes and pressure on them.  Stay for the journey and you will never regret reading this at the end, in fact, you won't be able to forget it. A lot of life lessons, but you must be patient through the ride. If superficial and shallow plotlines are what you want then this read isn't for you, but if you are tired of the same old thing then try these. Same concept but with an incredible twist. This author hopes you see this book for what it is. A lesson.

Obliviousstudent · Fantasy
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224 Chs

Your voice makes me want to strangle myself


This is the last thing I expected to be doing right now. But my pleas and cries otherwise fell to several deaf ears I learned when to stop and accept my fate. Gosh… I don't know how else to express my severe desire not to be here.

"Can you stop sniffling? It's distracting."

I turn to look at the nincompoop beside me and I shut my eyes and mentally count to five, a habit I have come to appreciate the past few days. "Can you shut up, listening to your voice makes me want to strangle myself?" I retort.

"Really? Then I should never shut up then, it would be nice to finally know what it feels like to be a widower, that means it must run in the family" he replies and I sigh heavily.

"Why would you be a widower? It's not like we are getting married or anything, so why would you?"

His eyes widened and he placed one of his hands over his open mouth, "if we are not getting married then why in heavens name are we here? Wake up already miss Byun, you can't go around saying this" Asher leans forward with an annoying smirk on his lips, as he leans forward his hair falls past his eyebrows and partially covers his right eye. A soft gasp escapes my lips and immediately scooch away, why the hell was he so close to me? Why would he have that smile with that look? Wow, that was too abrupt, yes, that is why my breathing ceased for that short time, yes, I was shocked.

"Why can't I say what I want? I can say and do whatever I want can't I?" I say my gaze narrowing at him, he leaned back a moment ago and I was still collecting my thoughts but at least my tongue worked fine.

Looking around for a moment he made sure no one was around, reaching forward to pick up a hairbrush he ran it through his hair, destroying the hour-long hard work of the hairstylist that just finished with his hair, and I eyed him from the corner of my eyes shaking my head in disgust. I still cannot believe I am being forced to do this, seriously.

"Did you have to agree to another interview? I mean we are being talked about more than even celebrities I never coined you for such a vain person" I say after a while.

"Why are you trying to pick a fight?" He retorts.

"Hey, don't do that, you started this. I am a busy person for crying out loud."

"And I'm not busy?"

"Can you get busier than a final-year medical student?" I sass and he scoffs, sitting up in his chair he turns to face me.

"Wow… you doctors and your pride, you people always think your profession is the best don't you?"

I leaned back as I push my lips into a pout, crossing my hands across my bust. "Well can you mention a more noble profession than saving lives? If you can then I'll shut up."

He just scoffs again and turns away and I sigh, a small smile gracing my features I push my hair up in a flip celebrating my small victory.

It's been almost three days and I have been on two television shows and four interviews currently in the dressing room of the fifth. He has been booking these interviews without my consent and destroying any social life I had left. My schoolmates say they are tired of having to deal with all the professors praising me then still having to see my face on television. And Xavier?


When will he be out? Sighing I shrug off my lab coat, placing it over my hand I push my hair over my shoulders and look at my wristwatch, In about an hour my study time would have decreased by another two hours. I cannot keep waiting like this, one of my goals, as I have come back, is to at least be a good doctor. But yet I am outside the business administration department, waiting for Xavier to come out.

"What are you doing here? You have some nerve coming here after that interview."


Turning around I met gazes with his dark and intense eyes, everything was always intense with him. I like that, "that's why I came to explain to you-" he passed me and I turned around reaching to grab him but he avoided my touch. "That it was not what it seemed, it is not what it seemed."

He stopped, turned around, and walked back to me, "do you take me for a fool, Isabelle?"

"What? of course not, look I didn't, I don't have a say in this matter but please believe me I don't like him like that, this engagement is purely out of convenience," I say quickly.

"It didn't seem like that with all your giggling and laughing on television yesterday" he almost growled and I stepped back a few steps.

Pulling my lower lip into my mouth I replied "it was all fake, it was edited incorrectly, I never laughed at anything he said."

"So you are saying I watched it wrong?"

"Please Xavier just… this one time, hmm? Just believe me, you are the person I like."

Looking away he pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and sighed, "I have a question I have been meaning to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Where did you live as a kid?"


"I heard somewhere that your family wasn't always this rich, before your father got all this wealth what is the name of the place you lived?"

He really thinks I am her, doesn't he? That I am his first love. What do I say? Do I lie, just complete the lie? He might forgive me if he is convinced that I am her, for the first time being reborn comes in handy "I lived in a pretty bad neighborhood for a while before we moved" I say, tilting my head, I shove my index finger into my head "what was the name again? Sacretto?"

"Sacretto? You lived in Sacretto?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"But why do you ask?"

I wait anxiously for his answer but it never comes, we are interrupted by the noise that erupts from the large groups of people heading our way, judging by the camera and the microphone, not to mention the note pad I was absolutely certain they were headed towards me.

"Miss Byun! Can we have an interview, it would be short!" The first reported yells after me and that was the most polite request I got the rest of the evening.

"What do you think about the gift you received?"

"How do you feel after receiving such a gift from your fiance?"

"Are you happy that your fiance is so in love with you?"

I stood there confused as they circled me like the brood of vipers that they were. What gift? What the hell were they talking about, please? I am so lost. And who loves me?

"Please answer our questions Miss Byun, how do you really feel? Are Mr. Quing's actions genuine or just a scheme to get his stock prices to increase?" Another one asked.

What actions?

"How do you feel about your own company's inflated stock prices?!"

My company's what?

I try to step back but a strong push against my back propels me forward and I end up having an accident with a male reporter in front of me.

"Where the hell do you think you are touching?!" Xavier's growl and massive stomps create an open passage easily, he had that effect on people. And again like Deja Vu I am sent back to the past, another time when I was almost stampeded by reporters, you see why I dislike them. They are the same inconsiderate bastards both in this life and the one before.

But unlike this life the last time he wasn't heading for me, in fact, no one cared I was there, he was walking like a warrior to my cousin, just like what had happened to me same happened to her. And all these reporters surrounded her and asked her questions about my own company like she was the heir and not me. Well, she might have been, I was useless then. Grabbing her wrist just like he was doing mine her looked at her, his eyes filled with so much tenderness just as he did me. My heart stopped and for a moment I heard nothing, thought nothing, felt nothing but him, that soft possessiveness, it was exciting. Taking me along with me her pulled me away from the herd of cows that called themselves reporters and away from all of that, he took me away. Me, Isabelle, not Giselle, not anyone else but me. It was no surprise when the tears welled up in my eyes, this never happened to me so feeling this emotion all the reservations I had earlier of lying to him went out the window and I was happy I did it. I deserve to be happy to don't I?

What do you think about Isabelle's and Xavier's relationship?

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