
How we met

We went to the same school but never saw each other due to the large amount of learners at school. Oneday a classmate asked me and my cousin to fellow them to their hanging put spot little did i know i would find my first true love but also my nightmare.

My cousin and i decided to go with them we found 2 to 3 guys there but my eyes were set on him he looked so handsome in his yellow shirt and blue jeans. We greeted everyone and he was abit formal so he stretched out his hand to me and said "hey my name is jodenand you are?" At that point my heart went🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

I was like i am sofia please to meet you. "He said u seem to be Really cute can you take of ur mask so i see you the shy me refused. But at that point just want him to see me time run by quickly it was time to call it a day he asked to escort me and asked for my number i refused and went home since i tried playing hard to get.

When i got home i waited for him to text hoping he got my number from his friend two days past yet nothing, luckily the following day in class his friend and i were talking about who we dating or crushing one when he asked me i said "i am crushing on joden🤭" than said" i am joking " as i did not want to sound desperate but i knew he would tell him either ways.That same day at school my long awaited text finally came in it took me hours to reply than when i finally did he asked me out.

The next day during my off period we met up in the hall he took me to go buy me lunch we went than he walked me to class and asked for a kiss infront of half of the school i was so shy so i said" later when you walk me home" and went to class the whole lesson i was just thinking of him and imagining the kiss we would share. The day finally came to the end we met up at the whole and he walked me home we stood at the corner of my street talking for hours, finally we shared out first kiss it turned me on at the spot no guy had ever tried turning me on with a kiss we parted ways at home i could not stop smiling at that point he asked what we were i than said" i only kiss someone i am dating" so we became official.

At that point i had till not told my cousin about him weeks past so i finally told her as i saw it was serious he told his friends too,we went on a couple of dateds he walked me to class sometimes carried me to my sit kissed my and went to class it was so cute because no guy ever showed me off.

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