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The mist was thick but had a calming aura as it rolled into the small town. Many rushed inside and called their kids in.but one girl stayed out in the mist, she was waiting for her mother to return, he mother left for the nearest town to get medicine for her sick child, she had yet to return. The sick child made a small cough and huddled next to one of the towns dogs to keep warm. This was the first mist she ever witnessed. As she was against the dog she realized it's started to wimpier. The small child pet it gently, out of the side of her eyes she saw something move, it was fast.

"M-mama?" The girl croaked out slightly. She felt her tail rap around her. Not only was she sick she was a valued member of the town from her differences she had cat like ears and a very bushy tail. She was a snow leopards child. Her father was a shifter, it wasn't a shock the shifters existed but it was rare to ever see one. The child curled into her self in fear but her ears perked when she heard her name being called from the hut on the far left, it was her aunts hut.

"Silver?! Silver where are you?!" Her aunt called

"Auntie?" Silver yelled then coughed her eyes falling heavy as she fell forwards she saw 2 figures running for her, one was her aunt the other looked like a... a snake?
