
This was me. But things change....

As I child I was always told that I'd be fine no one would hurt me in any way because that's what bullies do. I thought the same way about that, but as life went one I realized one. There's never a perfect life. Two not everyone is sensible in some ways. And sometimes when you look behind the mask you'll find a great person. Or maybe the opposite. Well first of all I'll just tell you when I met him..... Griffin... oh man Griffin back when was a huge jerk! Cute(with his dirty blonde hair), but so rude! Back when me and my little brother were out going to school Griffin grabbed me out of nowhere and shoved me and his friends did too. Until I was bruised all over and bleeding.

"Oh it's the ostrich" I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you call me ugly?"he yelled then pushed me again

"You heard me you ostrich"

"You-you.. argh! Your a- a- uh um... worm!"

"Are you saying that I can't die or something?" "Cause that insult was lame."

"I mean even I who isn't that great at insulting people can make up something wayyyy better"

"Whatever" all the other girls that were around said

"Let's just leave all she's doing is wasting our time with trash like her" Tahari said while holding oh her laughter

*Sigh* I mean it's not like I try to annoy them. It's just their so dumb! All I want to do is make sure my brother makes it to school safely since no one here is to be trusted. It's a place full of snobby people with rotten minds. Sick unrelenting minds. All they think of is looks except Mi-Rin she's the kindest person here. We've been friends for awhile since I found out how great of a person she was. No one hates her she's a great person no matter if that person is hurting her feelings or not. She's good at hiding her emotions, but I know her and she's always mad at them for being so hurtful to me. She has dorkyish glasses she wears all the time. Even if she doesn't need them anymore. She looks cute in them anyways with her jet black hair and her silver eyes.... I don't know why she has silver eyes to be honest but I don't like asking personal things so I don't think I'll ever know. Oh wait who's that? Is that someone new? Why do they remind me of someone...