
Explosions & Explanations

Megumin proudly stood up and introduced herself.

"It is I, the most powerful of the legendary race, the Crimson Demons, Megumin!"

Lucy couldn't help but snicker at her strange name. Natsu replied to her in confusion. "Mega-man?"

Then another idea came to Natsus' head. If she was THAT powerful, why not challenge her to a fight?

"Mega-Man, fight me!" Natsu shouted, slightly surprising Megumin.

She looked at him and replied with a smirk. "You dare challenge my powerful explosion magic?

"Okay, lets fight."

Erza, Gray, Happy, and Lucy didn't even try and stop Natsu from battling her. The four of them were distracted at the moment watching Kazuma yelling at Darkness for being a pervert, making the Aqua cry even louder.

"That blue haired girl... I've only been watching her for a couple minutes and she's already the second-most annoying person I've ever met." Gray said under his breath.

"Who's the first-most?" Lucy asked, already knowing what his answer will be.

Gray said it without a second thought: "Natsu." Lucy looked around. "Speaking of Natsu, what is he doing right now?" Lucy said, turning to look at that Fire-Clown who seemed like he was about to fight that girl with a weird name, who was bragging about her "legendary power" earlier.

Lucy looked at Erza, checking to see if she had already noticed their situation. She did, but she wasn't doing much about it. She was sitting on the sidelines, eating strawberry cake that she probably packed along with her luggage. Gray was going to watch their fight too.

Kazuma was too busy yelling at Aqua to realize what Megumin was about to do. Darkness was too distracted by her weird sexual fantasies at the moment to notice what was about to happen. Erza stood up. "Ready? GO!!!"

Natsu was first to move, leaping towards her. "FIRE DRAGONS IRON FIST!!"

Megumin barely dodged. She then began chanting. "Oh black crimson shrouded in light.." Natsu sensed her power and jumped back, preparing to block the blow.

"-Hear the cries of my soul and come forth from the depths of the abyss.." Amazing power began swirling around her.

"Let the destruction of eternity descend upon me..." Kazuma, finally realizing what she was about to do, tries to stop her, but realizes its too late-

"EXPLOSION!!!" Megumin cried, releasing the incredible, ginormous, explosion. Everyone struggled not to be blown away by the wind from the amazing blast.

Natsu managed to avoid a direct hit, but got blown away nonetheless. After the wind cleared up, it revealed both Natsu and Megumin were lying face-down on the ground with metaphorical birds swirling around their heads.

Wait, Natsu wasn't down for the count yet... he was still able to stand back up. "I think we have a winner?" Lucy said, kinda unsure seeing how Natsu barely won.

Darkness was very jealous. "Oh how I wish I could be mercilessly blown up like that..." Kazuma was pretty surprised Natsu could still stand after taking an almost direct hit from Megumins explosion.

"Kazuma Kazuma!" Megumin yelled, still face down on the ground. "Yes Im Kazuma." He replied. "How many points was that? And can you pick me up please?" "Hmmm.. 70. Max." Kazuma replied while picking up Megumin and holding her in a piggy-back ride position. "Only 70?!" Megumin complained.

"Oi Aqua, go heal that Hot Head!" Kazuma barked. "But- but-" Aqua complained as she lumbered over to Natsu. "Heal!" Aqua healed Nastu. "Thanks, uhh whats you name again?" Natsu asked.

This question cheered Aqua up a bit. "I am the honorable goddess of water, who is worshipped by the Axis Order, Aqua!" Natsu, for some reason, was unfazed by here weird introduction. "Ok, thanks for healing me Awkward!"

"Its not Awkward, its Aqua, the goddess of water! Right Kazuma? Right?" Aqua yelled quickly. Kazuma looked at them and replied. "Sorry about her, shes just a delusional Arch Priest."

Erza decided to say something. "Why dont we introduce ourselves to each other? My name is Erza Scarlet of the Fairy Tail guild, to some I am known as Titania. Call me Erza."

"Hi, Im Kazuma. This one on my back is Megumin. That annoying thing over there is Aqua. And that pervert is Darkness." Kazuma said before any of his team members could embarrass him further with their introductions. As Kazumas squad was annoying him, the everyone else continued their introductions.

"My name is Lucy, Im a celestial wizard!" Lucy said. Gray introduced himself too. "Im Gray. I have ice-make magic."

Next Happy pops up. "Aye! I'm Happy!" Kazuma looked at Happy surprised. "Is that a talking blue cat with wings, or am I going insane?" Kazuma asked. "No, hes a completely ordinary cat. Like Chomuske!" Megumin replied.

Natsu began talking. "I'm Natsu! I have Fire Dragon Slayer magic!" "Where did you four come from?" Erza asked cautiously. Darkness answered this time. "Axel, a town in Belzerg." There was no sign of recognition from any of them. "Its beginner adventurer town called Axel? Oh! We got here after being sucked into that portal!" Darkness suddenly remembered.

Aqua DID say earlier that the atmosphere here felt different. Nobody was paying attention to her though. "Its true it feels completely different than Belzerg, like a different world. Maybe that portal was... I dont know-" Aqua whined through her hiccups. "Why isnt that goddess of padded chests not doing anything about this?

"Speaking of padded chests, Lucy, are those real?" Aqua asked, referring to Lucys abnormally large jugs. Lucys face turned kind of red as she yelled back at Aqua, "Of course they are!"

Lucy wasnt the only one turning red, because Kazuma was staring. They were so big! Maybe even bigger than Yun Yuns or Wiz's!

As Kazuma was in a daze, Darkness was wondering why Gray was only wearing boxers. Was he planning to pin her down and forcibly have fun with her as she was helpless? Unforgivable! Darkness thought, her face reddening.

"Aqua, where do you think we are?" Kazuma asked, snapping out of his daze when Megumin slapped him in the face. "Probably a different world. Why isnt Eris doing anything about this? Or Rista?" Aqua replied in a whiny tone. "WHat-?! Kazumas party yelled.