What is Love, centers around the lives of 6 friends Razaya Cross Kaleb Villin Teuila Winiata Caz Perez Aadila Qasim Enzokuhle Mlungisi Pain, Misery, Hurt they feel Love, Joy, Happiness they need Most importantly help, therapy and peace Deep deep wounds are bound to be open..... Anger, Revenge, Deceit and Betrayal The new guy , seems to be the reason for Razaya's new found joy and gladness Jealously reeks from Kaleb And a mixture of support and uncertainty from the others..... But then, Will he help her out of her little shell of depression? Will he worsen her situation?
~Razaya Cross~
" Raza!!! ", Mom yelled my name for the one millionth time.
" Imma be out in a minute ", That is the same response I've been giving her since she started calling me down stairs.
I've been tryna to get ready for school as fast as possible because I woke up a bit late , I was awake till 3am coz I was lost in my dark and painful thoughts.
" Raza you'll walk your ass to school if you don't come here right now ", My mom yelled again and this time she actually sounded really really angry.
" Chill ma ", I laughed as I ran to where she was , " I'm sorry I kept you waiting , it won't happen again I promise ", I apologized looking at her with puppy eyes.
" Same thing yo- " She sighed , "just go to the fucking car Raza "
Mom's been taking care of I and my two siblings ' Neon ' and ' Xyla ' ever since my dad died in a car accident.
Ever since he died which was when I was ten exactly six years ago , when Xyla was born , my life changed , it crumbled and is full of darkness
Why am I lying I and Neon have been taking care of ourselves and Xyla ever since , all she did was pay the freaking bills and she pays them when she feels like , Neon's been the one putting food on our plates with the little he has and makes here and there.
Though she's kinda mean - understatement- she's CRUEL , EVIL ,WICKED , UNFRIENDLY , THE WORST MOTHER ANYONE COULD ASK FOR , HEARTLESS - I could go on but that's not necessary at all , it's quite surprising how she wedded a man like my dad. She treated us like we're her step kids she's tryna kill.
We was in the car and I was scrolling through instagram, Xyla's doing -i actually don't know- and suddenly mom broke the silence and announced , " I'm leaving town today after I drop y'all at school and Imma be back in a month or two " She sighed, " Neon knows about this already "
I ain't bother saying nothing because this isn't the first time she's leaving us all alone and I don't want no one making me mad today.
"Mom please don't leave me again you promised ", Xyla started tearing up , " Take me with you please ", Xyla bursted into tears.
" I'd love to take you with me honey , but I can't take you with me because where I'm going is for adults only and I want to make more money so I can buy you more barbie dolls and other things you want ", She's such a fucking liar and pretender!! I bought all the doll Xyla owns.
" I don't want the money or the dolls or anything. I just want you to stay with me , please mommy take me with you ", Xyla screamed crying even harder. Damn as mean as that bitch is , Xyla still loves her.
" I'm sorry but you can't and won't come and crying won't solve nothing , so I advice you stop crying and put yourself together this minute , or else imma whoop your ass , by the way who was fucking talking to you in the first damn place ", Bexley turned facing Xyla , daring her to continue.
It's just sad , this innocent six year old , loves you but you just don't care.
Xyla wiped her tears off , though she was sniffling , she tried to remain quiet.
I interfered , " Momma , that wasn't nice , you don't always have to be mean and heartless to everyone you have- ", I started talking but I'm cut off by that Bitch I call , 'My' mother.
I wished I didn't say anything in the first place , I should've remained quiet.
" Shut up , just shut up and remain like that or else you'll walk your stupid ass to school ", She screamed in my face. I don't actually mind walking to school , I've done it many times.
I whisper underneath my breath " My bad ", Looking out the window.
" Bitch! , Stop the fucking car now ", I shouted out of nowhere causing Bexley to give me that ' Are you seriously talking to me like that ' look.
" I said STOP! ", I screamed louder.
" Get the fuck ou- "
" -You don't have to tell me twice ", I lividly growled as I alighted the car and slammed the door.
" Fucking Annoying Godforsaken Bitch ", I muttered under my breath as she drove off.
I walked to school.
I and my best friends were in detention because we wouldn't stop talking in English class and our evil , mean , cruel and heartless english teacher Mr O'Ryan had no mercy on our poor , weak and helpless souls and we was now in detention on the day before the last day of school.
" Aadila, Teuila guess what ", I say kinda excited. " My mom's leaving town , I don't know where she ain't tell us so don't ask ", I said smiling.
We are the only ones in class
" For how long? ", They saif in unison.
" She said a month or two "
" That's cool , at least you don't have to listen to her constant blabbing and shit ", Teuila said in a sing song voice.
" Yh "
" I can't wait to leave this prison cell called a classroom ", Aadila said as she pretends to wipe a tear of her face making the three of us burst out laughing and suddenly Mrs Andrew comes in with a smile plastered on her face. That is weird , Mrs Andrew is literally always pissed and angry with the world.
" Excuse me ma'am but why do you look Like all your problems fled away ", Teuila blurted out. She just had to open her mouth.
" You're actually right Teuila , my husband's mother just died and I'm sorry to say this but I'm too delighted. Finally that ugly ass mother fucking bitch is gone for good ", Mrs Andrew cheered. Her husband's mother! Wow , maybe that's why she is or will I say was always grumpy and angry.
" Oh wo- wow th- that's sa- sad ", I tried to suppress the laughter that was trying its best to escape my mouth , but I failed woefully and laughed uncontrollably , Teuila , Aadila and Mrs Andrew join seconds later.
" You girls can go home if you want , I'm in a good mood today ", Mrs Andrew smiled. I hope she remains this way.
"Thank you ", The three of all chorused as we ran out of the classroom excited.
We were presently at Aadila's home, I'm going to be staying with her for the next two or three weeks, Neon knew hewas home when I was packing up.
I was at the living room now , waiting for her to finish her Isha prayer. Aadila is a Somali-Qatari Muslim girl , we met in 1st grade and we was inseparable since then ,she doesn't have much friends because some people don't like the fact that she's a Muslim and it's quite surprising how people say bad things and spread rumours and unnecessary stories about Muslims , if they respect your religion why can't you respect theirs. And Teuila which we met in 2nd grade as well Caz, Kaleb and Enzokuhle we've been inseparable and unstoppable.
20 minutes later....
" As I said we are going shopping on Satur- ", Before I could complete my sentence I and Aadila heard screaming coming from the kitchen.
We run as fast as possible to the kitchen from Aadila's room, panting like we were just running six whole marathon races , just to see Aadila's nineteen -for Gods sake nineteen - year old sister literally standing on the kitchen table crying because of a R. O. A. C. H . Yes a roach.
" Wallahi , Aamira if you don't come down from that table right now! ", Aadila bellowed , she's frustrated as hell , still trying to catch her breath. Aadila acts like the or will I say she's the oldest of her siblings , she's the most responsible amongst her siblings ' the ones that still live with her parents'. She's the middle child just like me but in this case she has eight siblings. But to be honest I love the unending drama that goes on under the Qasim mansion.
" Because you aren't scared of roaches that doesn't mean I am not! ", Aamira frowned as she attempted to come of the kitchen table unfortunately the table breaks again!!! And she falls face down to the floor.
Aamira started crying coz of the obvious pain she just felt ,I help her up and the Almighty and Glorious Queen Aadila laughs , well I'm actually not surprised.
" You moron you can't even say sorry ", Aamira sounded really angry.
" Why would I apologize , I didn't help you to climb or break the table neither did I tell you to be afraid of a common roach , big ass baby ", Aadila snapped back.
" Aadila is it your lungs or kidney that'll fail if you just say sorry ", I looked at Aadila disappointedly.
" Oh please Raza spare me ", Aadila mugged me.
" You're so freaking annoying , sometimes I wonder why you're my sister ", Annoyed , Aamira tried to hit Aadila but she's stopped by Aamir.
" We've been standing here for a while , why are y'all acting like mountain goats ", Aamir yelled at both of them. I couldn't help but laugh and I got a deadly glare from Aadila. Aamir is the third child in Aadila's family , he's Aamira's twin.obviously.
As I turned around and I see Aahil , Aanisah ,Aashiq and Aaqilah - Aadila's younger siblings- looking at the four of us.
Aadila's mom suddenly walked into the kitchen wondering what the noise was for as she realizes she slaps Aadila hard! Causing her to stumble a little. " I've told you many times to stop disrespecting your elder sister , you know you can't mess with Aasira , but you keep doing and saying things to hurt Aamira , you think it's her fault she's afraid of roaches I don't wanna see Aamira crying because of you ", she yelled at Aadila, poor soul. Yh she's the strict parent ,not mean just strict. She's way better than my mother.
" Matter of fact, Aadila you are grounded ", she casually said to Aadila.
" But mom!!! ", Aadila whined.
" Shut up "
" And I'm sorry Razzy but you'll have to leave " , I hate that name , like what the actual fuck is ' Razzy '.
" Don't be sorry, I get it ", I forced a fake smile on my face.
" You're grounding me and now Raza is leaving! , What the hell ", Aadila growled.
" Oh shut up! Don't talk to me that way I'm your mother , go to your room now and don't forget to keep your phone beside my bed ", Aadila's mom snapped back.
Aadila stomped out , slamming the kitchen door hard , I know she's hurt but what can I do.
" I'll drop you off if you want ", Aadila's mom offered.
" Oh no , I'll walk thanks ", I politely declined.
" Are you sure , I don't mind taking you home ", she insisted.
" Yes I'm sure thanks once again "
" Okay then , bye sweetie ", she gives in.
" Bye y'all ", I ambulate to the kitchen door.
" Be safe ", Aadila's mom said one last time.
As I approach Aadila's room to get my bag , I see it leaning on the wall.
" Dila I know you're mad , but I'm sorry , see you soon. Raza loves you, Raza will always love you ", with that I left. I apologized for what I ain't do.
Leaving Aadila's home , I texted Caz and asked if I could come over.
5:09 pm
can I come over? Aadila just got
grounded so, I can't stay no more
and ion wanna go
5:10 pm
Aadila got grounded
Again!!! Lmao
Yh you can come
You know you're always welcomed
Enzo is here btw
Thanks 😚
You're welcome
You're crazy😂
I texted Bembe as I approached his door step and I waited a little but no one openes the door so I banged on the door repeatedly until his mom opened the door.
" Hey Mrs Pérez "
" Why the hell you banging on my damn door like that Raza ", She asked looking really annoyed.
" I'm sorry I told Caz I'm here but he didn't open the door so I thought he be messing with me ", I said looking down trying not to laugh.
" Dear Lord ", she face palmed herself, " He probably didn't see your text or something , he's in his room with Enzo "
" Oh okay, thank you ", I grinned widely at her.
" Weird ass ", she rolled her eyes. She let me in, I walked up the stairs, while heading to Caz's room , I saw his sister's room open so I go in to say hi .
As I entered she was putting on some make up.
" Hey Esme "
" Hey hun , how've you been ? " Esme asked giving me a hug.
" I've been good I guess , toxic momma abandoned us again ", I emphasized on the word ' again ' as I hugged her back.
" Lol , you know she'll gon come back ", she chuckled softly.
" Hopefully just for Xyla though, I don't fucking care about her "
" Well bye sweetie , I'm going out , don't miss me too much " she gave me a side hug.
" Bye , love you ", I waved at her as she left the room.
Esme is just like a the big sister to me , more like the supportive mother I never had , she's always been there for me ever since I became friends with Caz and I really appreciate and respect her for that.
I went straight to Caz's room.
As I knocked obviously coz I don't want to see nothing , he opened the door almost immediately letting me in
" Hey Diva , how are you ? ", He asked me giving me a hug.
AN: Diva is Raza , that's what Caz calls her.
" I'm good tha-"
"Heyyyy Raz how you doing", Enzo yelled excitedly as he jumped on I and Caz making the three of us fall , causing my phone to break . As we all stoop up and I saw my phone , my heart shattered My . Hard . Earned . Money.
" OMG!!! , Enzo why ,why ,why ,why , WHYYY ", I screamed at him , seeing how damaged my phone was.
" I'm so sorry , I didn't intend for that to happen ", Enzo panicked.
" I saved my hard earned money to buy this phone , when I told y'all that my momma got it for me I freaking lied! "
" Damn! ", Was what Bembe said when he looked at the screen. It wasn't even coming on.
" I'm sorry Raz , I can give you the new phone my auntie got me ", Enzo offered.
" It's fine , I can't accept that , it was bought for you , I'll just find a way to fix this thing ", I bluntly said as I looked at my phone.
" No! , I insist ", he protested.
" Enzo as I said , it's fine I'll fix it up ", I tried convincing him.
" Hell no , first you've used that phone for way too long , secondly I mistakenly broke it ,I'll explain to my auntie and by the way who buys a phone from 4 years ago for someone who's using a phone that came out just months ago, don't try persuading me, my mind's made up ", he said as he started playing codm
" Okay thanks ", I gave in.
" Don't mention it ", Enzo smiled at me.
" Diva , see you don't have to lie to any of us about nothing you do for yourself , we know your mom isn't supportive in anyway and you know we'll always help no matter what ", Caz said looking into my eyes.
" He's so adorable "
" Yh what he said ", Enzokuhle looked at me.
" Thank you ", I smiled at the both of them.
" We all love you Raza , we will always love you " Bembe started tearing up as he hugged me.
Yh he's the emotional one.
" Raza loves y'all , Raza will always love y'all " I hugged him back.
" Why didn't you , open the door , when I texted you? ", I asked at Bembe.
" Umm , about that I wasssss toooooo lazyyyyy ", he dragged.
" You is crazy ", I laughed.
3 hours later
I'm the reason he died... I'm the reason my own mother hates me even more than she did when he was still alive... Why did I have to kill my family's comforter , companion , the only person that brought the family together even in hard ass times....
" Diva? ", Bembe snapped me out of my trail of deep , dark and broken thoughts.
" Wassup? "
" What's it? Are you okay ", Bembe asked , the concern in his voice was as clear as day probably coz I looked worn out ,p
" No , nothing I'm fine ,just thinking ", I simply said.
" You wanna talk about it? ", he asked again.
" No it's nothing to talk about ", I said , hoping he'll stop asking.
" Are you sure? , You know you can- ", I cut Bembe off.
" -I SAID I'M FINE , IT'S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT , DAMN LEAVE ME ALONE BEMBE ", I yelled at Bembe. And now I feel bad , like really bad , he was just trying to help me.
" I'm so sor- ", I tried apologizing , but I was stopped by Bembe
" I think you should just rest up , you've probably had a long day , I'm sorry for invading your privacy , I think I should definitely stay on my lane , Good night Razaya ", Bembe said , obviously hurt , Bembe never ever calls me by my full name.
I looked at Enzokuhle who was sleeping on Bembe's second bed.
I wanted to stay back and try to talk to him but , something at the back of my mind told me to just let him be , so I did.
I walked to the door slowly opening it. " Good night , love you , I'm really sorry ", I whispered hoping he'll hear me and I exited the room closing the door.
I ran as fast as I could to Yoseline's room coz I didn't want anyone seeing me and I was seconds away from breaking down.
I ran into Yoseline's room , locked the door and burst into tears , I cried for different reasons...
I crawled to the bathroom and put my pjs on , I couldn't do any of my night routines and I forced myself to the big comfy bed , I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep but the moment my head landed on the pillow I drifted off to lala land. My scary lala land.
coming soon