
34. In Law.

-:- Severus's Dorm Room -:-

[Severus's POV]

After the breathtaking kiss from Cissy, I returned to my dorm.

I can still taste the flavor of her lips on my lips, those sweet rosy plump lips taste soo good.

With the lingering taste of her lips, I entered my room and placed a bunch of charms on the door to keep anyone, any sound from entering the room.

I don't like to be disturbed when I practice Occlumency.

Shaking the thoughts of kiss away, I teleport into my shadow realm.

Shadow realm provides me the perfect environment to practice Occlumency, it is like a blank slate with no emotion, no environment, just an endless blank void.

A perfect place to hone my Occlumency and practice controlling my emotions.

I bring my legs together into a meditative pose as I float, closing my eyes and concentrated on entering my mind.

After practicing Occlumency for almost 1 and a half years, I hit the roof due to increasing the intensity of my Occlumency training that I started after returning to Hogwarts this year.

I am sure by now that I can block my mind from any Legilimens but I had a feeling that there was more to Occlumency and Legilimency, my assumptions were proven right when I found a book on psionic powers and astral plane in the second vault that Merlin left.

Though I haven't checked everything that I found in Merlin's cursed vault, I read a few books.

That book had a big catalog with a long list of abilities of psionic abilities that are pretty useful but telepathy and astral projection caught my interest.

Telepathy is an advanced form of a combination of both Occlumency and Legilimency.

So many uses of ability, if I mastered to a level that I am satisfied with then I can control this whole school with a mere thought, but I don't need to, I just want to break the barrier that stopped my growth in these skills.

I entered my mind that looked just like my realm, a blank abyss that would consume everything that enters it, any Legilimens who enters my mind would find himself entering into a never-ending abyss, which would consume them or a reflection of their thoughts or anything I wish them to know.

A mental image of myself materializes in this abyss, which hides the memory that no one but I can access.

I looked at my naked form floating in the endless abyss, with a simple thought, my naked form was covered in robes.

I started dwelling deeper into the abyss to reach the library of every second of my life and of those whose minds were read by me.

The endless clouds of abyss part away leading me to the library.

Calling it a library would be a compliment, it was just a peaceful space in my mind with a lot of files flying around.

I summoned of the files of that contented the memories of people whose minds I read and read occasionally.

I seriously hate reading people's minds, most of them have some sick fantasies, some people even those kinds of fantasies about me, I just wish that I never read their minds but I have to for reasons.

Only two people I avoided reading minds were Lily and Narcissa, though I checked their progress in Occlumency from time to time without them knowing, didn't dwell in deeper.

I usually bury the most useless memory in the furthest depths of my mind so that even I don't recall them frequently.

I tried breaking the barrier that was holding me from entering the astral plane, but it was strong.

I started to do this yesterday after I read about astral form and plane in journals I got from Merlin's cursed vault.

I can see the link was present but it requires me more practice to enter the Astral realm.

After practice for a long time, I left my mind and returned to the physical realm.

Due to my increased potency in telepathy, I discovered that I can download information from others' minds but I am still required to make eye contact or to leave a mind link after I used Legilimency on them for once to read their minds.

With this discovery, I can fasten the process of learning muggles subjects, I can just apparate to some of the bright minds or most knowledgeable minds around Britain to download the required information.

After Slughorn's party this week, I should take leave from the school and concentrate on the product that I want to launch in the muggle world.

Food and cosmetic are just the initial phases of my plans, I choose these two sectors because they can make my brand famous instantaneously.

I teleported back to my room.


"It's 7:30 pm already,"

I didn't know this much time has, though I felt as if I lived through a whole day inside my mind.

"I should leave for Great Hall. Cissy would have already informed Lily by now."

I left my room and went to the Great Hall for dinner.


[3rd POV]

Severus entered the Great Hall, which was as crowded and filled with loud noises and laughter from all four houses.

Severus spots Regulus waving his hand at him, gesturing him to come towards him.

Severus sits beside Regulus.

"Good evening, Regulus."

"Good evening, Severus. Is it true that you are dating my cousin?" Regulus asked, which got the attention of the people around them, which didn't go unnoticed by Severus, but ignored them and answered.


"Wow, I knew she would get what she wants. Congrats."


"So, how was the date?"


"That's it? I want more details, like where you took her?"

"That is all your getting," Severus said seriously.

"Why so serious? I was just kidding I knew I would never get details from you."

Regulus laughs a bit and becomes serious and speaks quietly

"So, how do you plan to deal with my uncle and aunt? they hate muggle-borns and consider half-bloods inferior." Regulus looks around and leans closer to Severus and whispers " This Christmas, I heard my father and her father discussing her marriage contract."

This piqued Severus's interest, he wasn't worried about dealing with black family but he wanted to know which family they were considering.

"What did you hear?"

"I heard they wanted to tie her up to that Lucius Malfoy. Though my family is crazy, I like Cissa, I want her to happy and out of that house. I just don't want her to lose something she loves. I don't like that Lucius, always flipping his hair with an infuriating smirk on his face."

Severus can hear the sadness in regulus's voice.

He knew regulus wants to leave his family as well, he just needed a helping hand, he was crushed when that bastard dog left the family leaving him behind even when Regulus cried him to stay, though regulus still had that pureblood belief ingrained in his mind, he had some kindness in him.

Regulus never talked about anger, sadness, and hopelessness he felt after his brother left.

Severus knew since used Legilimency on Regulus, it was too easy even though Regulus knew a bit of Occlumency as the sadness in his voice was linked to his memories with his brother, which made it easy for Severus to just slip into his mind.

Severus puts an arm around Regulus and says "Don't worry, I will look after your sister. I can deal with your family.After all, I am the heir to Prince family and I am sure your family doesn't mind a pure blood family memeber even though he is a half blood that much." Severus reassures him and continues to speak to lighten the mood "Since I am your cousin's boyfriend now and there is a chance that in the future, I might become related to you, so you might have to call me brother-in-law." with a playful smirk.

Regulus's gloomy expression disappears, he smiles and jokes "Oh Merlin, I don't want to. You are too much of a tempered person to be my brother-in-law. I already have to deal with Cissa, she is scary when she is angry. I am not ready to deal with two Cissa yet."

Severus and regulus laugh at his joke.

Severus rarely showed emotions even now, but he felt he didn't need to be stoned-faced all the time.

They talked some more, mostly Regulus spoke, Severus nodded in between the conversation.

At the end of the dinner, Regulus nervously asked "Severus...Will you come to my match this year?"

"Huh?" Severus was pretty sure that Regulus knew that he didn't like wasting his time watching quidditch.

Regulus looked at Severus's expression and hurriedly said "Forget it. I was just kidding."

Regulus tried to cover his disappointment with laughter.

It was his first match as a captain, he wanted someone to cheer for him, but his brother already left the house and never spoke with him after, Cissy was scary for him to ask though he would still ask her to come, he subconsciously wanted a brotherly figure to be there for him.

Severus read his mind and spoke softly

" I will come to your match."



Severus understood Regulus's feeling, he too once upon a time in his childhood wanted someone to cheer for him, he didn't mind wasting a few hours for Regulus's sake.

Regulus's face brighten up, he gave Severus a side hug.

"Hey, stop hugging me, or I won't come," Severus warned.

"Get used to it, brother in law."

Regulus said with mischievous smile.

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