
Decay Notice

Naruto (5):

Hey! Stop bullying that girl for her eyes, stated a 5-year-old Naruto! Oh look, guys, it's the "Demon", says the group of bullies. Get him! *Boom Pow Bam Thump* It's when Naruto falls after getting beat up by the bullies.

That'll teach you little Demon, you killed my little sister, my Mom told me, stated one of the bullies. I've had enough of this, call me a demon all you want but don't bully an innocent bystander, stated Naruto. Look at this loser, stated the leader bully as he and his 2 goons start throwing snow at Naruto. Just then Naruto touched the snow and it disappeared which the bullies were a coincidence. As the closest one to Naruto was about to throw another snow ball everything goes quiet, Naruto's hands felt cold and then energized. He'd awakened from the beating as he looks like a killer wanting some blood. The 3 bullies were stunned when they saw this display. Naruto then reaches out for the kid that was closest to him and touches him with all 5 of his fingers and afterward... The boy starts to decay, his body peels slowly. What is this? Guys, Mom, Dad, Anybody Help Me!!! stated the body as he cries but all of that ceases to exist. *POOF* The leader of the bully, states that he's not a demon, he's the DEVIL, run, everybody, run, he even shouts for the girl to run. That's how scared he was, however, Hinata was stuck sitting on the snow. Naruto took the initiative and dashed at them. The only words that came out of the bully's voices before their death were: We're sorry spare our lives."

"No, stated Naruto as he said: SHINE!! screamed Naruto as he destroyed everything in a 50-meter. Naruto looked at the blood-dyed snow and thought am I a demon, why do I enjoy this? I want to vomit but I'm happy, it felt like I was light, free! stated Naruto as he started drooling but then looked at Hinata, and was scared of how she would react to the bloodshed."

"Mr... stated Hinata. (She's probably going to hate me now and run away, stated a depressed Naruto looking at himself in slight disgust.) Are you ok? asked Hinata. Thoughts: Wait... you're not scared of me as a demon, I killed 3 academy students for ***** sake.

"I just showed you my true colors, stated Naruto. I think it was deserved as they tried to bully me and kill me for no reason, stated Hinata. That's when Naruto realized what love at first sight was."

Naruto's thoughts: *"Wow she is different from the others. Treats me way better than Sakura."*

"What's your name, I'm Naruto! Well, I-- I'-m Hinata! Nice to meet ya! stated Naruto! You have to leave, stated Hinata. One of my guards is coming. Want to meet up here again? questioned Naruto. Yes please, said a flustered Hinata."

Naruto ran for his house while the guard finally found Hinata. "Lady Hinata, where were you? asked the guard. I was attacked by villager bullies who made fun of my eyes. How dare they think their clanless children can be on the level of you my princess, stated the guard with lack of genuity. Are you ok, yes someone saved me and l- disappeared into th- leaves. Ok, Princess. Let's head back for your training sessions."

Hyuga Guard Thoughts: (It must have been a chunin or jonin who helped, I was worried the Demon Fox came in contact with Lady Hinata. Hiashi would have killed me and marked my family and the generations to come as punishment.)

"I felt so good when I used it. All my pain went in an instant, stated Naruto in the excitement of his new jutsu." But all of his joy evaporated when he realized he was going to have a huge hospital bill to pay during training at the academy.

Naruto (5.5):

Hey Naruto-kun, stated Hinata while fidgeting. So you are a princess huh, must be a nice life, Naruto stated. I'm always forced to train and treated badly compared to my younger sister because of skill, Hinata stated in a sad tone. Oh, I never realized, stated Naruto. That must suck, also the ranking system and the forehead thingy are so unfair. I swear when I'm Hokage, I'll change the Hyuga ways for the better. Both Hinata and Naruto were flustered and ate Ramen together before Hinata rushed home because she secretly escaped, however, you cannot hide from the Byakugan. She wasn't allowed to talk to Naruto again, however, they always interact with one another in the Academy at later ages.

Naruto (9):

"I wonder if I could make projectiles, or use the chakra thing Jiji talked to me about, stated an excited Naruto. OK, guys to start the academy, we are going to do some light sparring. First off, Naruto v Sasuke, stated Iruka."

"After the peace sign between the 2 boys, Iruka stated, Go! Sasuke backflipped back to put some space between himself and Naruto and rushed at him as the fangirls were going crazy. Naruto had not only improved his kekkei genkai but also his chakra control, taijutsu, shuriken handling, basically everything but Kenjutsu, Fuinjutsu, and Kinjutsu so he wouldn't need to use Decay to kill classmates as he's not an idiot. Sasuke was annoyed that Naruto kept dodging his moves, so he violated taijutsu only by using shuriken and adding in a Fireball Jutsu. Everyone was shocked, however, Naruto stated, "I can decay that easily, as Naruto's 3 fingers touched the fireball and it decayed nigh instantly which shocked the audience even more."

Sasuke was caught off guard, and Naruto kicked him out of bounds making him the winner. Sasuke's fangirls were annoyed, but Naruto decayed a bunch of the floor to show an example of what happens when they talk bad about him and how he cheated. Sasuke was surprised that he might gain a rival in the academy and looked forward to it.

"He seems strong, stated Sasuke, and that jutsu-breaking ability, I must learn it, stated an eager Sasuke. He can help me grow stronger, and Dad will finally acknowledge me, and my Brother would want to train with me!"

After class, Naruto headed over to the forest of death. This should be a great place to test, I wanted to kill that Uchiha kid, I maintained myself. Full Power Decay! Naruto shouted as the ground broke apart as the decay spread destroying everything from the center of Naruto onward in the Forest of Death. All the animals and trees get decayed as Naruto clears out the whole Forest used for the Chunin Exams. He was laughing like Shigaraki when he awakens and destroys the city and Re Destros legs. His hand bleeds a little because he gets more damaged the more he uses it due to his body being weak. However, the Kyubi heals it instantly, Naruto was confused if this regeneration was a factor of his powers or the thing inside of him, when it's both.

"Oi, Gaki, you're going to get caught. HUH?? Who the hell are you stated Naruto? I'm your closest friend and blood relative, stated a smirking Kurama. I'm your father, and that's why the villagers hate you. But I"ll lend you more power to destroy all things you hate. Follow in your father's footsteps, stated Kurama as he laughed thinking he got Naruto. Destroy all I Hate! chanted Naruto in a psychotic way. I hate those who try to manipulate me for their purposes stated Naruto as he dashed to the gate using his chakra and decayed the Kyuubi's whole being and the consciousnesses that were in the seal which included Minato and Kushina. I'm FREE!!!

(You'll regret this Naruto, just wait till you're 19. YOU BETTER LIVE UNTIL THEN, I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!! roared the Kyubi as it faded away.)

"Hmmph, I'll just destroy you again stated Naruto."

I feel overwhelming power, I feel like I can destroy the entire world with decay, stated a Naruto in KCM2 before it faded and he passed out.

"He is a monster. To think he mastered the nine tails ability to this extent, stating a one-eyed white-haired Jonin-vested Leaf Shinobi. I sense someone here, stated Naruto as he woke up and blitzed Kakashi." *Spoosh* *Poof*

"Oi, what are you doing here? stated Naruto. He's one of those weird mask people Hiruzen sends to watch me. I couldn't even sense or see him, my Sharingan was ready, stated a shocked Kakashi. With this mastery of the Kyuubi, he could probably beat Lord Third, especially in his old age, stated Kakashi as he seemingly Shunshin with traces of lightning."

"I let him get away, no problem, stated Naruto, he did not seem hostile and if he is, there will be no traces left. Wait, why was there lightning when he used that technique? It must have been a lightning clone, he substituted it with a lightning clone while he Shunshin away and dispersed it. He tried to stun me with the lightning so he thinks I can't find him. This guy must be foolish if he thinks I can't locate him, however, he doesn't seem hostile. He can't even hurt me if he tried, smirking Naruto as he headed home away from the mess he made at the Forest of Death. I should have been more cautious, stated Naruto as he arrived home to see the money "Jiji" gave him and cooked some ramen(Ichiraku taught him) and slept by himself thinking about Hinata."

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