17 Fifteenth Chapter

After Yulo and her father talked they all decided to go home. Since they were bringing their own cars they separated with each other and went home by themselves. Phoebe thought that Yulo will go home straight to his condo because he has nothing more to do with her. But she was surprised to see his car following theirs up to their house.

After she parked her car, Phoebe went inside their house and was about to go upstairs when her mother stopped her.

“Yes mom?” she asked. “Yulo is still here, isn’t he your visitor? That is rude honey.” Her mother told her which made her eyes rolled upwards.

“No it’s okay tita maybe she’s tired and I’m going already, I just want to make sure that you’ll get home safe that’s why I followed you.” Yulo

“Goodnight.” He said and kissed her forehead. Okay? What was that for? “Night” she simply said then turned her back at him, her heart is beating so darn fast. Stupid heart easy to be fooled.


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