

The league stared at the downed deity. "Uhm, guys… now what?" Barry asked as Green Lantern shrugged and stared down at Gohan.

"We should bring him back with us," Martian Manhunter said as Green Lantern shook his head.

"That is not a good idea. If he wakes up and goes on a killing spree, then what?" Green Lantern explained. "Besides, it doesn't seem likely that he will use blasts that destroy cars and small buildings," he finished as he stared at the dispersed star. "He could nuke our entire planet…"

"On the flip side, though, we have no idea what abilities he has. If we just chuck him into space the moment he wakes up, he could come looking for us. He isn't hostile now, but he could be…" said Superman as Diana nodded.

"Does it matter? We are the Justice League, justice is in our name. Would we be doing him justice if we left him in the vacuum of space?" Diana countered. "An even worse scenario will be if he gets caught by either of the empires and they anger him," Diana continued.

"You said the energy readings were strong enough that they could destroy a universe, correct?" She asked Batman, who nodded.

"We will vote. Do we bring him back, or leave him here," Batman said. "All in favor of bringing him back with us, raise your hand."

Batman raised his hand along with Superman, Diana, Barry, and Martian Manhunter.

Green Lantern sighed. "I understand all of them but why you, Bats? Aren't you like the most paranoid out of us all? What is your reasoning?" He asked.

"Simple, the energy readings from the sector will be off the charts. Both empires will arrive soon to investigate, along with nations even further beyond. They will find him here and use him, which he will eventually break free from. After seeing the power he was capable of exerting, it would only be a matter of time, and as Diana says, we will all die if he decides to just up and destroy the universe in retaliation. It would be better to have him with us so that we can keep him as calm as possible and happy until he decides to leave," Batman said.

Green Lantern nodded. "Okay, solid reasoning. I guess I can get behind that, although the moment he wakes up, I hope he doesn't go berserk."

"None of us want that," Superman answered as the ship took off, leaving the space sector empty.

Gohan slowly opened his eyes and looked around. 'Hospital?' He wondered absentmindedly. "Ahh…" He whined as he held his head. "Well, look who finally decided to open his eyes," said Flash as he walked up to Gohan's bed. A minute earlier, he got the notification that their visitor had finally awoken from his sleep.

Gohan turned his head to see a man in a red suit with a lightning emblem on it. A thought crossed his mind as he briefly wondered if Beerus knocked the sense out of him. "BEERUS!" Yelled Gohan as he jumped out of bed, looking around frantically. His hair turned red and started glowing, and he closed his eyes, trying to sense his surroundings before expanding out beyond Earth.

A few minutes ago, with Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. "You got the notification as well?" He asked as they nodded.

"He is waking up, it's now or never," said Batman as they entered the special room in the hospital ward. They entered just as Flash spoke.

"Woah! Calm down!" Said Flash nervously as Gohan opened his eyes to see a man looking like a bat. His cowl gave Gohan the shivers as more and more people colorfully dressed entered the room.

"The deity has awoken," said the woman who Gohan quite frankly thought was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

Losing his ability to speak for a few seconds, Gohan cleared his throat as a decently large man walked in. The aura this man gave off made Gohan stare at him; the presence this man gave off felt like he could match Gohan in a brawl of pure strength, maybe even overpower the young Saiyan.

"Hello, I am Superman, and we are the Justice League," said Superman. "We came across each other not too long ago, we kind of found each other?" Said Superman as Gohan slowly nodded. He does vaguely remember that but not completely; after all, he was locking horns with a destroyer, he didn't have time to worry about those around him.

"My name is Son Gohan, where am I?" Asked Gohan as Batman stepped forward.

"You are in our secure base. After your… dramatic battle in space, you passed out in our ship," said Batman as he stared at the glowing red hair before looking at Gohan again.

"You are above Planet Earth," said Flash as Gohan nodded.

'Did I ever hear of a Justice League… can't be, I would have sensed this super guy, everyone would have…' He thought as he tried to piece his memory together until he remembered his battle and his family and friends' sacrifices. Beerus was still alive. "None of you are safe!" Gohan spoke frantically. "The God of Destruction! He will come for Earth again!"

'So he is worried about our safety…' Thought Batman. 'He isn't hostile… hopefully, it stays this way.'

"Doubtful, it's been nearly a year since then, and I don't think you remember, but the result of your battle launched you out of your universe," said Batman as Gohan felt light-headed and slowly fell back, only to catch himself on the bed.

"You mean I am no longer in my… universe?" Asked Gohan as dread filled his mind. "My Earth is in danger… the destroyer will turn it to dust… I didn't kill him," said Gohan in frustration as his vision blurred. " I feel so weak…" Said Gohan as he stood up. "What did you do to me?" Asked Gohan as Diana spoke.

The eyes in the room looked at Gohan's hair as it turned black again.

"We did nothing bad to you; we just made you comfortable because your wounds healed rapidly on their own. By the time we returned to our Earth, you were fine but unconscious. This God of Destruction you speak of… who is he?" Asked Diana as Gohan slowly clenched his fist, Beerus's face flashing through his mind.

"He destroys worlds. I was never going to let him destroy the Earth… but I didn't have the strength to stop him. He flies through the universe, destroying worlds he comes across if they irritate him or put him in a bad mood," said Gohan as tears started to cascade down his cheeks.

"Are you alright?" Superman asked as Gohan remembered his mother's face as she died. His tears kept rolling as he remembered everyone. 'Mother… Father, Goten, Videl, everyone… I'm sorry… I couldn't get revenge for you…' Gohan thought.

"Is something the matter?" Diana asked with a concerned voice. Gohan just shook his head slowly.

"My family… I lost them to him…" Gohan croaked out. It hurt him even more because there were no Dragon Balls. He would never be able to see them again, and the worst part was that he was now in an entirely different universe.

A silence came over the room. 'I guess even gods cry…' Thought Barry as he stared at Gohan with eyes full of pity. The next second gave everyone a fright as a low rumbling noise sounded throughout the room.

Gohan's cheeks turned red as he cried. Diana gave him a small smile. "The deity is hungry; he needs sustenance." She spoke as Gohan looked at her surprised.

"Deity? Me?" Asked Gohan as Batman gave him a look before Superman spoke.

"Yes, when we found you, the power you were giving off was… ridiculous, and the other purple cat being you were talking to, you referred to him as a god, and he referred to you as one as well, and we assumed. Plus, you were asleep for plus-minus three hundred days," answered Superman as Gohan's eyes widened.

"Three hundred days!?" Gohan couldn't believe his ears. He realized they were confused before he looked at his hands and felt the depth of his power. His entire being felt different, like the power of the Super Saiyan God was still dwelling within, but it felt natural, like it was always there.

"That's right… a deity…" He said to himself. The league looked a little confused, but Gohan shrugged them off. "It's nothing; I forgot the last fight took a lot out of me…" Said Gohan. 'I am no longer normal…' He thought.

"No doubt the energy readings were astronomical, universal-level stuff," Barry said as Gohan nodded.

"Well, when you fight the destroyer god, you can't hold back… worst part is he took the explosion to the face and was just knocked away," Gohan said as he clenched his fist. "Next time I won't hold back," Gohan said as the tears on his face evaporated. 'I could still feel so much power rising; there was no way I could have unleashed it all.' He thought before deflating. 'But with the way things are looking, I might not even get a chance to; I have no idea where they all are…' He thought.

The league members looked at one another; they were taking a gamble. This god just admitted to holding back in a fight that was basically on a universal scale, possibly even more.

"Do you maybe want to talk about it?" Diana asked. This was a good way to get information on him.

Gohan shook his head. "It's fine; it's not like it matters, they are gone, and I am stuck in a foreign universe. I can only move on. I couldn't stop Beerus before, so it doesn't matter." He said as he held his stomach. If he was asleep for three hundred days, then it was highly unlikely Beerus would be coming.

"This destroyer sounds powerful, but you were here for almost a full year. Your Earth may not exist anymore, and your only way home is gone," said Batman as he walked up to Gohan. Flash's jaw dropped down as Batman spoke; he knew he was taking a risk. "You are strong; I don't think you're league material, but it would be best if we had you on our side. I am sure you know a being of your caliber would leave us nervous." Said Batman as Gohan nodded.

"You could also be a talented liar, but we wouldn't know that. I think it would be best if you stayed with us until you feel comfortable again. We wouldn't want some unknown organization to grab a hold of you and use you against your will," said Batman as Gohan slowly nodded.

"Flash will show you the food court," said Batman as he motioned to Barry, who nodded before quickly staring at Batman with wide eyes. 'I don't want to be around the unstable god!' Barry thought nervously.

"Also, would you be willing to undergo a simple test of your abilities tomorrow, and our friend Martian Manhunter will confirm your story tomorrow as well," said Batman as Gohan nodded, he didn't mind.

Batman nodded and walked out of the room, leaving the leaguers speechless. Superman being the first to respond.

"Well, that's all for now, Gohan. I hope you recover soon," said Superman as Flash nodded. Diana smiled and left the room. "Until we meet again, Lord Gohan." Her voice echoed, leaving Gohan somewhat speechless. 'Lord Gohan?' He wondered to himself.

"Uhmm." Flash cleared his throat to try and catch Gohan's attention as he motioned for Gohan to follow him. "This way, Lord Gohan. So anyway, my name is The Flash, but most just call me Flash?" Said Flash.

Gohan nodded before cringing. "How about you just call me Gohan? Lord Gohan sounds weird." Said Gohan as Flash shrugged.

"Whichever you prefer." He answered. "But if it was up to me, I would like to be called Lord Flash every time," Flash said with a grin as Gohan chuckled.

"Okay then 'Lord Flash'" Said Gohan as Flash cringed.

"No, I change my mind… Flash is fine." Flash changed as Gohan chuckled. "Now you understand." As they entered a large hall with the smell of food everywhere, Gohan's stomach made another loud sound before Flash burst out laughing.

"Come on, let's get you a plate." Said Flash as Gohan just chuckled. A plate? He doubted that one plate would satisfy him. After all, he did technically not eat for a year; he might finish this entire hall and set a record even among Saiyans. He was starving, and filling his empty stomach might take a while.

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