
The Land Of Wave 4.0

[Yeah It's 3 Chapter already we are doing this Land of Wave Arc , I hope To finish this in this or the next chapter . I want to make this series fast paced a little. I wanna focus on other things as well. So don't mind me being not very describing about everything and trying to avoid many writings. But I hope still you like it.. Thanks…]

After listening to Tazuna Naruto understood, why The kid Inari behaved like that.

Naruto thought about it for sometime and Decided to talk with Inari about it later that night.

At the evening Naruto came in front of Inari's room , He saw Inari sitting in the room alone , tears in his face, for sometimes Naruto stood there feeling ashamed by his statements earlier.

"Hey Inari , Can I come in ?" Naruto asked.

Inari just gave him a glance and looked back without any word.

Naruto entered the room and sat beside Inari , Inari didn't react much at it.

Naruto was a little confused from where to start speaking but after a moment of thinking

"I'm sorry, Inari. I didn't realize how much your father meant to you," Naruto said, feeling guilty for his earlier remarks.

Inari looked away, his voice tinged with bitterness. "It's easy for you to make fun of him. You don't understand what it's like to lose someone you love."

Naruto nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "You're right, I don't understand. But I do know that your father was a hero. He may not have been as powerful as me, but he was brave and he fought for what he believed in. He saved this village from Gatou and his men."

Inari shook his head. "I don't believe in heroes. My father died trying to protect this village, and look where it got him. There are no heroes, Naruto. Just people who die for nothing."

Naruto sighed and looked out at the ocean. "I used to think the same way. I thought that being a hero meant saving everyone and being praised by the whole village. But the reality is that being a hero means sacrificing yourself for others, even if no one remembers or appreciates it."

Inari frowned. "So what's the point, then? Why should anyone bother being a hero if no one cares?"

"Because someone has to," Naruto replied. "Someone has to stand up for what's right and protect those who can't protect themselves. Your father did that, and now it's our turn. Being strong Alone doesn't mean anything, the strength comes from being a unite , working together to protect something precious to you , that's what strength is." Naruto said .

Inari looked at Naruto, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "

Naruto placed a hand on Inari's shoulder. "Strength isn't just physical, Inari. It's about standing up for what's right, even when it's hard. It's about being brave and never giving up, no matter what. You just have to believe in yourself."

After speaking for sometime Naruto stood up and walked towards the door, "well, think about what I said and decide if you wanna live as coward and let everyone close to you suffer or you gonna stand up and fight back like your father." Naruto said and walked out of the room.

Inari who listened what Naruto said and kept staring at the picture of his father.

Naruto went for sleep...

From the next day Kakashi continued the training of Sasuke and team for preparing them to fight Zabuza and Gatou's people.

Sasuke mastered the Chidori and improved his chakra control ability while Naruto tried to teach Sakura some Fuinjutsu and Sakura did good as her chakra control ability is pretty good.

From the next day they started going to the bridge with Tazuna as Tazuna continued with his Bridge building work and they went for his protection.

After 2 Days , Only Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi went to the bridge as Naruto woke up late that morning so Kakashi let Naruto sleep and went without him to give him some rest.

The morning light filtered through the window as Tsunami went about her kitchen chores and Inari played nearby. Suddenly, the flimsy door shuddered under the impact of hefty fists.

Two of Gatou's henchmen, rough and sneering, burst into the room. "We've come for the women," the larger one barked, his eyes locked on Tsunami, who stood paralyzed with fear.

"Sorry , Mam but we're ordered to take you as hostage." One of the henchmen spoke to Tsunami.

Than suddenly Inari came running after hearing the noise outside.

"There is a kid too, what we do with him ?"

"uhh... Let's kill him. i don't like kids anyways." One of them spoke as Inari started trembling In fear of there words.

"Don't do anything to him, you want me right? Take me but don't do anything to my son, He doesn't have anything to do with these." Tsunami spoke to the henchmens begging , tears falling from her eyes.

"We just need one hostage anyway , take the lady and leave the kid." One of them spoke.

As they took Tsunami with them dragging her.

Inari reminded the words Naruto told that night about strength , strength means when you fight to protect something or someone precious to you, the words of Naruto echoing in Inari's mind....

Suddenly, Inari came running outside as they were taking tsunami away. "Leave my mom , now ....." Inari screamed as he ran towards the two Gatou's men and tried to attack them with a stick.

But one of the man caught the stick and threw it away and went for a swing towards Inari but Suddenly felt his attack getting stopped.

"What do you think you're doing?" Naruto's voice carried a chilled edge as he positioned himself between the intruders and Tsunami and Inari.

Naruto caught the attack with his limitless while he stepped between both the man and Inari.

"Naruto....." Tsunami spoke up as she was shocked at sudden interruption of the young ninja.

Naruto smiled at Inari and patted his head "You did good , Now my turn." Naruto said and looked at the men "Leave her.... "

The henchmen, surprised by Naruto's sudden appearance, exchanged glances. They had not expected resistance, certainly not from a boy.

"You don't want to do this," Naruto warned, his eyes narrowing.

The first thug charged, a twisted smile on his face, certain of his brute force. However, his confidence shattered when Naruto sidestepped him with an unnatural grace, effortlessly tripping him up. He hit the ground taking damage.

"You brat!" shouted the second thug, as he lunged toward Naruto, swinging a heavy fist.

Naruto tilted his head, the movement almost casual, as the fist swished through the air, harmlessly. "Not very smart, are you?" Naruto taunted, and then, with a swift motion, he swept the man's legs out from under him.

"You...you've got some moves kid," grunted the downed man, trying to scramble back to his feet.

Naruto's response was an impish grin. "You haven't seen anything yet."

Tsunami, holding Inari close, watched in awe as Naruto handled the situation with ease. The young boy was more powerful and strong than they expected.

With the henchmen subdued, Naruto turned to Tsunami and Inari. "Are you guys okay?"

Tsunami nodded, a mixture of gratitude and amazement in her voice. "Yes, thanks to you, Naruto."

"Sorry for being late, I should've been here more early , actually I wanted to check the courage of Inari when facing those men." Naruto said and looked at Inari proudly "Inari, You did great today and always be like this , always protect the ones who are close to you and important to you and that's what strength is." Naruto smiled at him.

Inari looked at him at surprise as if he saw him as hero who just saved them ...

"Yes, Onii-chan !!!! " Inari said .

"Onii-chan, huh ? That's good ." Naruto said and thought about something "well , others went to the bridge right ?" Naruto asked looking at Tsunami.

"Yes, They went with my father in the bridge to protect him while bridge building." Tsunami replied.

"So if Gatou sent his men here than he must be planning to attack the bridge too and they came here to take Tsunami-chan as hostage. " Naruto thought. "That means..... " Naruto looked at both Tsunami and Inari.

"I've leave too for the bridge and Inari I hope you know what to do when someone intent any harm ?" Naruto asked Inari.

"Yes Onii-chan. " Inari replied.

Naruto smiled and went to leave for the bridge.

"Take care , Naruto." Tsunami said.

"Take care Onii-chan." Inari repeated his mom "You're my hero from now." Inari said.

Naruto turned to Inari and Tsunami. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out. Get some rest, I've got this covered."

Meanwhile In the bridge...

Tazuna and his team were working as per their usual routine when suddenly a mist enveloped the entire bridge, indicating an attack .

Kakashi took defensive measures "It is the same mist as before ,that means." Kakashi thought .

"It's Zabuza" Kakashi informed his team which Sasuke who was standing close to Kakashi nodded.

"Look out for Tazuna-san." Kakashi alerted his team.

Sasuke nodded in understanding, while Sakura prepared a barrier seal. All of them stood by Tazuna.

"Long time no see, Kakashi," Zabuza eerily spoke through the mist, "I see that you are still with those young individuals. He's shaking again...Poor kid..." He made a remark about Sasuke, who was trembling.

Water clones of Zabuza then appeared from various locations. Sasuke smirked and confidently stated, "I'm shaking with excitement!" Kakashi smiled and gave a firm instruction, "Do it, Sasuke!"

Sasuke briefly vanished from the area, promptly dispatching the water clones with a well-executed stab. He reappeared, striking a confident pose and declaring with a smile, "You can't fool me!"

Sakura Watching this scene commented, "Wow, Sasuke-kun is quite impressive," to which Sasuke responded with a slightly disapproving look and a hint of perspiration.

Zabuza, watching from a distance with Haku, noted Sasuke's sharp awareness of the water clones. "Hm... he saw through the water clones? That brat has grown.

"It looks like a rival has appeared for you, Haku," Zabuza remarked. Haku, wearing a concealing mask, responded lightheartedly, "A rival indeed."

The bridge again filled with more thicker mist around the place.

As Haku clashed with Sasuke and Zabuza fighting Kakashi....

[To be Continued.....

Damn it, I feel Creatively lost..... Or I don't have any creativity.... Anyways..... I'm lost at how to write the fight.... That's why writing these small chapters plus you guys ain't dropping stones so that's there as well. I'm sure I'll try best to wrap up the Land of Wave Arc next chapter or after that one.....

Drop power stone for showing your support, it will mean a lot to me and add this book to your library if you like it and wanna continue reading.

I can ensure you the best is yet to come. Bye

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