
Chapter 7: Ascending Limits

Merry Late Christmas Everyone!!! Sorry for not posting yesterday I was at an party for over 15 hours and I got no rest because those NPCS were yelling so much. Thanks for you're Patience!!! NOW LETS GET INTO THIS FANFIC!!

The one-month break proved to be a pivotal period for Naruto as he embarked on a rigorous training routine. Seeking to push his limits further, he approached Might Guy, known for his intense training methods. Naruto requested daily sparring sessions and asked Guy to provide him with weighted clothing and gravity seals to enhance the intensity of his training.

As they began their first session, Naruto felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The clashes between the two warriors echoed in the training ground, with Guy impressed by Naruto's determination to grow stronger. The Saiyan blood within Naruto boiled with excitement, relishing the opportunity to face an opponent who held nothing back.

Two weeks into the intense training, with the sun setting in the horizon, Naruto decided to take a break and headed to Ichiraku Ramen to replenish his energy. However, as he strolled through the village, he spotted Anko, and a mischievous smirk crossed his face. In an instant, Naruto teleported behind her, delivering a playful slap on her CHEEKS. Anko, startled, turned around with kunai drawn, ready to strike, only to find no one there. Turning back, she faced Naruto with surprise and got jumpscared and accidentally stabbed Naruto with her Kunai but comes to find out the Kunai broke as soon as it made contact with Narutos skin. Anko was confused but decided to not worry about it

Naruto teased Anko about her earlier offer, and Anko, intrigued, asked how he planned to take advantage. Naruto, seizing the opportunity, scooped Anko into his arms, flying towards her apartment at a speed that left her wide-eyed. Once they arrived, Anko, still recovering from the adrenaline rush, questioned how Naruto knew her apartment's location. Naruto playfully claimed it was a ninja secret.

Inside the apartment, Naruto and Anko engaged in a relentless 24-hour sex session. The walls echoed with the sounds of their hardcore sex.

[Sex Scene: Naruto and Anko]

*Anko after pulling Naruto inside of her room*

Anko: Now Naruto lets see if that was an fluke *As she got on her knees to pull down Narutos pants so she can give Naruto an Blowjob*

Naruto: Regarding me there is no such thing as a fluke *As Anko unzipped his pants with her tongue and then proceeds to unbutton them*

*Anko after unzipping and unbuttoning Narutos pants*

Anko: *Pulls Narutos pants down*

Naruto: (Smirks) Your about to uncover then biggest sword you have ever seen

Anko: (Giggles) We will see about that... *As she starts pulling Narutos boxers down slowly*

As soon as Anko pulled Narutos boxers down she was hit with by Narutos GREATSWORDDDDD

Anko: (Shocked) What in the f-

Naruto: (Confidently) Would you like to measure it

Anko still shocked shook her head and then tried to measure Narutos GREATSWORDDDDD with her arm


Naruto being impatient made Ankos mouth open really wide and went BALLSDEEEEP INSIDE OF ANKOS MOUTH 

Anko: (Suffocating) I cant breathe.....

*After 5 mins*

Anko laid passed out on the ground due to her using all of her chakra to stay alive while gobbling Narutos GREATSWORDDDDD

*A few mins later* 

Anko wakes up on the bed

Anko: (Confused) What happened?...

Naruto: You passed out


Naruto: By simply exercising, eating protein, staying hydrated, and being blessed by Kami herself

Anko: Well I guess were going to have to continue this tomorrow I have to go pick up some Mochi from the shop

Naruto: *Grabs Anko and whispers in her ear* You didn't honestly think we were finish did you? We barely even started

Anko: (Wide-eyed) Naruto WAI-

As Naruto makes Anko lay on her back and then pulls Ankos shorts and panties off 

Anko covers her COOCHIEE with her hands 

Anko: Lets talk this over Naruto, I dont want to get ripped open by your GREATSWORDDDD

Naruto ignoring Anko opens her legs and pulls her hands to the side and then proceeds to eat her COOCHIEEEEE

Anko: *Moans very loud*

Naruto: (Proudly) It seems shes really wet down here

Anko: (Embarrassed) No she isn-

As Naruto decided to enter his GREATSWORDDDDDDDD inside of Anko

Anko although not being a virgin starts to bleed and SCREAM AND ALSO MOAN VERY LOUD

*24 Hours later*

During that time Naruto and Anko went at it, Im talking MISSIONARY, DOGGYSTYLE, COWGIRL, REVERSE COWGIRL, ETC. (Naruto nutted twice, he nuts every 12 hours) (Anko came over 100 times)

Anko found herself unable to move and dehydrated after the hardcore sex session session. Naruto, satisfied with the training session, left Anko's apartment and teleported back to the Uzumaki compound.

The remainder of the month saw Naruto balancing his training with Guy, hardcore sparring sessions with Anko, and moments of much-needed rest and nourishment. As the final round of the Chunin Exams approached, Naruto's physical and combat abilities reached new heights, setting the stage for the challenges that awaited him in the upcoming battles.

After the intensive training period, a 2-week timeskip takes us to the day of the final exams. In the arena, everyone except Naruto and Sasuke stands, awaiting the commencement of the final exams. The Hokage announces the beginning of the finals and instructs the contestants to head to the fighters' box. However, when the Hokage calls for Naruto and Gaara, only Gaara appears, making a flashy entrance using his Sand body flicker.

The crowd starts to express disappointment, believing Naruto is avoiding the fight and beginning to boo. The referee is about to call the match when Naruto's voice resonates through the arena, questioning why he would coward away from a fight, especially against someone he deems weak. Suddenly, a bright yellow beam shoots down from the sky, creating a large crater in the ground.

As the dust clears, Naruto stands in the arena, sporting a new Shalot outfit with red accents. The crowd is captivated by Naruto's godlike physique, and all the female spectators (except Sakura) start discussing his handsome and ripped appearance. The arena erupts with cheers for Naruto, and people marvel at the flashy entrance, drawing comparisons to the legendary 4th Hokage.

The referee asks if the fighters are ready, and with a nod, the match begins. An epic scene unfolds with Naruto showcasing his newfound power, easily overpowering Gaara. However, as the battle intensifies, Gaara resorts to using his absolute defense skill, the Sand Dome, confident that Naruto can no longer damage him. (Did you guys honestly think I was going to make an entire fighting scene with Gaara getting LANDSLIDED by Naruto?)

Naruto smirks and starts chuckling, berating Gaara for hiding behind his defenses. Determined to test out his new move, Naruto charges it up and declares, "Kaaa Meeeh Haaaa Meeh HAAAAAA!" A colossal blast erupts from Naruto, obliterating Gaara's Sand Dome and slamming him into the wall, rendering him unconscious. (Dont ask how Naruto learned it just roll on with the story)

As the dust settles, an unsettling silence hangs over the arena. Suddenly, a massive beast emerges in a cloud of smoke, instigating fear among the spectators. However, their fear is short-lived as they find themselves trapped in a genjutsu, much like in canon, as Orochimaru's sinister plan begins to unfold.

In the midst of the genjutsu, chaos ensues as Orochimaru and Hiruzen engage in their own intense battle, mirroring the events in canon.

Scene: Naruto vs. Shikaku - Epic Showdown

The atmosphere in the arena is tense, the ground shattered from the intense battle. Naruto lies battered on the ground as Shikaku revels in his imminent triumph. The malicious laughter echoes through the arena as Shikaku taunts Naruto, relishing the destruction he promises to unleash.

Shikaku: (mocking) "You're nothing! Your village will crumble, and those you cherish will meet their end! What hope do you have, Uzumaki?"

Naruto, struggling to rise, is bombarded by Shikaku's relentless assault. The crowd watches in horror as Shikaku aims to crush Naruto's spirit and break his will.

Shikaku: "I'll stomp out every bit of hope in you. Watch as I reduce your precious village to rubble!"

Naruto, on the verge of unconsciousness, recalls the painful memories of his past. The torment he endured as a child, the moment he met Kurama, and his unwavering determination to be acknowledged.

Saiyan Yell: (echoing) "Aaaargh!"

Suddenly, a burst of golden energy envelops Naruto. His hair turns golden, eyes blazing with power. (Naruto has achieved Super Saiyan.)

Super Saiyan Naruto: (determined) "I won't let you destroy everything I've fought for!"

With newfound strength, Naruto rises, his aura radiating power. Shikaku, taken aback, attempts to maintain his dominance, but Naruto refuses to be crushed. Naruto's counterattack begins, each blow fueled by the desire to protect his home.

[Scene: Naruto's Resilience - Fierce Battle]

The arena trembles with the intensity of Naruto's resolve as he rises, bathed in the golden aura of Super Saiyan. Shikaku, taken aback by this unexpected surge of power, braces for Naruto's retaliation.

Sound Effects: (powerful echoes)

Naruto charges, his movements a blur, leaving afterimages in his wake. Each strike is swift and precise, delivering a ferocious onslaught. The clash of their energies reverberates through the arena, shaking the ground beneath them.

Impact Sounds: (crashing, rumbling)

Shikaku attempts to retaliate, but Naruto's speed and determination are unmatched. His strikes, infused with raw emotion, create shockwaves with each impact. The force of their clash sends shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering the surroundings.

Energy Bursts: (crackling, booming)

Naruto's eyes blaze with unwavering resolve as he continues to press forward, refusing to yield. His attacks become more relentless, channeling his inner strength to protect his home and loved ones.

Shikaku: (frustrated) "This... this is impossible!"

Naruto's movements are a dance of fury and determination, each punch a testament to his indomitable will

As the intensity of the battle reaches its peak, Naruto unveils a new technique – the Revenge Death Ball. A colossal purple orb, surrounded by a white aura, materializes in his hands.

Sound Effects: (intense, echoing)

Naruto launches the Revenge Death Ball towards Shikaku, who attempts to resist the overwhelming force. The arena is engulfed in blinding light as the colossal energy sphere collides with Shikaku and Gaara. (Shikaku and Gaara were Atomized by the attack)

The blast subsides, leaving Naruto standing victorious amidst the fading echoes of his Super Saiyan power.

With Shikaku defeated, Naruto channels his Super Saiyan power to push back the invading Sound and Sand forces. His speed and strength are now unparalleled, and he swiftly takes down any enemy foolish enough to stand in his way. The once-invincible Sound and Sand ninjas find themselves outmatched as Naruto tears through their ranks with ease.

Naruto's aura radiates with power, leaving the remaining enemies in awe and terror. His movements are a blur as he dispatches opponent after opponent, demonstrating the overwhelming might he gained from his newfound transformation. The village witnesses Naruto's incredible display of strength, the tide of battle shifting dramatically in their favor.

With every punch, kick, and ki blast, Naruto asserts his dominance on the battlefield. The Sound and Sand forces, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, struggle to comprehend the force that stands before them. Naruto's vengeance is unleashed upon those who dared threaten his home, and the air is filled with the sound of his battle cries and the echoes of defeated enemies.

The remaining forces, battered and demoralized, retreat in the face of Naruto's unstoppable onslaught. The village, once on the brink of destruction, now witnesses the triumphant return of their hero. Naruto, fueled by his determination to protect what he holds dear, stands as an unstoppable force against any who would challenge the safety of his home. (His home as in the Uzumaki Compound not the village)

Next chapter