
chapter 1- the abnormal visitor

In the middle of his shift a salaryman wishing for more in life, sitting in his chair contemplating the choices he made so far, wondering if he should change jobs or maybe just spontaneously quit. "Naw" he thought like he was ever going to get income after doing that he'd probably get lectured at by his parents. Minutes pass by and thoughts slowly crept into his head "you know the window is right there, just a little further and no one can stop you it's not like anyone's going to care after a while" shaking his head the man took out some pills from his desk and popped two. After about three minutes the voice died down. Then he decided to go on break.

There he met a female co-worker he always liked. He made a coffee and sat down next to her.

"No not today he thought" and got up and went to his cubicle and closed the door before dropping and resting his forehead on it "coward" he muttered closing his eyes and actually considering what the voice said looking back up an the door a black panel in the middle of the air with words in white shone at him."To you who daily holds off death, you shall become the the incarnation of the reaper."

After that the man went to a psychiatrist. He displayed what the panel showed him and it shocked both of them, he started floating and a cloak of Shadows enveloped him. This was the first documented case of empowerment on the day of the 9 march 1955, slowly after that many more people started getting panels appearing before them giving powers that one could only dream of, these powers usually revolved around a certain idea or theme and in the modern world around sixty percent of people had panels. Some were amazing and heralded as heroes and others used their powers for obviously bad things being called villains, the final category was hunters these people conquered dungeons. In keeping with this some wore flashy costumes like out of comics while others just decided to keep things practical with other options of clothing. In a way it was a business, the empowered that were famous had commercials, movies and became idols for the masses whereas some local ones had smaller fanbases. In an age where most relied on the empowered to patrol streets with cops and hope that the person in front of you In the bank que suddenly doesn't become an electric monster, I'm not going to lie it's stressful especially for the leftover ordinary people.


It was a rainy day and a figure was walking under a black umbrella to a skyscraper. He was a little over six foot with black, slightly wild short hair and brown eyes. He was not in top shape being slightly tubby and a bit of stubble showed. He wore glasses wearing a dull grey hoodie and blue jeans, both of which had been washed a lot and had lost their colour with small cloth bobbles appearing on the hoodie. Carrying an orange and blue bag pack.

Walking down the street many sights could be seen, a hero that looked like a steampunk pterodactyl, various tall buildings, some trees planted by the road in the pavement and some business with varying success judging from their exteriors.

Finally he arrived at an average looking office block with the words Fractal Inc and entered through the main entrance. He was greeted by turnstiles on which he spent 30 seconds to get a qr code on his phone to open and scanned it in before passing through.

Looking around he didn't see nothing out of the ordinary. he turned left and went down a hallway till he arrived at a lift. There there seemed to be a man and a woman in office attire pushing a cart with a tall wooden crate on it. As it was being wheeled in on the elevator the top bumped the roof of the entrance causing it to wobble. The stranger walked up to it placed a hand on it and balanced it.

"Thanks" on of the workers before lowering the suspension on the electronic cart and pushing it in. The stranger did not fit in in attire nor did he look at the other two workers, he just stared straight ahead in silence. The transporters pressed the button for the top floor and everyone in the elevator was in an awkward silence. "Which floor do you want to get off at?" one asked out of politeness. "Top floor" he said quickly.

For the rest of the journey the two were a little wary of the stranger. Occasionally glancing to see if there was any change in the stranger, but there wasn't. They arrived at the tip floor and all stepped out walking almost in sink. the stranger stayed on the other side of the crate and the other two continued to push it forward until they arrived at a secretary desk with another woman behind it. "Delivery time" the woman said to the receptionist. "OOH, has it finally arrived, wait don't spoil it for me I'll buzz you in and check later."

The two moved on pushing the crate past revealing the stranger who had been walking silently and had not made a noise up until this point. The secretary momentarily flinched a centimeter backward out of shock due to the sudden appearance of someone else. The stranger look on and walked up to the desk. "I have an appointment" he said in a monotone voice readying another code on his phone. The receptionist blinked a couple of times before scanning it and saying "4:30" the stranger walked away and sat on a nearby sofa for guests and sat his big In his lap before slotting his umbrella in on a side pouch and waited. After a while he took out his phone and proceeded to play some games on it until about 4 o'clock then he took out a tupperware container and started eating what appeared to be a cake like food.