1 Who am I?

Who am I? That is the true question. I woke up in a hospital bed, with an unforgiving headache. I can't remember who I am or what had happened, I can only remember three faces, two of them were next to my bed when I woke up. They're my parents, that's what they told me. The third face, is a girl, she looks to be around my age if not younger. I wonder if she was my girlfriend or another family member. "What happened to me?" I asked my parents, the headache was getting worse. "Do you not remember?" My mother said in a low, quivering voice. "I can't remember anything. I don't know who I am, or where I am." I said trying to stay calm. "Son, you're in the hospital. You stabbed yourself in the head, and you even left a note." My father said in a serious tone. He seemed worried yet angry at the same time. Before I could get another word out, the doctor walked in to room. "I heard you woke up, Thats a good thing boy." He said as he walked over to me. "What can you tell me about yourself?" The doctor asked as he flashed a light in my eyes. "I can't remember anything. Only some faces.." I said slowly. I can't believe I tried to kill myself.... And not only did I fail, I lost all my memories... This is worse than death. And who is this third face? She might have the answers I'm looking for. "You appear to have amnesia, you'll be hospitalized for a couple more days so we can moniter your wounds, and then we'll send you back to school. Maybe you'll get your memories back there. But what faces do you remember?" The doctor asked with a curious look on his face as he wrote in his notepad. "I remember my parents faces and the third, I don't know who she is.." I said trying to think as hard as I could.

The rest of my stay in the hospital is a blur, they kept me asleep for most of the stay to treat my head injury. Ill be sent back to school soon my mother told me. I wondered if I'd see the girl there. I wondered who she was and if she had any answers. After my parents set me up at home, and gave me a tour of the house, I went to sleep, for tomorrow, I'll go back to school.

Today's my first day back in school. My parents dropped me off, and a teacher gave me my schedule. I was hoping to see this girl today. During first period, science, I was barely able to keep up but my body and mind acted on instinct and I knew some of the answers. I still haven't seen this girl. I was the first one in second period, as I took my seat other class members began to move in and sit down as well. When the second bell rang, she walked in. My chest felt heavy when I seen her, it hurt a bit. I grabbed my chest as I walked over to her. "Who are you?" I asked, trying to start the conversation. She just looked at me, she didnt say a word. She just sat down and completely ignored me. She did this for days, her friends would talk to me somewhat, but they all seemed hurt when they spoke to me. What kind of relationship did I have with these people? Who will tell me the answer?

"Hey" said a blonde haired girl. Ive never seen her before. "Hi" I said staring at her. Does she know me? "I heard you lost your memories, is it true?" She asked with a serious look on her face. I was surprised, she looked kind of mad. "Since the injury, yes" I said rubbing the stitches in my head. She seemed friendly. I wonder if she we were friends. "Do you want me to tell you somethings I know about you? If so come to the cafeteria next period." She said as she walked away. I couldn't even get a word out. My voice was stuck.. My chest felt heavy again, and i should be happy right? I mean, she'll tell me about myself, so why do I feel..... depressed?
