1 New Girl

"Hi, I'm Soul Aishi and I'm a new student at Kartom High school!"

"Nice to meet you Ms. Aishi!"

I say to myself:

That boy...is so cute.

"Soul, go sit next to Tasuki. Right over there."

The teacher points to him.


I walk over to Tasuki.

"Hey, my name is Tasuki Yamada!"

"That's an amazing name!"

"Thank you!"

"See the girl In front of us?"


"Well, she's the school bully. So try to stay away from her."


"And the girl next to you?"


"That's my best friend! I've​ known her ever since I was little."

"Oh, I see."

"Is...there something wrong?"

"No...no of course not!"


"Soul and Tasuki!"

"I know your new but, you can't talk during class unless asked to."

It's the end of the day. As I go to talk to Tasuki, a girl that he said sits right next to me walks up to him and ruins my moment!

I mumble:

I'm gonna' kill that girl!

So as she starts to walk home after Tasuki, that's when I take action. I follow her, no one in sight. I see a stick on the side walk and it has a sharp end to it. I walk over to it and pick it up I walk faster but quietly​. I'm finally right behind her, she stops so I quickly put the stick above her head and...SQUISH!


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