
No Ride, Unless You Pay Extra

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Flush out the water?

The corners of Wang Laosan's lips twitched. He wanted to say, "F*ck, is it because you can't pay up?!"

To be honest, he didn't believe in water spirits as well. He only said it so he could earn money.

As for the strange occurrence… Had they ever able to explain what happened underwater? It had always been mysterious. People in his field were slightly skilled. They weren't able to locate the body because they had not put much effort into it. If the payment was higher, they could definitely retrieve the body.

He had wanted to hoodwink them. So what if they were the police? It was not like he never tried. He had even succeeded before.

But now…

These few police officers were clearly not easily tricked!

The older man frowned and continued smoking his cigarette.

If they really flush out the water but still couldn't locate the body, that would truly be creepy.

However, he never gave up. While flushing out the water was an idea, Swan Lake was huge with many animals living inside it. Putting the others aside, just flushing out the water would consume a lot of time, energy, and money.

Besides this, they had to come up with a plan to dispose of the flushed water, and what would they use to fill the lake after that? They couldn't possibly fill it with tap water!

"I think they're not serious about something so outrageous as flushing out the water."

"They must be preparing to increase the manpower and equipment for the search, and that just might work. But when they really have no other options, I'll just urge them again…"

Wang Laosan was happily forming a plan in his mind while also feeling a little baffled at the same time.

Just why… was there suddenly a leak in his rescue boat?

Was that human shadow some kind of fish?

He had been diving most of his life and seen many strange things, but none that could not be explained by science. He had never met a water spirit either, hence, he could maintain his composure.

The way he saw it, that must be a large and ferocious type of fish. Having been caught earlier, it had broken free and came to take revenge.

As for why it looked human?

It was water refraction.

No one knew that Wang Laosan who kept mentioning water spirits and looked mildly crazy was actually the most realistic person among them. Instead, it was the others who were frightened.

Even if they were shocked, the police carried on with their tasks and made various arrangements. It was as if they would never give up until a body was found.

However, their efforts were destined to be wasted because Qi Zixiao had quietly climbed ashore on the other side.


"It's a pity there's no innate qi…"

Being wet all over made Qi Zixiao uncomfortable. But without innate qi, she couldn't dry herself immediately so she could only endure it.

During her journey, she saw many people but they were all hurrying in another direction. Qi Zixiao paid them no mind.

However, when she took out the phone, she realized that it was dripping with water and there was no reaction no matter what she pressed.

"... Is it broken?"

"Normal human items aren't reliable after all."

By the road.

Qi Zixiao had wanted to extend her arm to hail a cab. But after a thought… something's not right!!!

"With the phone broken, I can't scan that thing to pay, and that guy says I have to pay to ride a cab."

Without money, how should she ride a cab? Without riding a cab, how should she go back?

Should she run back?

But she didn't know the way. She only knew the address!

Why not…

Qi Zixiao's eye sparkled. "Let's do that!"

"He said I can't snatch something but he never said I couldn't…"

At the end of the road, a vacant cab was driving over and Qi Zixiao waved to hail it…

After that, the driver poked his head out to see 'Lin Fan' dripping wet. He subconsciously frowned. "Young mister, you're completely drenched and there's still water dripping from your pants."

"I can't allow you to ride!"

"I can't ride?"

Qi Zixiao frowned slightly. "Don't you guys just do it for the money?"

The driver was a smart person. He grinned before changing to a solemn expression, "There will be extra charges!"

"Then charge me extra."

Qi Zixiao nodded immediately, completely nonchalant.

Charge extra?

That would only work if I have money, right?

"Fine. I'll take your request. My car definitely can't take another customer after this so I'm charging you five hundred. It's reasonable, right?"

The driver was gleeful.

Five hundred… That was basically a day's income. He would take this customer, send the car for a wash, and then have a drink somewhere or go gambling. Wouldn't that be great?


Qi Zixiao got into the car…

The driver stepped on the pedal. "Where to?"

"Cyan Hill Town."

"Sure thing~!"

The car drove forward…

The driver was quite proud of himself. As for concern… It was unnecessary.

Wasn't it just a drenched customer? What's wrong with it? He had even taken a dunk customer before. If they could pay up, why not?

Qi Zixiao was calm as well. But while she remained composed, she was staring out the window.

Half an hour later, the scenery in a distance gradually became familiar…

"This is it!"


The door opened and Qi Zixiao jumped out.

Like flowing water, her actions took no more than two seconds altogether…

"What the f*ck!!!"

The driver suddenly felt his scalp tingle. "Is this guy here to suicide?"

Stepping on the brakes, he stopped the car by the road before getting out to take a look. He kept praying silently that the man was alive but he saw no one around. There were only cars speeding past from behind.

The driver: …

"Where is he?"

A breeze blew past and he felt shivers down his spine…

"Sh*t, did I just see a spirit?!"

Once this thought appeared, it continued to cling on without letting go.

When he recalled how the man was thoroughly wet and was still dripping with water, even his expression was ice-cold…

"F*ck, was it a water spirit?"

"Who the hell did I offend?"

The drive almost wet himself from shock.

What made it worse was when his car radio suddenly reported real-time news.

"Breaking news. Today, a young man has suicided by jumping into Swan Lake. At present, the police are conducting a search for the body and are working in an orderly fashion. Our station will continue to follow-up on this incident…"


Swan Lake. A man suicided by jumping into the lake. And I just happened to accept a completely drenched 'person'…

Who else could he be but that water spirit?

Oh my f*cking god!

The driver shrieked. After returning to his car, he sped away hastily.


Among the trees beside the road, Qi Zixiao patted the mud off her body and tidied her appearance…

"It worked."

"He wouldn't let me steal but he didn't say I could jump out of a car."

How could such trivial matters stump a Saintess like me?

Once the cab drove away, Qi Zixiao left the forest and headed for the place that was slightly familiar to her.

However, her journey ended up taking half a day. Her clothes had dried but she still hadn't found her residence. Looking around, everywhere looked unfamiliar to her.

"Am I… lost?"

Qi Zixiao's eyelid twitched, feeling confused.

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