
Arc V Infinity War - The end... of Infinity War

Eli rested his eyes. He knew they didn't have much time left. Thanos and his children would come for the mind stone soon. Anya sat at his side. The rest had left to prepare for battle.

"Are you really okay wearing that armor? It used to belong to someone else," Eli said with eyes still closed, breaking the silence.

"And before that, it belonged to your honorable mother," Anya countered. What followed were a few moments of silence.

"Oh well, all's better than it lying around in a closet at home."

"We can win, right?"

"We have to. The only other option left is we lose everything. Well, technically, half of everything with a little sugar on top," Eli sighed.

Anya smiled at Eli's tired mumbling.

A few moments later, a loud explosion was heard from above. Anya stood up to take a look out of the window and described what she saw.

"A gigantic triangle-shaped spaceship dropped onto a blue forcefield dome that envelops Wakanda. It appears to be breaking apart from contact." A second explosion rang out.

"Yep, crashed onto the dome and *boom* fiery explosion," Anya nodded.

"They are here then. Are there ships landing outside of Wakanda?" Eli inquired softly.

"Yeah, a gigantic circular spaceship is in the far distance. Same model as the one that was above New York yesterday and abducted Stark. Roughly fifteen more of those triangular ships are dropping down outside the dome. Numbers rising," Anya described.

"Are the troops moving out? Oh, could you remind Shuri about the singularity grenades? If she has a cache or two ready, I'll drop them on their main ship. Start of this little scuffle with a bang," Eli grimaced as he began to rise from the pod he was in.

"Your armor, let me put it on you," Anya offered.

"I can put on a little bit of jewelry. You don't have to take this job so seriously, Anya," Eli said, moving toward a table with a case. He lifted the lid and found three earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace inside.

Eli started putting on the necklace, used telekinesis to put on the bracelet and was about to put on the earrings, when Anya moved and put on the two that were on his right side where he no longer had an arm. Eli fastened the last one on the left as he narrowed his eyes toward Anya. But he said nothing.

He put on some fresh pants, not caring that Anya was in the room and boots. He bared his chest and pressed the breastplate against it as he slowly unleashed his entire armor. Shatterstar began to float next to him.

"Let's go find Shuri," Eli ordered as he moved out of the room.

"-barely begun, brother," Shuri said to nobody in the room as the two entered unhidered by the two guards at the room's entrance.

"Shuri, the dark elven singularity grenades. Do you have some ready for me?" Eli asked the Wakandan princess.

"The substance required is not of Earth. The synthesisation process is too complicated with the base materials I had on hand," Shuri answered, not looking back.

"You know I won't understand unless you speak in magic principles. Do you have some or no?" Eli asked as he looked at the situation outside. Hordes of alien monsters were killing themselves trying to enter the dome barrier.

"I managed to make 34, and two of the original three remain. Omaye, bring the box over. The one that says don't shake," Shuri ordered.

Not even half a minute later, a Dora Milaje brought over a box that did indeed say 'don't shake' on the lid. She handed it over to Eli carefully and quickly stepped back. Eli nodded at Omaye and turned to Anya.

"Time for war," Eli said in a cold tone.

They flew outside, Eli carrying Anya, as a small section of the dome opened so the alien monsters wouldn't circle around. For hundreds that died trying to pass the barrier, tens managed to get through, eventually. If that happened all over the dome, they would be defenseless at the back.

Eli dropped Anya with the other widows on the battlefield, though Anya stood out with her dark blue fantasy armor and circular Captain-America-style shield. Eli had armed all the widows with magical spears from Asgard and magical artifacts for protection. They were capable of firing powerful energy blasts, and the widows were amazing marksmen, all of them.

Eli himself was invisible to the enemies and turned toward their main ship at the very edge of the stratosphere. At full speed, he reached it in moments, opened the box he got from Shuri, and used his telekinesis to throw two groups of sixteen grenades each at two parts of the spaceship. As a gigantic resonance implosion raged inside that spaceship, it blew apart in a fiery mess. It was such a huge spectacle, Eli could see that the fight had halted for a short moment on the battlefield as he flew downward.

He looked at the remaining four grenades and thought about how to best leverage them since Thanos wasn't here yet. He decided on a child of Thanos, and the first he saw was Cull Obsidian, the reptilian Hulk with a pickaxe.

Cull had just thrown his axe to whip War Machine, who was distracted by the gigantic spaceship imploding, out of the air, and was in the process of bringing his weapon back. Eli arrived a small distance away from him and floated the grenades over to his enemy.

In a resonance implosion that enveloped Cull's entire body, the monstrosity was screaming in pain. Five long seconds the later, Cull's body was mangled all over but somehow he was still alive. With cold eyes, Eli charged up Shatterstar and beheaded Cull before Proxima Midnight on the other side of the battlefield could react.

The daughter of Thanos narrowed her eyes, but Eli turned around. He had promised he would first mangle her husband in front of her, and he would have to search for him first.

To lessen the casualties, Eli shattered his sword and began culling the enemies in huge numbers with a veritable torrent of blades. With glowing pale green eyes, his kill-count kept increasing until a spear was thrown at him with supersonic speed.

Eli turned to see Corvus Glaive running from behind his allied lines to him. Apparently, the assassin had just come from the palace, but he didn't hear of anything happening there through his earpiece.

Eli wanted to fly to Corvus to begin his plan of killing him, when out of nowhere, a bifrost tunnel struck the middle of the battlefield. By the looks of it, it had almost hit Pietro, who was doing his best to kill as many small fries as possible and move the wounded to the back of the battlefield. The speedster had a vibranium short-sword, but despite offers from Eli, he had never bothered to learn swordsmanship. It showed.

"ELI!!!" A might shout came from where the bifrost landed.

"I'm here, dad!" Eli shouted back as he flew closer to the bifrost.

"CATCH!" Thor shouted across the battlefield as a metallic arm flew toward the flying figure of Eli.

"Now bring me THANOS!" Thor shouted before Eli even caught the arm and jumped into the horde of monsters they were fighting wrapped in a gigantic lightning storm.

After Eli caught the arm, he noticed a lot of eyes were on him. Enemies and friends alike. He turned the arm over with telekinesis to look at it for a short moment until he brought the appropriate end toward the bandaged stump he had left on his right side.

The arm immediately snatched to his arm in a perfect fit. A small pauldron formed above the arm and connected it to the breastplate without hindering Eli's ranged of motion. Runes began to light up on the arm's surface, the entire thing glowed in emerald green magical energies. He brought his new prosthetic arm up toward his face and made a fist. Everything worked just like with his natural arm. Eitri really outdid himself.

Once he was done marveling at the arm and using his regular hand to feel up the runes and the black uru arrow settled on his forearm, he looked back to where Corvus was, but the killer was gone.

To test out the arm, Eli flew close to Ty and Tandy. The dark- and light force user duo was starting to get overrun by a horde of six-limbed dog-like scaly aliens.

The two took to the fighting style Eli and Misty had proposed to them like fish to water. Ty played defense, supported with both short distance teleportation and concealment, and blocked enemy view whenever possible. Tandy could now conjure and throw her daggers in an incredibly acrobatic fighting style. The daggers didn't fly for long and dissipated a short distance after the throw, but in an indiscriminate battle environment, even that short distance meant a lot of harm for the enemy team.

Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, was sending glowing fists into crowds of aliens close to them, but he already looked exhausted. He had drawn too much enemy fire too early and didn't pace himself.

Misty had saved Danny at the start of the year, when he was ambushed by his childhood friend Joy Meachum and a rogue martial artist from K'un-Lun called Davos. They wanted to draw out the dragon chi Danny was awarded when he survived some kind of fight against a dragon in K'un-Lun. Ever since then, they trained together in mutual respect for their martial might.

Eli used his sword in a dazzling feat of telekinesis to lessen the pressure on Danny, Ty, and Tandy and began punching the enemies with his new uru arm. After effortlessly killing a dozen enemies, he tried putting in some of his magic, and the runes and rings of the arm began to light up in a sort of mix of gold and emerald green. Done charging, Eli pointed his outstretched hand toward a group of enemies that were mindlessly charging at him.

The air around Eli heated up for a short moment, and a beam of magical energies coming from his arm cut through anything in its path. It was Eli's first try, so he didn't really have the awareness to use the beam to sweep through the battlefield at first and he had no real control over the output, intensity and duration, but he already liked his new arm a lot. It felt like what his father described to him as the attack of the destroyer, an ancient armor that used to guard the royal vault in Asgard.

Seeing as he gave his three companions some breathing room, Eli floated back up to look at the battlefield. The widows were doing perfectly fine. Nothing ever even came close to them. Anya had strayed a litte from the group and used a sword and shield to fight the enemies in a melee fight. She looked right in her element.

Since nobody needed his help urgently, Eli reapplied his invisibility and floated to outside of the dome. He looked at those triangular ships that had housed the enemy troops. Floating close to one, Eli began preparing a large-scale spell to wipe out that ship. It was also a test to see if he could his arm as a medium for an easier time casting such large spells.

Eli's uru arm and his eyes again began glowing in emerald green, and a good half a minute later, he released a shockwave of magical energies from his hand that ripped the vessel to pieces.

Eli was content with the havoc he wreaked and began floating toward the next ship. The arm conducted magic way better than he anticipated, so the output of the spell was bigger than needed. He took it as a learning experience.

As Eli reached the next ship, all ships appeared to have received a command, and half of them dropped circular weapons of war onto the ground. Each of these weapons looked like gigantic bladed self-driving wheels the size of a three story building, and the Black Order had just released a good fifteen of them. They quickly burrowed into the ground and began making their way toward the dome.

Eli would have thought the dome could hold them off for a little or divert them so he readied a spell to wipe out a second ship, but the those weapons of war made short work of the barrier and shredded through them instantly.

Seeing how he misjudged those weapons, Eli quickly made his way back to the battlefield to assist his allies in taking down the weapons. He began by pointing his arm at what looked like the engine of these monstrosities and quickly took out one of the machines with concentrated fire. Sam and Rhodey took one out too, but they were too slow. The other thirteen were ripping through the battlefield, taking out both friendlies and troops of Wakanda until six of them were eneveloped in red energies, lifted of the ground, tilted and thrown into hordes of enemies.

With a bit of breathing room, Wakandas troops stopped retreating. Eli took out another two of those weapons, Sam and Rhodey were on their way to taking out a second one, and Wanda, who took out six before, flew toward the remaining four. But just as she reached, Sam screamed in his earpiece.

"*Guys, we got a Vision situation!*"

"I'm on it. That bastard owes me a bunch of limbs!" Eli had seen who Vision was fighting, so he quickly volunteered to help out the android.

Vision and his adversary, Corvus Glaive, had reached a forested area and were fighting a vicious battle to the death. Corvus had many burns from Vision's energy beams. Vision had countless cuts everywhere. Three of them were especially severe. It looked like Corvus had managed to cut the android through and through twice at his torso and once at his leg.

Eli had the element of surprise. It appeared that Thanos' troops did not yet know he could turn invisibile, or at least they thought they could counter it. He floated close to the fight and charged up his arm, the energy beam ripped right through Corvus' hip, and the sadist lost mobility in one of his legs. Now that Eli looked, it appeared that they managed to reattach the limb he had managed to cut off. So Eli's mood turned even more murderous.

Sure, he loved his uru arm, but was it really better than being 'complete'? Of course not. So, in an effort to make Corvus suffer, Eli unleashed Shatterstar and cut his enemy in tens of places. Once it looked like Corvus could no longer fight back, Eli bound the man with magic and planned to make his way back to the battlefield, killing the man in front of Proxima Midnight.

"You okay here? Can I leave you alone for a moment?" Eli asked as he turned to Vision.

"Thank you for the timely assist. I believe Captain Rogers is on his way here. I shall be safe here for the time being. The battle down there needs you more than I," Vision said in a tired tone. That was new to Eli. How could an android be tired anyway? Thoughts for later.

Bound in green energies, Eli picked up Corvus by the throat and used his astonishing speed to appear above the battlefield. He looked for Proxima Midnight and saw her fighting close to the widows. She had just managed to cut off the arm of a widow and pierced another in the stomach, but all of them had Extremis. After enduring the pain, they could likely bounce back from such injuries before the fight even ended.

"Proxima!!!" Eli shouted as he reached close to the daughter of Thanos.

"Release him!" Proxima spat in a vicious glare as she saw Eli floating above her with her husband in hand.

"He dared to torture and kill countless Asgardians. This is only fair," Eli spat back the same words Proxima had uttered before she cut off his arm.

With glowing emerald green eyes, Eli tugged at all four limbs of Corvus and twisted them off. The man in question awoke from his short coma and howled in agonizing pain. Eli took out a shard from Shattershtar, pressed it into a wound of the man in his arm, and made the shard cut up Corvus insides. And a few seconds of pain later, the man was dead. Eli threw his corpse to Proxima.

"You will pay for that," she said with a murderous glare.

"Yeah, you won't be there to see it," Eli taunted. He had just silently cast a spell on Anya to reduce her presence.

Eli floated down, readied his once again complete sword in a stance, and shot Proxima a mocking grin. Just as she was about to parry Eli's first overhead swing, Anya pierced her neck with a sword. It came out just under her chin. The sword had cleanly severed whatever Proxima's alien race called a spine.

"Those were all the heavy hitters on the battlefield from what I can tell. I already took down the main ship and two of those troop ships. Looks like dad is destroying the rest. I'll take a short breather next to wherever Vision is. I used up too much juice against Corvus and those giant wheel weapons," Eli said as he high-fived Anya.

"And thanks. I would have probably tried to prolong her suffering, but that's just stupid on a battlefield."

"It is my duty. Also, I had really wanted to be the one to end her after what she did that to you," Anya replied, pointing toward his arm.

Moments later, Eli was next to Vision, Wanda, and Steve.

"How's it looking?" Eli asked.

"We need to get him back to Princess Shuri, but it appears that glaive wielding enemy had cut her lab apart. The princess is currently preparing a backup suite," Steve said while Wanda was mending Vision's cuts with her powers.

"So if Thanos decides to show up now, we're pretty much all toast?"

"We can still fight back. Together," Steve said with a determined glare toward the battlefield.

"Well, I wish us all good luck because if he comes to Earth, that means he has somewhere between three and five infinity stones. And we, and with that, I mean me, just wiped out three of his children. He won't like that," Eli mused.

"You're saying?" Wanda asked from her sitting position, still concentrated on mending Vision's wounds.

"Thanos whole spiel is that he wipes out half of all life on a planet and moves to the next. Even if we manage to destroy the mind stone... he would technically only need the power stone to wipe out Earth, but he has more stones than that. If we don't kill him, which probably only my father and his new axe can do, Earth is pretty much toast," Eli explained with a shrug.

"The odds were never in our favor," Vision expressed with a heavy sigh.

"One way or another, we always had to fight. Thanos was the one behind the New York invasion, as we now know. He would always be our enemy," Steve said.

"Argh!" Vision suddenly yelped in pain. The mind stone started glowing on and off.

Everybody turned to him.

"He's here," Vision mumbled under his breath, and we all looked around in horror.

"Wanda, we are out of time. You have to destroy the stone. It's the only way," Vision pleaded. The two started discussing their options, but only Wanda and Vision knew that it was inevitable that Wanda had to destroy the stone now and, as a consequence, kill Vision.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming," Steve said into his earpiece.

"*Cap, that's him,*" Bruce said through his earpiece a moment later. As if on cue, we all looked in the same direction. Thanos had just appeared in a cloud of blue in the clearing.

Eli took a look at Thanos and his gauntlet, and his eyes opened wide in terror.

"He has five of them," Eli sounded disheartened.

Bruce wearing the Hulk-buster suit was the first to charge at Thanos, but he simply made him intangible and deposited Bruce in a rock, only an arm and his head poking out of the mountain. It was Pietro's turn next. Though he managed to land a few hits with domineering speed, eventually Thanos simply backhanded Pietro into the mountain next to Bruce. The speedster was immediately unconscious.

Black Panther jumped at Thanos next but was planted into the ground with a heavy punch. Sharon, Okoye, the leader of the Dora Milaje, Groot, Natasha, and Steve all failed next. Bucky and Rocket started shooting everything they had, but no bullet or missile ever even landed on the titan. He swept his gauntlet over to them and took them out together with Danny, who came charging from behind.

Eli took a deep breath as he turned to look at Wanda, who was already channeling a beam of her powers into the stone on Vision's head. Eli charged up his magical powers into his arm with wild abandon. Holding back would do no good anymore.

His left arm held Shatterstar, and he began running toward Thanos. He released the beam from his arm, but the titan just held up the gauntlet and blocked it. Thanos didn't even stop walking forward.

Hoping the beam and his own hand would block his vision, Eli pierced his sword forward and managed to bury it up to his hilt in Thanos' gut. The titan seemed to be overconfident, but just as Eli wanted to rejoice, the infinity gauntlet grabbed his throat in a movement too fast to perceive. With his free arm, Thanos took out Shatterstar and pierced it into Eli, who grunted in pain.

Thanos was about to throw Eli to the side, but the young Asgardian had charged up his arm once more and from pointblank range shot a beam from his hand at the titan's face. Even the black uru arrow on his forearm was charged with magical energies and released with the beam.

As Eli was dropped from Thanos' grasp, he saw that his beam was almost dodged. He pointed it at the center of his face, but the titan had moved to the side enough to only get half of his head singed. The black uru arrow was lodged in Thanos' eye but had not managed to kill him.

Thanos grunted in annoyance, pulled the arrow from his eye, and kicked Eli to the ground with stomp forward. He threw the arrow next to Eli and used his gauntlet to bury the Asgardian in the ground with only his head barely showing. Shatterstar was still in his gut, and the movement of the earth was not gentle.

Grinding his teeth in pain and anger, Eli had to watch as Thanos continued toward Wanda and Vision. A short-lived moment of elation rang through the clearing as Wanda had managed to detonate Vision's gem, but Thanos made the android reappear with a turn of his hand.

After he ripped out the mind stone out of the shortly resurrected Vision, Thanos completed his collection.

The universe was about to get half as populated.

"THANOS!!!" Thor shouted, though Eli would have hoped his father would not announce his entrance.

In a flurry of lightning, Thor threw Stormbreaker at Thanos with all his might. The titan countered with a beam from his gauntlet, but Stormbreaker was still getting closer and closer. Thor flew behind the axe and reinforced it just as it reached the titan and pressed the axe deep into the purple giant's chest.

"I told you... you'd die for that," Thor spat as he pressed the axe deeper into Thanos' torso.

"Y-y-... you should have gone for the head," Thanos replied with a weak, taunting smile. Thanos snapped. A moment later, he clenched his fist again and disappeared into blue smoke. Stormbreaker heavily fell on the ground.

Something inside Eli began to feel very wrong. He looked toward Bucky, who suddenly fell into ashes and heard others exclaiming loudly. Thanos' disappearance unraveled his reality-altering, so he once again laid on top of the ground instead of being buried beneath it.

Seeing another person other than Bucky disappear, Thor's eyes widened in horror, and he ran to Eli. His son was weakly looking at his hand that was starting to crumble, too.


"You think I get to go to Valhalla even when snapped?"

"Eli! Nono, no!"

"I better hope I do. And once you're old, you'll visit me there and tell me some cool stories," Eli weakly concluded with a smile as he began to fall apart.

"ELI!" Thor shouted. His son fell apart in his hands, and his raging emotion made him see red. His divinity acted up, and his surroundings were bathed in lightning as he screamed in mourning.

He didn't even see that at the last second, both of Eli's eyes and the green flag earring from his mother lit up in his typical emerald-magical green.

4.3k word giga chapter. The end.

Just kidding, now starts the reason why I even wrote this fanfic. The MC is about to break the shackles of the MCU and get a century long training arc. Goku style, well, technically.

I pretty much already spelled out what will happen next to Eli.

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