
What if Zoro joined Baroque Works?

What if crocodile’s plans for Baroque works were different. And what if rather than sending mr.7 to Zoro they sent mr.1? Would Zoro join them? if this made you interested then read to know more. (The cover is not mine if the original artist want me to take it down contact me)

RayDKing · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs


Hello Everyone, the author is here.

This Chapter is Edited. If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please comment below.

That's all. I hope you enjoy the story :)


"Interesting mov-" before Mr.1 finished what he was saying, Bryan suddenly appeared in front of him, making Mr.1 use Soru to dodge the attack.

"Tempest Slash!" Mr.1 reappeared behind Bryan and transformed his leg into a blade that he used it to kick at Bryan with so much strength that the air around it compressed into an air blade while shouting the name of his new attack.

This alerted the spinning mountain and made him spin toward the slash-kick destroying the air blade in the process.

Afterward, their attacks met each other. Where they radiated a bright light that illuminated everything around them while simultaneously releasing a shockwave that pushed everything around them. Rocks, glass, dirt, and even dead corpses were blown away.

'is this how Zoro and the others felt when they received my attack...' Mr.1 thought, he tried to overpower Bryan, but with each turn, Bryan became faster and stronger to the point that he sent Mr.1 flying backward.

"Geppo(Moonwalk)" Mr. 1 kicked the air so hard that he could stabilize himself and then successfully landed on the ground while thinking, ' I still need to practice this move more.'

"What if I do this-" Mr.1 looked at the spinning man and said as he dodged Bryan's attack by using Soru(shave).

"-can you-" The B.W agent continued his speech where he left off when he reappeared, attracting Bryan's attention again and making him come crashing towards him at a blinding speed. Only for Mr.1 to disappear once again right before Bryan touched him.

"-hit me now?" Mr.1 spread his arms when he appeared behind the spinning man, making him spin toward him and miss once more.

'I see, he chooses his target by the sound they make... then what if I do...' Mr.1 thought. He then gradually started to disappear and reappear around Bryan repeatedly until he began to make clones of himself, 5... 10... 30... and more. Afterward. He began to make a lot of noise to attract Bryan's attention.





"Is this all-"


"-you could do?"


Bryan attacked one clone after the other and only hit nothing but air. After 4 to 5 more failed attempts, Bryan quickly realized that Mr.1 knew his weakness and stopped spinning.

'Huff... huff... he was playing with me/ he is fast...' Bryan smiled bitterly when he looked at Mr. 1's clones surrounding him as he fell to his knees and breathed heavily. The spinning reopened his wounds, making him in incredible pain right now.

"Would you give up now?" Mr. 1 said as he breathed heavily. The fight against Zoro and now this fight made him exhausted to the point he couldn't maintain the Soru Clones.

"I would rather die than join the people who killed half of my men," Bryan said as he spat on the ground.

"it a shame... Because I don't care. You will join whether you like it or not. Spiral Hollow!" Mr.1 said as he transformed his arms into a sharp drill that was curved all around his forearms and only leaving his finger out of the transformation. He then punched Bryan, only for Nathen to jump in front of Bryan and shield him from it with his Iron gloves.

"Nathen!" Bryan shouted with his eyes redding from rage and helplessness.

For a short second, a bright light was generated by the force of their clash, but it quickly vanished because Nathan wasn't strong enough, so he was pushed back and opened his chest for Mr.1 Drill's like-hand to shred through like chess, spilling blood all over Mr.1 and Bryan.

"Cap... tain?" Nathen said with shock in his eyes as he fell to the ground, barely hanging to consciousness.

"..." Mr.1 didn't stop his attack. He punched with his other arm at Bryan, only to be blocked by Abigail, who jumped in front of Bryan and hugged him, spreading her back for Mr.1 to mince through it and spending blood flying everywhere.

"Abigail!" Bryan shouted.


Meanwhile, before the battle begins, in the bar where Zoro landed.

"Quickly close his injuries!" The two doctors of the Bravehearts arrived at seen, and when they found Zoro's body, they swiftly ran toward it.

"!!!" But when they flipped Zoro's body and saw his injuries, they took a deep breath and stopped what they were doing. Frightened by the state of his chest.

Zoro's chest had a spiral-like scar made by Mr.1 last attack (Spiral Tempest). It shredded his chest to the point that you could see some of his bones.

"...What kind of attack... Does this?" The doctors were shocked and astonished by what they saw. It was their first time seeing an injury like this.

"What are you doing standing there? quickly stop the blood from spilling out!" MiniToes shouted when he saw them standing there daydreaming.

He sprinted toward them and then efficiently checked the injuries, began to perform the procedure to stop the blood from leaking, and started to close the wounds.

"Have you done this before?" The Bravehearts doctor joins him to heal Zoro.

"yes... many and many times," MiniToes said, as he thought about all the poor souls he had to mend, only for them to get hit by the same attack again and again until they revealed their secrets.

"..." the Braveheart's doctor saw his expression and knew he didn't want to talk, so they stopped talking and focused on healing Zoro.


"Abigail!" Bryan shouted as He hugged her, which made him accidentally touch her wounded back, getting blood all over it.

"'Erik and Sumiki'! Nathen and Abigail are injured!" He quickly got a hold of himself and started yelling for the braveheart doctors to come here and mend those two quickly else...

When the two Braveheart doctors heard Bryan's cries, they left to heal their crew member leaving Zoro in MiniToes's expert hands.

They sprinted toward Nathen and Abigail with all their strength and then swiftly started to inspect their injuries, only to see the same type of injury that Zoro had.

"Can you heal them?" Bryan said he had calmed down a little when he saw them here.

"... captain, we are sorry. We can only stop them from bleeding to death..." Erik said, sad, as he and Sumiki started to stop them from bleeding.

"I see." Bryan was shocked, but then he looked at Mr.1 with Bloodlust in his eyes.

"But the men from the Baroque Work can heal them, sir,"

Sumiki said when she saw the Bloodlust and anger in Bryan's eyes.

"Wha... What?" Bryan said. He took his eyes off Mr.1 and looked at Sumiki.

"The agent that went to heal Roronao Zoro knows how to heal them," Sumiki answered Bryan's question as she was stopping the bleeding.

"You heard her if you don't want them to die... you will need our help," Mr.1 said when he saw everything going as he planned.

"..." Bryan looked at him with a sharp look in his eyes ' Was this his plan all along-'

But before he finished what he thought, he got interrupted by Mr.1, who said, "Choose..."

"Choose What?" Bryan said as he took his battle stance, he felt like he knew where this was going and he didn't like it.

"Either you join Boraque work and they live or you don't and all of you get buried together." Mr. 1 said as he put his hands behind him and walked toward the injured Bravehearts.

"..." Bryan didn't say anything. He just looked at Mr 1 with an ugly look on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? did you expect me to heal my enemies for free?" Mr.1 said After seeing Bryan's expression.

"Captain! if you don't choose quickly, they are going to die!" Sumiki shouted when she saw the hesitation and reluctance on Bryan's face.

Which snapped Bryan back to reality. He looked at Sumiki and then at his dear comrades who had fought numerous battles with him lying on the ground with their blood everywhere.

And then back at the man who injured them and killed half of his man.

He knew that the lives of his friends were more important than any immediate revenge, so he clenched his fist tightly and said with his voice shaking a little," Okay... I will join Baroque Works!"

"Good, Then take this and show it to MiniToes. He will be willing to heal them." Mr.1 threw a badge at Bryan, who grabbed it and gave it to Erik to call the B. W agent.

"Since I joined, what will I need to do?" Bryan said, he had accepted that he joined them for now...

"You will first go to LogueTown there, you will meet your and Roronao's partner Mr. Sniper. He will tell you what to do," Mr.1 said.

"Then what about my crew and ship? Will they also be part of Baroque work, or do I need to leave them?" Bryan asked about the things that he had on his mind.

"your crew can join if they want. As for the ship, you can sail with it to LogueTown." Mr 1 after saying that, Mr.1 told Bryan that 5 agents would go with them on their journey to Logue town, and the agent that is healing Roronao will be among them.

After saying all this, he walked while saying, "And before I forget. If you and Roronao are still reluctant and angry that you lost against me, then you can call me after you clean the East Blue of all the pirates with bounties over 5 million and challenge me to a fight!"

Hello everyone, I'm here to tell you that I will be going back to my old schedule of 3 to 4 chapters a week.

since I'm going to be busy for a while but don't worry once I'm free, I will write more chapters for you guys,

so expect a chapter every two days.

Ps: if you can please leave a review, it will help the story to grow more popular.

Ok peace out :)

RayDKingcreators' thoughts