
Earthquake II

I didn't expect much from that kick but it seems that the effect is kinda overly exaggerated by the skill. Or maybe the mana. I don't know and the only thing i can see right now is that, I had the mad lakh head cracked in the middle of parietal bone. The animal skull on top of the mad lakh slowly cracked before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

I said its a thud, but reality it caused the whole ground had a minor shake the moment of the bone fall on the ground. It almost hit Kuro, but he had easily deflected it this time. Kuro was looking at me with disguised thoughts, I couldn't read him at all.. and that made my heart trembled,

'What if...'

"Mama!!!! The other one!!!!" Yelled Ailee while pointing something behind me. The whole land shook, as if something big coming and barreling through this place. and just in time, I saw a scary sight of a big lump of giant meat, running with a big spiky club toward me.

This sight remind me of one of those anime I've watch, about a giants and how they fights.

"Why didn't I think of that??!"I cursed at my slow processing skills and chargerd forward. Holding out my hand, the ever changing weapon changed to dual swords, longer than Kuro's one. I like how this weapon changed just the way how my mind want it. I need linger blade to deeply penetrate the tendons and ligaments on the giants and this method will work well since the said giant is currently running, flexing every bit of his muscles. I can easily deduce my targets.

I thought about a skill that could bring me to move from one place to one place besides teleportation. And finally, create it. My lips curved upward, and the second mad lakh running steps made the whole land shook annoyingly.

"Flash" Flashing to one place as fast as the speed of light, I'm right at the back side of that monster left ankle. Strengthening and sharping the blade, i pierced it left ankle In one mighty thrust. Cutting off any kind of vessels. Flashing to the side, ignoring the giant roar, I did the same to the other side of the ankle.

Another loud roar, and this time I flashed to the back of the kneecap of it. Kuro and the kids were watching me flashing here and there, not giving a second of reprieve to the second mad lakh.

I think the mad lakh was too much in pain that It finally decide to bitch slap me. It swung its palm right where I was, few second ago before i notice it. And slap on it. The laughter in me bubbles out as that slap not only didn't get to splatter me like a mosquito. It made the wound teared bigger and gushing out blue blood.

This time, the second mad lakh howl and both the third and fourth came running to help him. The fourth one used a cutlass sword, and cut the head of second mad lakh before sinking it teeth on the shoulder of the dead mad lakh. I was disgusted by it to see it for myself; they were preying on one another.

"Do you think I'm letting you eat peacefully?" Switching my sword to odachi japanese sword, and thrust the blade on its throat while letting my body weight tear it downward, hanging on the sword. The mad lakh gurgles and blue blood splutter out from the open throat. The third one didn't waste its time to latch on the fourth one, and I took that opportunity to flash in front of the mad lakh and gave it a round house kick. The mad lakh head snapped to the left side, jaw deformed by the impact and really I began to fear how unbelievably strong I was. Is it normal?

Ha! What a stupid question, of course its not. If its normal, Kuro there won't show me that disbelief look.

The last one roared out loud and Something throw me off from where I stood. Sonic wave? Is that it?

But, ouch! Hurts like hell. My back left shoulder knocked on one of the large boulder, and I think I dislocated my joint from my scapula bone. I bite my lips, swallowing my scream.

Too weak. I may kick ass, but my body is still weak. Superstrong with super weak body. I bet one flick of their finger will kill me. This made it more real.. more scarier. My body trembled, and that chilling fear began to crept down my spine.

"Move, Iiana!!! Move!!"

"I can't! I'm scared!" Kuro cursed and teleported to my side.

"thats a skill. You are not scared. Its just one of their skill to make their opponent scared of them. Break free from it"

"I-I dont know how..."

"Sharp mind.. quickly." Kuro shot a red mist forward to cover the eyes of the giant.

I sucked in deep breath and wishing I was inside my hot spring... dipping and relaxing-

"Iiana!!!! He's coming!!"

That totally snapped me out from my reverie.

"I mustered my whole will to break free from my own fear, and stood up."

"Go.dont stand too close. Take care of the kids"

"Aim for their weak spot" kuro look at me, as if I knew where is their weak spot. Not wanting him to stay a moment longer,

I nodded.

To be honest, I dont. But I do know mad lakh look humanoid and definitely male.

"To be scarred for life or to save our life?" I mumbled. No need to think twice, so I aim true to their weak spot.

"Here goes nothing" I jump up, and my weapon changed to a big obsidian egyptian khopesh. A slash downward and something heavy fall on the ground with the piece of loincloth. The mad lakh screamed and kneeled on the ground, covering where he's male jewel should have been. Blood gushed out like a small river down on the ground.

Kuro eyes bulged out and look at me with disbelief. He unconsciously cupped his private part, as if shielding his junior from the view.

"You cut his dick????"

"You told me to aim for his weakness" I said exasperatedly.

Kuro open his mouth as if he wanted to say something but as he's eyes glance automatically to the khopesh i'm holding he gulp and look away.

"My bad. I should've said it in detail."

"I better cut his head off. Just this definitely won't be enough kill him."

Kuro voice croaked.

"Yeahhh. Better kill him. He doesn't have much to live now" i went to the head, and cut it clean all the while it was still screaming in pain.

"Now, it's done and we can rest n-" as if!

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