


Itachi arrived at my bed, it was late at night, he looked sad, perhaps its going to go down tonight.


He placed a bag in front of me, when I opened it, it was full of scrolls, did he plunder it from the clan? Or did he manually copy it?

"Yuki-kun, you're the only one I can trust and perhaps Sasuke's only friend, when, when I'm gone, no I'm going on a mission, I'll be gone for a long time."

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere far away, this is for you"

"For me?."

"Yes, its for you but I also want you to teach Sasuke what you've learned, If you can't learn everything its fine just promise me you'll do your best."

"I promise."

He then waved me goodbye

"I'll be going now, thank you Yuki-kun."

"Good night Itachi-nii-san, remember to bring me food alright?"

"Of course."

He smiled before he left as I returned to sleep, of course I'm going to sleep! I don't want to be part of this mess! although I'm guilty as I can't do anything this is the only thing I can do.


It had been a week, and Sasuke was absent for a week, his disposition has changed everyone was worried, Kakashi already told me, and perhaps some already knew, no rather everyone knew but only a select few really know why.

Damn that pedophile and his bitch.

I sighed class was done and he was about to leave, I dragged Sasuke by the neck.

"Let go of me!"

"Now now If you don't follow me I'll bust your ass."

"Let go Yuki! I need to train!"

"Can't have you training like that, if you want to beat him then beat me first."

"You! Fine!"

I finally let go, right behind me was Hinata and Ino, behind them was Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Sakura and Naruto.

"Come on everyone's worried we're going to the Akimichi restaurant, Choji says its his treat."

"Did I?"

"Yes you did."

Shikamaru backed me up, I then dragged Sasuke by the collar as we ate in the restaurant though it was the same, we did our best to try and cheer him up but we don't know if its effective, I sighed maybe training him is the best way.



Kakashi came over as he called me, right now we were at the training grounds, he looked at me and nodded.

"Do it."

I then used 'Chidori' as the sounds of birds were chirping, he finally taught me how to do it and he nodded in satisfaction, I then stopped it and next.

A spinning ball of chakra formed around my hand, I especially told Kakashi that I wanted to be like the fourth.

He believed me and taught me the fourth's jutsu's except for the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' which I had to earn, but I know I will, right now my mastery of the 'Rasengan' and 'Chidori' proved that I was talented.

"I am getting old, perhaps the fourth would have been happy to meet you."

"You think so?"

"He would have been, I was his student once, your talent surpasses mine and perhaps maybe on par with the fourth."

"Then teach me that Jutsu where he fly's over everyone!"

"I wish I could Yuki, I have a question."

"What is it Onii-san?"

"Would you like to join the ANBU?"

"ANBU? Wouldn't that mean I'll be a personal slave and dog to the Hokage?"

"You and your mouth, but more or less yes, I wanted to ask you since you're already strong enough to force me to go all out but at the same time I'm worried that someone will be after you."

"What do you think?"

"Personally, I hope that you get a team that resigns after a months work or a dangerous mission and apply for a solo team."

"Or you and Guy Sensei can vouch for me and allow me to join your teams."

"That is an option but we'll see, you still have four more years."

"Don't remind me!"

"Now get ready we're going for a spar."




It was currently my 9th birthday, almost five years had passed since I met Kaguya here in my own plane.

"Every year you look more like me."

I touched my head searching for horns, she chuckled.

"No you won't get horns, sadly."

Right now I was still short in front of her, I placed my hands in hers like we usually do we then walked by the lake, it was now also a yearly tradition where I recount all the things I did over the year.

"Mother, how long till I meet you on the other side?"

"Soon my child."

"I can't wait!"

"Mm, now this is my gift for you, after hearing what you will do perhaps this should be enough, you wanted something like my horns didn't you?"


Crap if I didn't know what she was referring to who knows what my face would be but since I know I was ecstatic!

"Turn around."

I followed her instructions, She tapped the back of my body and then inserted something! It felt weird but then I felt nothing.

"You can look at me now, do you feel something?"


I did it instinctively and then a bone appeared out of my palm she smiled and nodded, I then retracted it.

"As expected."

"Mother! Thank you!"

I hugged her and she hugged me back, when we separated I remembered something.

"I have something to show you!"

I smiled at her and walked a few steps back, after a while she smiled as she looked at me, I was covered in white chakra, it was something similar to the Tenseigan or Naruto's Chakra cloak but mine was different

"So you're using my chakra, and here you were complaining about why you have no horns."

I now have two horns o my head similar to Kaguya's, but contrary to six I had nine magatama markings around my neck, I don't know why I have a white Chakra cloak but it just happened.

As her 'Son' I had complete control over it, I then formed Truth Seeking balls, there were also nine revolving around me.

"I've practicing this for a long time and you're the first one I've shown it to!"

I risked myself from practicing this shit! every time I had to run away immediately after doing it, luckily I was fast enough and that it was regarded as an earthquack due to the pressure I emitted.

"I'm proud of you my son"

Eh? It was the first time I've heard her call me son, she would always refer to me as 'Child' it was then I felt her kiss me at the forehead, something she had never done.

I looked at her in a daze, she then smiled at me like how a mother would smile before she left her child.

"No wait!"

"See you next year."

I was forcibly kicked out by her when I awoke I was at my bed.

"Damn it!"

I promise to get you out of here! While I was in that state Kakashi came up to my room, he looked at me wondering what had happened.

"Anything wrong?"

"I had a bad dream again."

"What was it this time?"

"I met my mother again but this time she said something to me that I want her to say it to my face."

"Your mother?"

Kakashi couldn't comment on anything since it was a sensitive topic in his eyes, he shook his head.

"Come now, you have visitors."


"I know you would rather spend it alone but some people I can't say no to pestered me into telling when is your birthday."

I nodded and took my white shirt, I followed him outside, when I was there I was greeted in the kitchen that would only contain me and Kakashi.

"Happy Birthday Yuki-nii!"

Hanabi said who was also here, she was currently four years old, she came near me, I kneeled in front of her as she smiled and placed the party hat on me, I ruffled her hair as I would usually do whenever we meet.

"Happy Birthday!"

Naruto jumped at me but was dragged by Kakashi before he could, I could see Sasuke who was still grumpy as usual but glad he was here.

"Thanks everyone!"

I could see that the Genin 9 was here each with their own gifts, looks like my stocks have finally shown some return.

"Say what's your wish Yuki-kun?"

Ino asked me, Asuma contained her laughter as he was with here along with Kurenai since he also trained me for a bit.

"I want to be happy and I want to be wit-!"


Before I could finish the sentence where everyone perked their ears Guy and Lee came in screaming as they both kicked the door open!

When they arrived with their signature smiles and pose, Kurenai slapped their heads something Kakashi and Asuma wanted to do but never could.

"Now we'll never know."

Ino pouted as she looked at Hinata, while Hinata was turning red.

"If you guys can unmask Kakashi-nii then I'll naturally tell everyone."

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