
The Modern Prince

It's the year 2022 and the fantasy world little humans had grown up to believe was in shambles. Fairy folk failed to keep up with the humans and they hid in the shadows, waiting for the humans to find them and lock them up in cages. Royal bloodlines had been thinned out and it was getting harder to find a pure royal child. Dark wizards made sure that the lines would fizzle out, by taking the children themselves. For the royal lines to keep their children safe, they hid them among the humans, hidden in their boarding schools or even let the peasant families take their children home.

Prince Louis Joan was the last royal child in his line. His mother, the last fairy queen, died in childbirth. His father, the fairy king had three choices; raise his son to be the next king, hide him with the humans, or take his life with his. He knew what was coming when he heard the knock on the castle doors, but when he looked down into his son's eyes, he couldn't find it in himself to kill his last line.

Wrapping Louis in cotton, he passed him through the fae portal hoping someone would take him in. Martha Paul, was the most unfortunate human that day. She didn't mean to get trapped in the fairy circle, she had simply gotten lost while roaming through the forest. You would think a twenty-three-year-old college student should know better than to roam the local fairy forests blindly. She cried into her knees when she felt the tap of a small hand on her ankle.

Martha knew exactly what fairies did to humans they found in their circles, but when she looked at the baby at her feet, she did not know what to expect anymore. Martha and her recent husband Connor had lost their first child a few months back. This seemed like a miracle and a curse. Waiting until nightfall, Martha kept the child alive enough to know it was okay to take the baby home. Connor didn't bat an eye when Martha returned home with a baby in her arms. Connor's family had been a part of the fairy court for years, so the changling in Martha's arms did not surprise him.

On Louis' fifth birthday, and his features had fully formed, Connor pulled Martha into the spare room, leaving their son to play with his party guests.

"I know we never really talked about the night you bought Luke home, but it's time we had the chat."

"What's wrong dear? Is everything alright?"

"If our son is what I think he is, I think we should be alright for a while. Dark wizards aren't born like they used to be."

"Oh, I see."

Martha and Connor peered through the open door, and at the small girl, Luke was happily playing with.

"How will we know if he has attracted a dark wizard?"

"They won't reveal their true colours until after I die."

This was a simple thing Martha thought. Connor just had to not die and Luke would be safe forever. This kept them at peace but always on edge for all the friends Luke seemed to gather when he started high school.


Luke's POV

Have you ever wondered what makes the world go round or why the sky is blue or the grass is green? Have you ever wondered why the magic in the water fizzles when you touch the surface? Have you ever wondered why there are no more fairies?

From what I remember and from what people have told me, the world used to rely on the magic of the fairies. The sky used to light up with oranges and reds. The grass was soft to touch and didn't crunch under your boot. Of course, these are just trivial things to worry about. The ice caps are melting, global warming makes the winters not so cold anymore. Though with how skinny I have gotten, I think the winters have gotten oh so much colder.

The path I have taken seems to have taken a hard right, jerking me into reality. I don't think this is what dad would have wanted for me. Ever since Kali took me from the lush forests of Bluehaven and into the city, my blood seems to always be cold. Mum always joked about it, saying I was allergic to the stone of the buildings. Now I am sure Kali must do something to me in my sleep.

I'm always tired, from the moment I open my eyes in the morning, I just want to close them again. It takes so much of my effect to even roll over and get up. I always hoped that when I do roll over the other side of the bed will be empty. I hate it when she makes me do things the moment I get up. I know Kali likes to watch me suffer at this point. It's her favourite thing to do.

Today started great. It looks like Kali had left rather early for a case, leaving the house to myself. Well myself and the ten guards she has littered around the property. Pulling on the thickest jumper I own, a beanie and my woven gloves I head outside. Sniffling, I head to my coffee shop, hoping pushing a hot liquid through my body, would wake me up a bit. Taking a seat, I find myself staring off into the distance, the cold wind biting at the open wound on my lip.


Breaking my eye contact with the lamp post, my eyes travelled to the soft face just before mine. His smile lit up my face, but I quickly dropped the smile from my face. Someone would see and report this to Kali. I remember the last time I talked too nicely to the barista.


The smile dropped ever so slightly from the man's bright face. I had hoped he had seen my scream for help in my eyes, that he had noticed the bruises on my neck, despite me wearing a scarf. Coughing, I quickly got out of my chair, dumped the now cold coffee in the bin and hurried away from the smiling man. I could already spot a man in a suit at a table behind me.

"Luke wait"

The man put a hand on my arm, pulling me to a stop. Even though the jumper was thick, somehow I could feel the heat from his skin on mine. Breathing in, I could smell the forest, I could smell home. Turning around I met with a set of eyes I shouldn't be able to remember.


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