
Chapter 8

After the quick read of the manual, Qiang Feng decided that he would try out the methods stated in the manual later in the day. As for now, he decided, what was important was that he was hungry and desperately wanted some food to sate his screaming stomach. He didn't use to eat so much but for some reason he was so extremely hungry. Rather than questioning it, he decided to just pin it on recovery. God knows how much energy or rather soul power (whichever they use in this world) he had to use to recover the once tattered and heavily injured body.

"Do you want to go hunt with me? It will be quite fun and a plus is that I will be able to see your combat effectiveness! Then we can figure out how high you are in terms of level," Kai Xia excitedly invited Qiang Feng.

Hunting didn't particularly sound appealing to Qiang Feng but he agreed nonetheless. He had to get used to this whole new powers thing he had going on. He also needs to find out how this world works. How else would he live on if he had no idea what he had potential to do as well as what the world outside this forest is like? After reading the manuals, he knew that levels were something important in this world so what level was he exactly? He also wanted to know his soul power level but how to do all that? He can't possibly ask Kai Xia because he had a feeling owing favors in this world will just cause him problems in the future. Although Kai Xia has helped him plenty and it didn't seem like he wanted anything in return, Qiang Feng would never know if the other man would suddenly demand something in return.

Kai Xia was already outside and nearing the protection barrier but Qiang Feng has yet to move even an inch from where he was sitting previously. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and debated for a moment if he should just leave Qiang Feng behind but decided against it before he even finished the thought. He called out to the other man. Qiang Feng was startled out of his thoughts. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He then realized what he was supposed to be doing and he hurriedly got up. In the midst of all of his panic, he stepped on his robe and fell face first onto the ground.

A melodious burst of laughter covered the hut's area. Qiang Feng had to admit, Kai Xia had a wonderful laugh and to be honest, he was honestly beautiful. It took him a moment to realize his thoughts and when he did, his already red face got even redder. "I am not gay. God damn Ping Jun," he muttered softly. Ping Jun... Thinking of that name, his heart that was embedded by Ping Jun's knife started throbbing painfully. He waved away all those thoughts. This was not the time to think about that matter. Qiang Feng finally got off the ground and on his feet without tripping. After dusting off the dirt that was on his robes after he fell, he awkwardly shuffled towards Kai Xia who had tears in his eyes from laughing too hard.

Kai Xia was naive but that didn't mean he was oblivious. He sensed the very subtle change in mood of Qiang Feng. Qiang Feng seemed somewhat pained. However, he wasn't about to start prying. It was none of his business. He led Qiang Feng through the route he has taken at least a thousand times to hunt the beasts. Qiang Feng closely tailed Kai Xia, not wanting to get lost. He had an inkling that if they did somehow separate in this forest, within less than 5 minutes, he would be food for the beasts hiding in the dense greenery.

The further they traveled, the more tense Qiang Feng got. He had a strong feeling like he was being suppressed and that feeling was definitely not a feeling he welcomed. Kai Xia suddenly halted his steps. He placed a finger on his lips, signalling Qiang feng to keep quiet and to halt all movements. Qiang Feng obediently followed his instructions.

After a short while, Kai Xia leaped up a tree, wielding a sword that seemed to materialize out of nothing. Qiang Feng could here growls and sounds of fighting coming from where Kai Xia had leaped off the tree. He followed the sound into a clearing. A beast that was the size of a lion was lying dead on the ground. The beast looked like a cross between a snake and a bull. (body of a snake and the head of a bull- sounds weird but let's just go with it) Kai Xia was smiling triumphantly, his sword glistening in the sunlight. Kai Xia looked almost like a model for some magazine cover but the blood covered sword gave off a dark and threatening glint to the whole picture. Qiang Feng knew that since he would be hunting, it would be bloody but he didn't think it would be _this_ bloody.

Qiang Feng was someone who had never fancied gore, action or anything of the sort. He enjoyed reading classical books, watching documentaries or cartoons, listening to music, basically he enjoyed peace a lot more than blood. Seeing the scene in front of him, the blood in his face drained and he looked even more pale. How was he ever going to survive this world?

"Afraid of a little blood Qiang Feng?" Kai Xia teased upon seeing Qiang Feng frozen and pale as a sheet of paper.

"Qiang Feng, you may not remember but where we live, power rules above anything else. If you aren't strong enough to kill your enemies when you can, don't expect to live any longer. Being nice doesn't bring you anywhere in this world. Through cold blooded killing, you gain expertise and with that, you won't die so easily," Kai Xia elaborated, "Come on! Let's get this beast back to the hut and we can have a nice barbecue!"

Once again, Qiang Feng could only dumbly nod his head and followed along with the other man's commands. Qiang Feng thought that the task of carrying the beast back to the hut would be an arduous one but it was a lot more simple than he had anticipated. It seemed like his strength was at least fifty fold stronger than in his last life. He excitedly carried the dead beast back to the hut for two main reasons. One, he was really amazed by his newfound strength and two, he was still really hungry.

Kai Xia smiled softly as he watched Qiang Feng being so enthusiastic. His original intention of checking out Qiang Feng's combat effectiveness was forgotten as soon as he saw the other man's pale face that seemed like he would faint at any time. He sauntered after Qiang Feng who was approximately 50m away from him. Now, he can't have the innocent lamb disappearing now can he? (Manu: hehehe you won't be saying that Xiao Feng is innocent after what happens in the future ;);) Kai Xia: what are you planning *suspiciously squints eyes* Manu: Who knows ;DD)

Well aren't they cute? Maybe it's just me? I'll do my best to throw in more fluff scenes and speed things up again. Also, if you're wondering when the 3rd player in the love triangle will arrive, he will come in time which may or may not be in the next few chapters. I got to decide some things before I let him enter :3

manusinmanocreators' thoughts
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